
  1. 一种无色粘稠吸水性液体,分子式为CH3CHOHCH2OH,用于水力流体的防冻剂,也可作为溶剂。

    A colorless viscous hygroscopic liquid , CH3CHOHCH2OH , used in antifreeze solutions , in hydraulic fluids , and as a solvent .

  2. 在此工艺条件下合成的产品为无色透明粘稠状液体,产率达95%,平均分子量约3500。

    The yield of polymer can up to 95 % and the average molecularweight is about 3500 . A polyurethane coating is synthesized by using this copolyether .

  3. 甘油,又称丙三醇,是一种无色透明粘稠的液体,主要以甘油酯的形式广泛存在于自然界中,作为一种重要的化工原料得到了广泛的应用。

    Glycerol , also known as propenyl alcohol , was a colorless , transparent , viscous liquid , which widely existed in nature as the form of glyceride , and have been used as important raw materials in chemical industry .