
  • 【电影】Endless Love
  1. 无尽的爱,或永恒的友谊。

    Endless love , or an eternal and exclusive friendship .

  2. 无尽的爱和鼓励都是我们给予你们的珍贵礼物。塞拉芬。

    Endless love and courage is our gift to you , Seraphin .

  3. 他一辈子给了我无尽的爱。

    He has given me endless love all his life .

  4. 愿您拥有无尽的爱,欢乐与幸福。

    Wish you lots of love , joy and happiness .

  5. 我仍然深深地感动于你们对我无尽的爱和支持。

    I am still deeply touched by your endless love and support .

  6. 嘿,当我唱“无尽的爱”时他哭了

    Hey , he cried when I sang " Endless Love . "

  7. 无尽的爱这尊雕塑美。

    Endless love this is a very beautiful statue .

  8. 我喜欢电影《神话》及其主题歌《无尽的爱》。

    I like the film The Myth and its theme song Endless Love .

  9. 万万不要健忘,你拥有无尽的爱!

    Don 't ever forget , you are loved very , very much !

  10. 包含我无尽的爱与感谢。

    With my endless love and thanks .

  11. 我可以用我一生无尽的爱去爱你,而且我回的。

    I can love you with unconditonal love all my life * and I will .

  12. 你的无尽的爱显示给我。

    Your infinity is revealed to me .

  13. 她对那个孤儿倾注了无尽的爱。

    She lavished affection on the orphan .

  14. 不管你的潜意识告诉你什么,你都可以拥有无尽的爱。

    Despite what your subconscious may be telling you , you can have love with no limits .

  15. 他的努力并不成功,但却使他得到了1980年的电影《无尽的爱》中的一个小角色。

    His efforts were unsuccessful , but they led to his landing a small role in the1980 movie endless love .

  16. 听,“无尽的爱”,每次听到这延歌,都让我感动。

    Listen , it 's the song " endless love " . I am deeply moved whenever I hear it .

  17. 这些小包包看上去并不很显眼,但里面却包藏着无尽的爱。

    Not a splendid show , but there was a great deal of love done up in the few little bundles .

  18. 上帝差遣祂的儿子降世为人,为显明祂永恒无尽的爱;

    God sent His Son into the world to make known His everlasting love , even as it was known in heaven .

  19. 我们期望能继续蒙受您无尽的爱与帮助,秉持最高雅的理想,在不久的将来,举办更多弘法活动。

    We hope to be able to hold similar events in the near future , always with your help , limitless love and highest ideals .

  20. 不管你的潜意识告诉你什么,你都能够拥有无尽的爱,关键是首先你要无条件地爱自己。

    Despite what your subconscious may be telling you , you can have love with no limits . The key is to unconditionally love yourself first .

  21. 《看不见的前线:无尽战争年代中的爱与失落》(TheInvisibleFront:LoveandLossinanEraofEndlessWar)。

    THE INVISIBLE FRONT : Love and Loss in an Era of Endless War .