
wú xī dài kuǎn
  • free loan;interest-free loan
  1. 政府为什么要竭力避免无息贷款呢?

    Why should one be desperate to avoid a free loan ?

  2. 我欠了银行和建屋互助金的债,但我父亲在我困难时给了我帮助,向我提供无息贷款。

    I was in debt with the bank and the building society , but my father helped me in my hour of need and made me an interest - free loan .

  3. 他获得了1万英镑的无息贷款。

    He was offered a £ 10,000 interest-free loan

  4. 退休后他向Crystie和KeithKisler提供了无息贷款。

    After he retired he made an interest-free loan to Crystie and Keith Kisler .

  5. 世行独自为19个IDA资助的无息贷款或赠款项目作出了13亿美元的承诺。

    The Bank alone has committed US $ 1.3 billion to19 zero-interest IDA-financed projects or grants .

  6. 国际开发协会(IDA)是世界上向最贫困国家提供无息贷款和赠款援助最多的机构,其资金每三年由其45个成员国(捐赠国)回补。

    IDA , the world 's largest source of interest-free loans and grant assistance to the poorest countries , is replenished every three years by40 donor countries .

  7. 例如,购买新车的evachan表示,虽然用现金她是买得起车的,但她还是决定贷款,原因是在经销商搞的促销活动中,一家本地银行能够提供无息贷款。

    New car buyer EVA Chan , for instance , says she could afford to pay with cash but decided to use credit because a local bank was offering an interest-free loan as part of a dealer promotion .

  8. 所以,Kyra,这就像为州政府提供了无息贷款,而你完全无法控制。

    So think of it , Kyra , as a no - interest loan to your state that you don 't have any control over .

  9. 银行给他无息贷款。

    The bank gives a flat loan to him .

  10. 一位朋友提供了无息贷款的帮助。

    Help came in the shape of an interest-free loan from a friend .

  11. 其余的平均分配给无息贷款,优惠贷款,低利率贷款以及其他贷款。

    The rest is divided evenly between interest-free loans and concessionary , or low-interest , loans .

  12. 另一个优点是,像木兰零售商可以提供低息或无息贷款资金,如果他们选择。

    Another advantage is that a retailer like Magnolia can offer low or no interest financing if they choose to .

  13. 针对35-40年期无息贷款的还款可以再次形成新增资金,后者可再次用于贷款业务。

    Additional funds are regenerated through repayments of loan principal on35-to-40-year , no-interest loans , which are then available for re-lending .

  14. 目前,印度正利用世行无息贷款购买药品,提升实验室能力,向社区卫生工作者提供培训。

    Currently , Bank zero-interest financing is being used to buy drugs , expand laboratory capacity , and train community health workers .

  15. 世行提供赠款和无息贷款的下属机构国际开发协会为本项目提供了1.27亿美元贷款。

    The project is financed through the International Development Association , the arm of the World Bank that provides grants and no-interest loans .

  16. 经济上有困难的学生还可以享受无息贷款(毕业之后他们有责任偿还这些贷款)。

    Those who have economic problem can apply for the interest-free loan ( they are supposed to repaid the loan after graduation ) .

  17. 但是,从1999年7月1日开始,世界银行以我国人均国民生产总值超过800美元为由,停止向中国施放无息贷款。

    However , since the first of July , 1999 , the World Bank ceases providing Non-Interest loans because Chinese GNP per capita exceeds 800 dollars .

  18. 而水利建设中的经费问题,则主要以按户等摊派、鼓励富户出资与政府低息或无息贷款等方式来解决。

    And the fund was raised by apportioning according to family rank , encouraging rich family to donate , and interest-free or interest-low loans from government .

  19. 目前,世行也在通过其优惠贷款机构国际开发协会致力于将适应气候变化工作纳入无息贷款和赠款项目。

    The World Bank is also working to fully integrate climate change adaptation into zero-interest loans and grants from its concessional lending arm , the International Development Association .

  20. 将率先惠及非洲国家。他还宣布,中方将免除有关非洲国家截至2020年底到期对华无息贷款债务。

    He also announced that China will cancel the debt of some African countries ' interest-free government loans that are due to mature by the end of this year .

  21. 在美国,如果州政府的失业保险基金不足而不能继续给付,则州政府可从联邦政府获得无息贷款。

    In america , if a state unemployment insurance fund is inadequate to continue paying benefits , the States then can borrow money from the federal government without paying interest .

  22. 当前,提供无息贷款和赠款的国际开发协会已成为供水与卫生部门资金援助的最大来源。

    The International Development Association ( IDA ), which extends zero-interest loans and grants , is now the largest source of financial assistance to the water supply and sanitation sector .

  23. 世界银行现已加入了控制蝗灾的行动,承诺了为数不小的1200万美元无息贷款,以资助防控沙漠蝗虫的紧急项目。

    The World Bank has already stepped in with a significant contribution – pledging credits totaling US $ 12.5 million in support of emergency programs to combat the desert locusts .

  24. 另外,世界银行集团正努力加快为世界上78个最贫困的国家(其中有39个位于非洲)提供长期的、无息贷款的速度。

    The World Bank Group is also working to speed up grants and long-term , interest-free loans to the world ' s78 poorest countries , 39 of which are in Africa .

  25. 他们还将欧洲犹太社区中久已存在的无息贷款社移植到美国,无偿为有志创业者提供小额资金。

    They also transplanted the free loan societies that had long existed in European Jewish communities to the United states , which provided small amount of interest-free capital for the enterprising Jewish immigrants .

  26. 我们为学生开设了很多就业培训课程,其他很多大学也推出了多种支持政策,包括为自主创业的大学生提供无息贷款等。

    We have started many employment training courses for our students . Many other universities have launched a range of supportive polices , including interest-free loans , for students who want to start their own businesses .

  27. 在信贷方面,我国政府当前应当主要是通过政策银行向农户或合作经济组织提供专项低息甚至是无息贷款帮助农村合作经济组织。

    In credit , our government should mainly offer special low interest or even interest-free loan to help the rural cooperative economic organization to peasant households or the cooperative economic organization through the policy bank at present .

  28. 牧民将除账列为提高卫生服务利用的第一办法,其余依次为实物付费、降低医疗服务价格、无息贷款以及贷款。

    The herdsmen listed pay on credit as the first way to improve the situation , the others were pay in kind , decrease the price of health services , loan without interest and loan according their ranks .

  29. 美联储称,总计1.175万亿的美元现金有三分之二是海外持有的,这等于让美国获得了巨额无息贷款,否则,美国一年要花费190亿美元用于偿债。

    According to the Fed , two-thirds of the $ 1.175 trillion of dollar cash is held abroad , amounting to a vast interest-free loan to the U.S. It would cost $ 19 billion a year to service that debt .

  30. [方法]分别为25个HIV/AIDS家庭和25个普通健康家庭提供了小额无息贷款服务,以发展适合目标家庭需求的创收性生产项目,一年后50个贷款户均如数还清贷款。

    Methods : the service of small sum of loan but without interest was offered to 25 families with HIV / AIDS and 25 normal families simultaneously in order to develop feasible housing productive programs , and after one year all of the families paid off the loan .