
  • 网络Tourism Marketing;Marketing with an interest in Tourism
  1. 秦岭北坡森林公园旅游市场营销新策略

    New Strategies to Tourism Marketing for the Forest Parks on the North Slope of QinLing Mountain

  2. 加强旅游市场营销,尽快复苏区域旅游业;

    Strengthen tourism marketing to recover regional tourism after tourism crisis ;

  3. 基于4C的东莞旅游市场营销策略分析。

    Fifth , marketing strategy analysis .

  4. 第三章详细分析了乐山旅游市场营销的环境,并用SWOT工具分析了乐山旅游市场营销现状。

    The third chapter details analysis of environment of the le Shan tourism market , it uses SWOT tool to analyze the current situation of Le Shan tourism market .

  5. 马尾船政文化旅游市场营销拓展研究

    A Research on the Tourist Market Promotion of Mawei Shipbuilding Culture

  6. 高校学生旅游市场营销策略分析

    An Analysis of Marketing Tactics on College Student Travel in China

  7. 旅游市场营销课程案例教学法的作用与启示

    Tourism Marketing Case Study of the role of curriculum and Enlightenment

  8. 旅游市场营销环境可持续发展研究

    A study on the system of sustainable development of tourist marketing environment

  9. 区域旅游市场营销策略发展趋势研究

    A study on the development trends of tourism marketing strategy

  10. 抓重点,做好沙漠旅游市场营销;实施培养旅游人才战略。

    Putting emphasis on desert-tourism market and carrying out a talented strategy .

  11. 合肥市十一五旅游市场营销策略研究

    Study on Tourism Marketing Strategy of Hefei from Year 2006 to 2010

  12. 山西旅游市场营销策略探讨

    Probe into the Marketing Strategies for Shanxi 's Tourist Market

  13. 因此,尽快实现教育旅游市场营销创新迫在眉睫。

    Thus marketing innovation of educational tourism is urgently needed .

  14. 旅游市场营销;网络营销;绿色营销;品牌营销。

    Tourist market marketing ; Network marketing ; Green marketing ; Brand marketing .

  15. 浅议旅游市场营销学的定位

    A Brief Talk On The Orientation Of Tourism Marketing

  16. 旅游市场营销学作为市场营销学的一个分支,是一个新兴学科。

    Tourism marketing , as a branch of marketing , is a rising subject .

  17. 大篷车促销:中国旅游市场营销创新的成功实践&大篷车营销实现从实践到理论的飞跃

    Tourist Caravan : A Successful Practice of the Innovation of Tourist Marketing in China

  18. 对当前浙江旅游市场营销的探讨

    On Discussion to Current Tourism Marketing in Zhejiang

  19. 外国背包旅游市场营销策略:以四川为例

    Marketing Strategies of the Foreign Backpacker Tourism Market : TakingSichuan Province as a Case

  20. 江苏省国际旅游市场营销目标选择研究

    Study on Choosing Jiangsu International Tourism Marketing Target

  21. 区域旅游市场营销规划研究

    The Study on Regional Tourism Marketing Planning

  22. 因特网支持下的旅游市场营销研究

    Study on Travel Marketing Supported by Internet

  23. 对永定土楼旅游市场营销的几点思考

    Thoughts of the Yongding Earth Tourism Marketing

  24. 旅游市场营销趋势分析

    Analysis on the Trend of Tourist Marketing

  25. 论旅游市场营销环境与旅游业可持续发展

    Tourism Marketing Environment and Sustainable Development

  26. 中国老年旅游市场营销策略浅析

    The Olds Travel Market in China

  27. 教育旅游市场营销创新刍议

    Marketing innovation of educational tourism market

  28. 生态旅游市场营销是旅游组织(政府)和企业对抗竞争的有力手段。

    Ecotourism marketing is very important competitive method for tourism organization ( administration ) and company .

  29. 搞好旅游市场营销工作是提高合肥市旅游业市场竞争力的重要手段,对推动合肥市旅游业快速发展具有重要的意义。

    Effective tourism marketing can enhance the core competition of this industry and impel tourism economy develop rapidly .

  30. 而在乡村旅游市场营销方面,无论是理论研究,还是实践操作,都存在许多不足。

    As to the rural tourism marketing , both theoretical research and practical operation , there is lot to be desired .