
wú dí
  • invincible;unmatched;unconquerable
无敌 [wú dí]
  • [unparagoned invincible;unmatched;unconquerable] 没有与之匹敌的对手

  • 无敌将军

无敌[wú dí]
  1. 他们就会无敌于天下。

    They 'll be unmatched in the world .

  2. 以政治条件和物质条件相结合,我们的军力将无敌于东亚。

    However , if the political and material factors are combined , our armed forces will become unmatched in East Asia .

  3. 1588年西班牙无敌舰队被派遣进攻英国。

    The Spanish Armada was sent to attack England in 1588 .

  4. 普利茅斯高地是德雷克在打败西班牙无敌舰队之前玩木球游戏的旧址,因此广为人知。

    Plymouth Hoe is renowned as the site where Drake played bowls before tackling the Spanish Armada .

  5. 这支足球队曾被誉为无敌的劲旅。

    This football team was once reputed to be invincible .

  6. 1588年西班牙无敌舰队被派遣进攻英国。

    The Spanish Armada was sent to attack England in1588 .

  7. 年末,全尺寸SUV的探路者无敌舰队,推出。

    In late 2003 a full-size SUV , the Pathfinder Armada , debuted . 2003

  8. 他的作品包括梦工厂的《雪人奇缘》,迪斯尼的《无敌破坏王2:大闹互联网》、《疯狂动物城》、《超能陆战队6》和《无敌破坏王》以及电影版《辛普森一家》。

    A talented Disney animation artist , Matsuda 's name came to the fore , Disney 's Ralph Breaks the Internet , Zootopia , Big Hero 6 and Wreck-It Ralph , and The Simpsons Movie .

  9. 以上图片:在G的一个海边咖啡屋,可以看到斯德哥尔摩群岛的无敌海景。

    Pictured here : A waterside caf é in Gr ä dd ö has picture-perfect views of the Stockholm Archipelago .

  10. 神奇四侠夜魔侠无敌钢铁侠HappyHogan(钢铁侠人物)CurtConnors(蜘蛛侠人物)…

    Fantastic Four , Daredevil , Invincible Iron Man , Happy Hogan , Curt Connors ...

  11. 中国国家围棋队主教练俞斌表示,这位身份不明玩家的无敌模式、以及几乎每5秒就下一棋的速度使得人们怀疑和他们对弈的其实是一个AI程序。

    Yu Bin , head coach of China 's national Go team , said the unidentified player 's invincible patterns and speed in taking a move almost every five seconds raise suspicions of an AI program at work .

  12. 坚持到怀孕最后一天,女人真是无敌了!Biggins说道。

    At the end of the day , women are superhuman , Biggins says .

  13. 她不害怕穿出去她的爱国者球衣即使她周围都是巨人对球迷这就是无敌的Jill和Lennie

    and she is not afraid to wear her Patriots jersey out in public , even though she lives in Giants country.Give it up for Jill and Lennie .

  14. 冬季施工无敌选择:Maxit防冻砂浆

    Invincible choice for the construction in winter : Maxit antifreezing mortar

  15. 《无敌破坏王》续集宣布,加朵将为Shank配音。而Shank是在名为《屠戮赛车》线上游戏中的一个“性格坚韧并且很具赛车天赋的女性角色。“

    The Wreck-It Ralph sequel has announced that Gadot has joined the cast to play Shank , " a tough and talented driver in an intense and gritty online racing game called Slaughter Race . "

  16. MODOK的举动,包括精神控制,部队爆破,心理稻瘟病,智取胜,无敌等等。

    MODOK 's moves include Mind Control , Force Blast , Psychic Blast , Outwit , Invulnerability and more .

  17. 不要拖网街道、头对GXG在家对豪华品牌一份无敌的股份单和服务。

    Don 't trawl the streets , head to GXG home to an unrivalled portfolio of luxury brands and services .

  18. 排在第二位的是华特-迪士尼(WaltDisneyCo.)发行的动画影片《无敌破坏王》(Wreck-ItRalph)。在上映的第二个周末该片获得了3310万美元的票房。其美国国内累计票房收入因此达到9370万美元。

    In second place was animated film ' Wreck-It Ralph , ' from Walt Disney Co. , which took in $ 33.1 million in its second weekend in theaters , bringing its cumulative domestic total to $ 93.7 million .

  19. 这所学校的前身是一座美丽的牧场,面朝太平洋。UCSC校园拥有无数开放式草地,红树林和360度无敌海景。

    Housed on a former ranch perched above the Pacific , the UCSC campus offers open meadows , redwood forests and panoramic ocean views .

  20. 迪士尼制作的家庭动画电影《无敌破坏王》(Wreck-ItRalph)依然有不俗的票房表现。其上映三周后仍然获得了1830万美元的票房,它在美国国内的累计票房因此达到1.215亿美元。

    Disney 's animated family film ' Wreck-It Ralph ' continued a healthy run , earning $ 18.3 million in its third week in theaters , and bringing its cumulative domestic total to $ 121.5 million .

  21. 动画片《超级无敌掌门狗》(WallaceandGromit)当中的英国人华力士和他的爱犬格罗米特就生活在一座可以叫你起床、给你穿裤子、给吐司抹上果酱的房子――只不过它总是不完全按照设计初衷来运转。

    Wallace and Gromit , the animated Englishman and his dog , live in a house that can wake you , drop you into pants and spread jam on your toast -- though it never quite works as designed .

  22. 反击-对无敌的目标产生固定作用。

    Counterattack-will now cause damage to targets immune to immobilizing effects .

  23. 超级无敌掌门狗:人兔的诅咒

    Wallace & Gromit : The Curse of the Were - Rabbit

  24. 西班牙无敌舰队的船只于1588年启航。

    The ships of the Spanish Armada took to sea in1588 .

  25. 炮兵队长现在无敌了,并且他不会进行战斗了。

    Artillery Captains are now invulnerable and will no longer fight .

  26. 而是明知道真爱无敌却装作毫不在意

    But we pretend caring nothing even we know love is unconquerable

  27. 你们俩(国人和英国人)知道美国佬是无敌的。

    You both know that the Yanks can 't be beat .

  28. 以下十样东西,巴西全球无敌手。

    Here are 10 things Brazil does better than anywhere else :

  29. 德路易是你的种族的机器人版本,非常的无敌。

    Droids are robot versions of your race and are invincible .

  30. 但是不得不说那画面,实在是很无敌了。

    But must say that picture , be very inapproachable really .