
  • 网络reactive load;kvar
  1. 浅议无功负荷与电压调整

    Brief Analysis of Reactive Load and Voltage Regulation

  2. 通过对逆变电源传统控制原理的分析,本文提出了一种针对无功负荷波动的逆变器并网控制策略,该方案充分利用逆变电源原有的电路拓扑结构,达到并网和无功补偿的双重控制目标。

    By analysis of the traditional inverter control principles , this paper presents a novel inverter control strategy aim at reactive load fluctuations . It makes full use of the original topology of the inverter circuit to achieve the dual control objectives of both grid connection and reactive power compensation .

  3. 文中根据一天24h各负荷点的有功和无功负荷曲线进行全网离散无功优化计算,并以此为基础提出了变电站电压无功控制装置控制范围的整定计算方法。

    By means of discrete reactive power optimization of electric power network , a new method for computing control range setting of voltage and reactive power in substation is presented based on the active and reactive power curves of all load buses in a whole day .

  4. 浅析发电机无功负荷对发电经济性的影响

    Analysis of the Economical Influence of Reactive Load to Generators

  5. 用无功负荷削减量进行自动故障选择和排序

    Automatic contingency selection and ranking by curtailment of reactive loads

  6. 您将无功负荷将为零了吗?

    Have you decreased the reactive power to zero ?

  7. 第三步是配电网无功负荷的最优补偿。

    The third step is reactive power optimization .

  8. 基于有功无功负荷和系统电压组合分段的变电站电压无功控制策略

    A Strategy for Substation Reactive Voltage Control Based on Active Reactive Load and System Voltage Sections

  9. 目前,电网中冲击性无功负荷对电网的影响日趋严重。

    At present , the impact of reactive impulsive load on the LV power grid has become increasingly serious .

  10. 因电网无功负荷的增加和大量非线性、冲击性负荷的使用,使无功补偿装置的设计变得越来越重要。

    The design of var compensator is becoming more and more important due to increase in reactive load and nonlinear impact load in the electrical network .

  11. 就无功负荷高峰起始时间预测,爬峰过程中各时间点的负荷预测值,负荷变化绝对值的变化规律等几个问题进行初步研究,并以实例验证。

    This paper dissertates simply the forecasting of time to start peak , reactive load in process of climbing the peak . And numerical tests verified it .

  12. 分配无功负荷时应将无功平衡方程、有功平衡方程和等微增率准则建立的方程联立求解。

    The active loads should be assigned by resolving the equation constructed according to equi-net-losses criteria in conjunction with the active and the real power balance equations .

  13. 但电力系统中存在着大量的无功负荷,这些无功负荷来自电力线路、电力变压器以及用户的用电设备。

    However , there are a large number of reactive power load existing in the power system that are from the power lines , power transformers and electrical equipment users .

  14. 通过现场试验数据说明发电无功负荷对发电经济性也有一定的影响,建议无功负荷按分层分区就地平衡,合理安排无功负荷,尽量减小无功负荷对发电经济性的影响。

    This kind of influence was demonstrated by on-site test result . It was suggested that the reactive power be balanced locally in order to mitigate this influence as extensively as possible .

  15. 同时,基于重新计算和设置了参数的三机九节点电网,针对有功负荷突变和无功负荷突变两种情况,研究了充放储一体化电站对电网电压和频率的调整作用。

    Meanwhile , based on the three-generator and nine-bus grid model with reset parameters , we discussed the role of charge-discharge and storage integrative station to adjust the voltage and frequency of grid .

  16. 在线网架优化的方法是以系统有关的在线运行目标参数:总有功负荷,总无功负荷,总有功损耗,总无功损耗,开关操作次数等为安全经济指标,确定某一时刻的最优网架。

    On-line network optimization method is based on the target parameters of total active power , total reactive power , total power loss , total reactive power loss , the number of switching operation , etc. as the safety economic indicators , to determine the optimal network in a time .

  17. 电力系统无功功率负荷的最佳补偿容量

    Optimal Compensation Capacity of Reactive Power Load in Power System

  18. 基于有功运行模式下的无功短期负荷预测

    Forecasting of Short-time Reactive Load Based on Active Operation Patter

  19. 经Ward&Hale6结点及IEEE14结点系统实算,证明了数学模型及算法的合理性与有效性,克服了现行无功功率负荷最优补偿方法存在的问题和缺点,具有较大的现实意义及实用价值。

    The rationality and effectiveness of the mathematic model are proved through the computation of Ward & Hale 6 bus power system and IEEE 14 bus power system and the problems in the current method are overcome .

  20. 本文在文献〔1〕的基础上,推导了水火电力系统同时实现有功、无功经济负荷分配的数学模型,并用分解协调法进行求解;

    Based on the complex loss coefficients proposed in [ 1 ] , this paper presents a model of active-reactive economic dispatch in hydro-thermal electrical power systems . The optimal model is decomposed into active power subproblem and reactive power subproblem which are solved by coordination .

  21. 文中还论证了用静止无功补偿器(负荷)代替同步调相机的可能性。

    The possibilities to substitute the synchronous compensator by a static var compensator are also discussed .

  22. 根据电压无功调节与负荷功率、并联电容器出力之间的相互关系,实现无功潮流合理平衡。

    According to voltage reactive conditioning and burden power , multiple connection the capacitor lift a hand to of the correlation of , it carries out reactive flows reasonable symmetery .

  23. 10kV馈线无功补偿选点的负荷功率阻抗矩方法

    Load Power Impedance Moment Method for Optimal Location of Reactive Power Compensators on 10 kV Feeder

  24. 为了解决简化计算造成的误差问题,设计了基于PQU(有功、无功和电压)负荷曲线的三相潮流算法,极大地提高了计算结果的准确度。

    To solve the calculation error problems caused these simplifications , this paper designed a three-phase load flow algorithm based on PQU ( active power , reactive power and voltage ) load curves , and then greatly raised accuracy of calculation results .

  25. 自动补偿负荷无功功率,提高负荷功率因数。

    Automatic compensation load reactive power , enhancing the load power factor .

  26. 对一些无功变化迅速的负荷,则给出直接以无功功率做控制量的简单模型。

    And introduced the simple model direct on reactive power to some load where the reactive power changed rapidly .

  27. 本文还建立了考虑规划期不同年份,不同无功补偿要求及负荷的多种变化情况下的无功规划的数学模型,并给出了事故检验的数学模型。

    The article also established the mathematical model and the solution process of reactive power planning that considered the different years in planning period , different requirements of reactive power compensation and multi-variety cases of load .

  28. 约束条件包括发电机无功限值,负荷节点电压限值和控制变量(发电机端电压,变压器分接头和可投切的无功电源)限值。

    The constrains incorporate , the reactive power limits of generators , the voltage limits on load nodes , the operating limits of the control variables ( viz , generator terminal voltages , transformer tap positions and switchable reactive power sources ) .

  29. 通过在电力系统中合理配置无功电源及对无功负荷进行有效补偿,使电能质量、系统运行的安全性和经济性完美的结合在一起。

    Through in the power system reactive power and reasonable allocation of reactive load for effective compensation of power quality , safety and economic behavior of the system operation perfect unifies in together .

  30. 有功、无功发电功率在有功、无功负荷功率中的贡献因子;

    The contribution factor of MVA generation power to MVA load power ;