
wú xiàn diàn tái
  • radio station;broadcasting station
无线电台 [wú xiàn diàn tái]
  • [broadcasting station] 通称电台。由天线、无线电发射机和接收机等组成,能发射和接收无线电信号的装置

无线电台[wú xiàn diàn tái]
  1. 这家无线电台用四种不同的频率播放节目。

    This radio station broadcasts on four different frequencies .

  2. 他曾参加过当地(local)无线电台举办的歌唱比赛并获一等奖。

    Once he took part in singing competition held by the local radio station , and won the first prize .

  3. 基于PLC的水井无线电台监控

    The Radio Supervises and Control of Well Based on PLC

  4. 基于GIS的贵州省无线电台站管理系统设计与实现

    The Design and Implement of Radio Station Managment System of GuiZhou Province Based on GIS

  5. 软件无线电台频率源模块的FPGA实现

    Implementation of Frequency Sources in Software Radio Using FPGA

  6. 基于DSP无线电台风井综合参数安全监控系统

    Comprehensive parameter safety monitoring and control system of mine ventilation shaft base on DSP radio station

  7. 软件无线电台PCI接口快速开发

    The Rapid Development of PCI Interface in Software Radio

  8. 外围采用半双工无线电台与GPRS模块实现多塔机间的数据交换及远程数据反馈。

    Half-duplex wireless radio and GPRS module are used for data exchange and remote information feedback .

  9. 一些无线电台音频的中继站,家庭无线AV影音系统。

    Some audio radio relay station , home wireless AV audio-visual system .

  10. 短波频段内UHV输电线路对无线电台站的无源干扰

    Passive Interference to Radio Station Caused by UHV AC Transmission Line in Shortwave Frequency

  11. 最后制定了软件的程序框架,并在以DSP为核心的硬件平台上实现该软件无线电台中频调制解调器。

    Finally the program framework is established and the practical intermediate frequency modem of a software defined radio transmitter-receiver is realized on DSP centric hardware platform .

  12. 介绍了实现软件无线电台中FPGA波形可移植性的一般方法,SCA中硬件抽象层的思想,以及针对FPGA芯片的硬件抽象层的定义。

    In this paper , the principle to implement the FPGA Waveform Portability and the definition of the hardware abstraction layer for FPGA in SCA is introduced .

  13. 他周五告诉美国广播公司(ABC)无线电台,中信的指控是“无中生有,就像《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,媒体可以借题发挥”。

    He told ABC radio on Friday that Citic 's claims were " just a made-up story like Alice in Wonderland that the press can run . "

  14. 基于802.11b协议的无线电台设计及其在地铁中的应用

    The Design of Station for Radio Based on 802.11b Protocol and Its Application in the Underground

  15. 动目标识别系统(MIS)可通过GPS等设备搜索目标的位置、速度等信息,并通过无线电台与其他目标进行通信,从而可以有效的组织运动目标的定位和管理。

    Mobile identification system ( MIS ) can search the location , speed and other information with the help of GPS , and through radio communication with the other targets , then locate and manage moving target effectively .

  16. 我在其他地方看到的新闻质量和你在NPR(国内公用无线电台)听到的很相似。

    The quality of news I read in other parts of the world is on par with what you will hear on NPR .

  17. 先进的MIL-STD-1553控制的UHF/VHF无线电台

    Advanced MIL-STD-1553 UHF / VHF Radio

  18. 软件通信体系结构(SCA)可以用来实现一个开放的标准化、模块化的通用软件无线电平台,从而使软件无线电台的成本得到显著降低,应用灵活性得到极大增强。

    Software Communications Architecture ( SCA ), which can be used to implement an open , standard , modular software radio platform , can obviously reduce the development cost of software radio platform and obviously improve the application flexibility .

  19. 在计算机网络环境下,将GPS与无线电台结合,构建专门的软硬件集成平台,为行业应用部门提供专有的位置服务,可以发挥高效的空间信息服务功能。

    Under the computer network environment , combining the GPS ( Global Position System ) and radio , the specialized integration platform of hardware and software can be constructed to provide proprietary LBS ( Location-based Services ) for the industry application department with highly efficient spatial information services .

  20. 这与其他服务商的费用形成了对比:某一家“视频流媒体服务”(想必是指YouTube)只为每100万次收听支付3000美元,而美国的地面无线电台只支付41美元。

    And it contrasts its fees with others : a " video-streaming service " ( presumably YouTube ) would pay out just $ 3000 for one million listens while US terrestrial radio would hand over $ 41 .

  21. 介绍TH230专业无线电台的工作原理及其在供配电系统中的应用。

    The principle and application of TH230 radio station in power supply system are introduced in this paper .

  22. 提出了一种采用DS-GMSK体制、基于带内扩频技术的无线电台数字通信方案。

    This paper presents a new radio station data communication scheme , a DS-GMSK system based on in-band spread - spectrum technology .

  23. TKR&720/820无线电台的频率设置方法

    A Method for Setting Frequency of TKR-720 / 820 Radio Station

  24. 软件无线电台&面向21世纪的军用无线通信装备

    Software Radio-21 - st Century - faced Military Radio Communication Equipment

  25. 基于无线电台的嵌入式TCP/IP协议栈设计

    Design of Embedded TCP / IP Protocol Suite on Wireless Radio

  26. 无线电台把风暴警报传送给岛上的居民。

    The radio stations communicated the storm warning to the islanders .

  27. 边境地区无线电台站频率冲突分析与对策研究

    Review on radio frequency interference and strategies in the border areas

  28. 无线电台已广播了十年了。

    The radio station has been on the air for ten years .

  29. 然后再拨台湾的区码。区域站,地方无线电台

    Then you dial Taiwan 's country code . regional station

  30. 流动无线电台(机)这两台发电机并联发电。

    Mobile radio set The two generators operate in parallel .