
  1. 无情有性论是富有中国特色的佛性论。

    This theory is full of Chinese characteristics .

  2. “无情有性”与自然美的本源

    On the Buddha - nature remaining in all wheat and the origin of nature beauty

  3. 无情有性与众生平等&佛教与当代生态伦理学的比较研究

    The Buddha-nature Remaining in All Wheat and Lives Being Equal & The Comparative Study of Buddhism and Modern Ecological Ethics

  4. 借鉴目前已有的研究成果,通过对现有文献的收集与分析整理,梳理无情有性论的历史体系。

    Learning from the already existing research results , through the collection and analysis of existing literature , this paper will organize and sort out the history systems of the theory of " non-sentient-beings have the Buddha-nature " .