
  1. 这些新领军者(NewChampions)的典型代表,年营业收入在1亿美元至20亿美元之间,有着海外扩张的野心,并在各自行业领域展现出领导能力。

    Typical indicators of these so-called New Champions are annual revenues of between $ 100m to $ 2bn , a desire to expand overseas and demonstrated leadership in their particular industry .

  2. 全体会议激励新领军者:20万亿美元能造福多少环保?

    Powering the New Champions : How Green Can US $ 20 Trillion Be ?

  3. 本书是网络著名武侠写手小椴出版的第一本作品,他被誉为大陆武侠的新领军人物。

    It is the first book published by Xiao Duan , a famous on-net writer of martial arts novels .

  4. 这些专家是他们所在领域新领军人物的身份,在人力资源界内外引起广泛关注;

    They are leading the domain which they are serving , leading to high attention from human resource field inside and outside ;

  5. 来自世界经济论坛合作伙伴和成员组织的商界领袖将作为新领军者年会的大会主席。

    A select group of business leaders from the WEF 's Partner and Members will act as mentors to the Annual Meeting of the New Champions .

  6. 中国已连续两年第一年在大连,次年在天津主办了“新领军者”年会,重点关注成长型公司和发展中经济体。

    For two years first in Dalian , then in Tianjin China has hosted an event for " the new champions " , focusing on growth companies and developing economies .

  7. 由于万达集团注重环保,万达集团董事长王健林被世界经济论坛首届全球新领军者年会“夏季达沃斯”聘为唯一一位企业界的绿色代言人。

    Thanks to the efforts made by Wanda Group in environmental protection , president Wang Jianlin was retained by Inaugural Annual Meeting of the new champions , which was hosted by world economic forum , as the only green spokesman from the enterprise field .

  8. 上海现代服务业发展中有一个重要问题:缺乏强有力的新的领军行业。

    One important problem in the development of Shanghai modern services is that it lacks new champions which can lead other industries to develop .

  9. 通过对会展业本身以及上海发展会展业的优势的分析,得出会展业可以成为上海现代服务业的新的领军行业的结论。

    After analysing exhibition industry itself and the advantage of developing exhibition in Shanghai , it is concluded that exhibition industry can be a new champion in modern services of Shanghai .

  10. 罗蒂作为新实用主义的领军人物,是发动这场哲学革命并试图提出崭新思维的自觉代表之一。

    Rorty , an important figure of new pragmatism , is one of the conscious representatives who launched this philosophical revolution and tried to propose some brand new ideas .

  11. 彦涵作为中国版画艺术的杰出代表人物,从抗日战争时期就在艺术界崭露头角,并与古元一起成为新木刻运动领军人物。

    Mr. Yan Han as the outstanding representative of Chinese print art , from the period of war of resistance against Japan in the art world and cut a striking figure , together with Gu Yuan to become the new woodcut movement leader .

  12. 胡适是新文化运动的领军人物。

    Hu Shi was the leader of New Culture Movement .

  13. 在美国,新保守派的领军人物视中国为他们的主要矛盾。

    In the US , leading neo-conservative thinkers see China as their primary contradiction .

  14. 弗雷德里克·詹姆逊作为美国新马克思主义的领军人物和后现代主义理论家、文化批评家,在当今的国际学术界倍受瞩目。

    Fredric Jameson is known in the academic world as a leader in the American neo-Marxism and postmodernism theorist and a cultural critic .

  15. 杨德昌作为台湾新电影运动的领军人物,其敏锐的观察力与深刻的思辨性一直为众人津津乐道。

    As a leader of Taiwan New Movie Movement , Edward Yang has always been talked about by the crowd for his keen observation and deep argument .

  16. 文学即人学二十世纪二三十年代,作为新感觉派的领军人物刘呐鸥先生正是这样一位拥有先进科学意识的先锋作家。

    In the 20th century , Liu Na ' ou , the leader of the new feeling sent , was precisely such writer who had the advanced science consciousness .

  17. 鲁迅是五四时期新文化运动的领军人物,国内外对他的关注从未间断过。

    LuXun is one of the most important leaders in the movement of " new culture " during The May Fourth period , so there is constant research about him from home and abroad .

  18. 沃恩·威廉斯是英国20世纪新民族乐派的领军人物之一,是“英国音乐复兴”运动中最重要的代表人物。

    Content : As one of the leaders in the " New Nationalism Musical School " of Britain in the20 ~ ( th ) century , Vaughan Williams is the most important representative in the " British Renaissance of Music " .