
  • 网络news analyst
  1. 政治家和新闻评论员死盯着墨迹,看见他们想看到的东西。

    Politicians and newspaper commentators stare at the inkblots and see what they want to see .

  2. 不久前,政府颁发的房地产行业政策导致房价有所松动,因此,部分房主开始选择出租房屋,新闻评论员张鸿在央视《今日观察》栏目中说。

    The government 's recent policy on real estate has cooled down the housing prices a bit , so more apartment owners are choosing to rent their apartments , said news pundit Zhang Hong on the CCTV program Observe Today .

  3. 它获得了更多流行杰克后,有线电视新闻网的评论员卡弗蒂的粗鲁谈论中国。

    It gained more popularity after CNN commentator Jack Cafferty 's rude talk of China .

  4. 这个说法是“接受电视采访者”的“高声讲话”版。新闻广播员或评论员等talkinghead(电视银幕上发言人的头部特写,指接受采访者)在电视上发表谈话,经常给予特写镜头。这个词在大约1976年就出现了。

    This phrase is the loudmouth version of a talking head , a person , such as a newscaster or pundit , talking on television while shown in a close-up shot , an epithet3 that entered the language around 1976 .

  5. 昨天,当然是在福克斯新闻台,新闻评论员格伦·贝克说他认为奥巴马总统是个种族主义者。

    Yesterday , of course , on Fox News commentator Glenn Beck said that he believes President Obama is a racist .