
  • 网络New Audiovisual;PRIME AV;NEWST
  1. 网络是新视听文化的先锋媒介。

    TV is the representative media of the visual cultural and net is the vanguard of the new visual and audio culture .

  2. 编剧自身的内涵缺失,新视听风尚之下为追求新、奇等视觉效果,编剧本身会将更多的精力投放于追新、追奇。

    Third , the screenwriter of the missing , under the new audio-visual fashion in pursuit of new , extraordinary visual effects screenwriter itself will be more energy invested in the new chase , chase odd .

  3. “3D电视频道还将为人民群众带来新的视听享受,带动电视机的更新换代,还可以推动开发自主知识产权的3D电视技术和标准。”

    The new channel will also " bring new audio-visual enjoyment to the people , " drive upgrades of set-top boxes and possibly fuel local development of technology and standards for 3D TV , it said .

  4. 使我们大家高兴的是,最新的视听设备在我们学校要装好了。

    What cheers us up is that the up-to-date audio-visual equipments will be built in our school soon .

  5. 每间教室都配备了最新的视听设备和摄像机,可以与东海岸和华尔街的人开网络会议。

    Each has the latest audio-visual equipment and cameras for web-conferencing speakers from the east coast and wall street .

  6. 新力致力于通过将硬体和软体产品相结合,在数字网路时代进一步开发新的视听娱乐领域。

    Sony makes efforts to integrate hardware and software to develop a brand new area of audio and video entertainment further in the era of digital network .

  7. 另外,试用新的视听技术来演示或传播学术研究成果,将需要学术机构进行进一步的财务投资,包括视频设备和编辑软件。

    In addition , experimenting with new audio-visual techniques for representing or disseminating research would involve further financial investment by academic institutions , including video equipment and editing software .

  8. 本文期待着通过从新角度探究英语视听教学对今后的英语教学和学习有一定的启发和促进作用。

    The author expects the study can be of some positve function on enlightening and stimulating English teaching and learning in the future through exploring audio-visual English course from a new angle .

  9. 网络新媒体成为融汇文字、图片、视频、音乐等内容的新视听平台。

    New media relying on network become the new audiovisual platform with text , pictures , videos and music .