
  • 网络rotational method;Varimax;varimax rotation
  1. 旋转法测定吐温80粘度与温度的关系

    The Relationship of Viscosity and Temperature of Tween 80 Measured by Rotational Method

  2. 在单个天线研究的基础上,使用连续相位旋转法(sequentialrotationmethod)对4单元圆极化阵列进行了设计,比较了单元间距对于天线性能的影响。

    Based on analyzing single CP microstrip antenna , a four-unit antenna array has been designed using sequential rotation method , and the influence of patch distance is compared .

  3. 近年来用X型热线探头旋转法测量低湍流度的三维流场的报导较多,但是对它的使用范围以及测量精度论及的很少。

    In recent years a lot of papers about technique for measuring a3-D low turbulent flow field by means of rotating a X-type hot-wire probe has been published .

  4. 文中还采用了Fisher分类器进行分类,并用旋转法对分类结果进行了检验。

    A Fisher classifier is used to classify the characteristics and the results have been verified by using revolution method .

  5. 采用旋转法于1450℃和1500℃下研究了刚玉莫来石砖在Al2O3含量不同的CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2渣中的侵蚀过程。

    Erosion process of corundum-mullite block ( CMB ) in CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 molten slag was studied by using rotary immersion test method at 1450 ℃ and 1500 ℃ .

  6. 选择的快速凝固方法为熔体旋转法(MS)和锤砧法(HA)。

    The two rapid solidification techniques employed are melt spinning technique ( MS ) and Hammer and Anvil technique ( HA ) . MS ribbons and HA foils were obtained in the experiment .

  7. 晶体旋转法测量结果表明,不同PI引起不同的预倾角,取向均匀的盒所用PI产生的预倾角比其他PI产生的预倾角要大3°左右。

    Pretilts of four PI are measured by the method of crystal rotation . The results indicates the pretilt of uniform cell larger about 3 ° than that of the cell existing domains .

  8. 本文针对大洋性水团的T-S曲线族特征,提出了拟合其隶属函数的2种方法&直线定位法和坐标旋转法。

    Two new methods of fitting the membership function of oceanic water masses are presented according to the characteristics of T S curves family of oceanic water masses .

  9. 旋转法插钉术在G-K钉远端锁钉时的应用

    The application of Rotating Nailing in the Distal Locking Pin Operation with Grosse-kempf Nail

  10. 采用坐标旋转法确定A-M相变的晶面晶向指数关系

    Used to Martensite Crystal Coordinate Revolving Defining A-M Phase Transformation Crystal Face and Crystal Axial Indices Relationship

  11. 用中心旋转法设计了棉织物用KE型活性染料进行卷染工艺试验,优化出最佳纯碱用量、固色温度、固色时间等工艺条件;

    A central rotatable method is applied to design a process test of jig dyeing with KE reactive dyes for cotton fabrics , thereby optimizing the most favourable process conditions such as alkali dosage , fixation temperature and fixation time .

  12. 方法应用双瓣旋转法和改良Pitanguy法治疗重度乳头内陷共24侧,其中双瓣旋转法治疗15侧,改良Pitanguy法治疗9侧。

    Methods In total 24 inverted nipples , 15 nipples were treated by double areolar flaps rotation , and 9 nipples were treated by Pitanguy ′ s method .

  13. 三点透视作图新法&旋转法

    A New Method of Three-point Perspective Drawing & Method of Rotation

  14. 液晶预倾角的晶体旋转法测量装置

    Liquid crystal pretilt angle measurement apparatus based on crystal rotation method

  15. 相角旋转法在相量分析中的应用

    The Application of " Phase-Angle Rotation Method " in Phasemass Analysis

  16. 旋转法粘度计的研制和粘度的测量

    Manufacturing of a viscosimeter of rotational means and measuring of viscosity

  17. 坐标旋转法的收敛性,误差估计及扩展

    Convergence and error estimation of coordinate rotating algorithm and its expansion

  18. 用旋转法测得的表面粘度随转速增加而下降,单分子膜显示非牛顿流体性质。

    The surface viscosity decreases with increase in angular velocity .

  19. 用切向旋转法作隐函数曲线

    Draw the implicit function curve by rotate the tangential vector

  20. 用平行轴旋转法解决空间几何问题

    Solving space geometry problems with the mode of revolving on parallel axis

  21. 棱镜晶体旋转法测量液晶器件大预倾角

    Prism Assisting Crystal Rotation Method to Measure High Pretilt Angle of LCD

  22. 手臂旋转法可以有效地使手臂肌肉绷紧同时增加手臂力量。

    Arm circles are great at toning while simultaneously strengthening your arms .

  23. 旋转法吊装竖向构件最佳吊点位置的选择

    Selection of the Optimum Lifting Point for Turning Lifting of Vertical Structure

  24. 大型塔类设备空中旋转法吊装

    Twisting Lifting in the Air of Large Type Tower Equipment

  25. 平板玻璃上溶胶&凝胶薄膜由旋转法沉积而成。

    The sol-gel coating was deposited on plate glass by spinning method .

  26. 定积分的应用&旋转法

    The Application of the Definite Integral & the Rotation Method

  27. 介绍了在工业设备基础浇灌过程中螺栓孔预留所采用的钢筋结合纸板法、预埋锥形园木法、预埋钢管旋转法的施工方法。

    The construction methods of boltholes in the equipment foundation grouting are introduced .

  28. 推按旋转法治疗小儿桡骨小头骨折

    Manipulation treatment of fracture of capitulum radii in infant

  29. 关于晶体旋转法测定液晶分子预倾角适用性的分析

    Suitable analysis of the method of crystal rotation to measure LC pretilt angle

  30. 旋转法摘除原发于咽旁间隙的良性肿瘤

    Rotational procedure in the surgical treatment of benign tumors in the parapharyngeal space