
  • 网络construction scale;scope of construction item,size of construction
  1. 沥青砼路面施工规模研究

    Study on the Construction Scale of Asphalt Concrete Pavement

  2. 以兴安岭群凝灰岩为代表的复杂岩性储层,研究地应力分布特点,优化施工规模,确定现场施工控制方法,提高油层改造强度和施工成功率。

    Studies of stress distribution in complex lithology reservoirs which represented by Xing ' anling Group tuff optimize the construction scale , determine the method of construction control , improve strength and construction of reservoirs success rate of transformation .

  3. 结合实际施工规模和实验参数,确定支撑缝缝宽。

    The width of the propped fracture is determined based upon actual operation size and experimental parameter .

  4. 然而轨道交通施工规模浩大,建设工期长,影响范围广。

    However , the vast scale of Subway construction , a long construction period , affected a wide area .

  5. 因此提出了通过扩大施工规模,提高施工排量来达到深部沟通目的的超大规模酸压技术。

    Therefore put forward by expanding the scale of construction , improve construction displacement to achieve deep communication purpose Large scale acid fracturing technology .

  6. 根据裂缝失效的原因,确定了增大施工规模、酸洗裂缝以及多裂缝、开新缝压裂等项改造措施。

    Based on the cause of refracturing failure , operation scale improvement and adjusted treatments are adopted , such as acid washing fracture , multi-fracture fracturing and new fracture fracturing .

  7. 指数标度中q的取值对AHP应用结果的影响基于最优成本的公路施工生产规模研究

    The Impacts of the Value " q " from the Ratio Scale on the AHP Evaluation Study of Highway Construction Production Scale on the Best Cost

  8. 前置液量的设计,主要依据储层的地质条件即孔隙度、渗透率、饱和度等物性参数和施工的规模而定。

    The design of the quantity of ahead fluid is based on reservoir geologic conditions mainly including porosity , permeability and saturation etc. , and the scale of the treatment .

  9. 随着现代建筑施工企业规模的不断扩张,一个企业同时经营管理着多个项目的情况随处可见,针对多个项目的项目群风险管理迫在眉睫。

    With the gradual expansion of the modern construction enterprises , it is prevailing that one enterprise manages multiple projects simultaneously . So , programme risk management is in urgent need for projects .

  10. 公路施工企业经营规模合理性的探讨(Ⅰ)

    Analysis on rational scale of highway construction company ( I )

  11. 建筑施工企业的规模经济及实施方略

    Economies of scale of construction enterprises and implementation strategy

  12. 水电施工项目一般规模投资较大、技术工艺复杂、管理水平要求较高,是一项巨大的系统工程。

    Hydropower construction projects are generally larger scale of investment , technology complex process , require a higher management level , is a huge project .

  13. 运用此模型,使温度场和徐变应力场的仿真计算从理论上趋于严密,精度更为精确,从而解决了高碾压混凝土重力坝温度应力施工仿真计算规模大的难题。

    Using the model not only makes theory rigid in simulative calculation of temperature and stress fields , but more precise in calculative results , resolving the difficult problems of large-scale in simulative calculation of high RCC gravity dams .

  14. 加速工程施工也给中等规模的企业与类似的行业带来了严重的威胁。

    This also poses a severe threat for the medium size enterprises and industries alike .

  15. 在加砂压裂施工前进行小规模压裂,能使加砂压裂更加有效。

    Before sand fracturing , implement of small scale fracturing can make sand fracturing more effective .

  16. 水电工程施工项目具有建设规模大、建设周期长、技术复杂、施工环节和制约因素众多等特点。

    Hydropower construction project is characterized with large construction scale , long construction period , complex construction technologies , and plenty construction links and constraints .

  17. 深基坑施工风险随着其规模与深度的增加而越来越大,其风险评估与控制已引起了普遍关注。

    Risk of deep excavation increases with the increase of the size and depth , and its risk evaluation and control has caused widespread concern .

  18. 站场改造是一项综合性的复杂的施工过程,有规模大、涉及专业多、范围广的特点,整个施工过程就是一个施工和运输在各自效益上的平衡过程。

    The station yard modification engineering is a comprehensive and complex construction process . It is massive 、 fargoing which concerns many specialties . The whole process is one which balances the construction and transportation on their benefits .

  19. 中央下属公路施工企业利用其规模、政策与资源的优势,通过战略调整升级,已逐渐形成了更大的竞争优势,这给许多地方区域性企业带来巨大的生存压力。

    Highway engineering enterprises under central authorities taking advantage of the policy , resources , and their scales , through strategic adjustment and upgrade , has gradually formed a greater competitive advantage , which brings great pressure to many regional companies .

  20. 同时,在技术和经济比较的基础上,对含化工行业难降解有机废水的小城镇污水进行了污水处理厂的施工图设计,规模为3万m~3/d。

    At the same time , based on the technology and economy comparison , we design the working plan of the wastewater treatment plant that will treat the wastewater including the hardly degradable organic wastewater produced by chemical industries , and the size is 30 thousand m ~ 3 / d.

  21. 通过郑州西南绕城高速公路中实例说明爬模施工的技术应用,以及按施工主体规模大小、工期长短等综合因素对传统爬模施工工艺的改进。

    Combined with the construction practice , the paper introduced the technical application and traditional construction technology of climbing slipform construction .

  22. 随着建筑工程设计水平、施工技术的不断提高,工程项目的施工规模也越来越大。

    With the development of the design level and construction technology , project scale is more and more large .

  23. 施工企业在高等级路面工程机械化施工中的生产规模研究

    Study about Production Scale of Construction Corporation 's Mechanized Production in High Grade Road Surface Projects

  24. 随着改革开放的深入,国际建筑施工企业越来越多地参与中国建筑市场的竞争,国内建筑施工企业规模扩张也在加速,市场竞争进一步加剧。

    With the deepening of reform and opening up , international construction companies are increasingly involved in competition in the Chinese construction market , the domestic construction enterprises are accelerating the expansion of scale , market competition further intensified .

  25. 塔式起重机是建筑施工过程中不可或缺的机械设备之一,随着建筑面积大幅上升利施工规模的不断扩大,塔式起重机的使用数量逐渐增加。

    Tower crane is one of the indispensable mechanical equipment in the process of building construction , along with the significant increase in floor space and expanding in the scale of the construction , using a gradual increase in the number of tower crane .