
  • 网络STERILITY;aseptic
  1. 一定要注意保持手术室的无菌状态。

    Great care is taken to keep the operating rooms aseptic .

  2. 术前患者应用抗生素滴眼液以消灭结膜囊细菌,使结膜囊处于相对无菌状态,同时术中严格执行无菌操作,术后常规应用抗生素,以预防眼内炎的发生。

    The sufferers use antibiotic eyedrops to eliminate conjunctival sac bacterial before operation , this will keep conjunctival sac in aseptic condition , aseptic operation should be strictly carried out during the operation , antibiotics will be used after operation to prevent occurrence of endophthalmitis .

  3. 它可以完全处于无菌状态,不危害人的健康。

    It can be completely sterile and is not hazardous to health .

  4. 被结扎胆管内的胆汁呈无菌状态。

    Bile in the ligated bile duct remained sterile .

  5. 非无菌状态下微生物检测的操作技术

    Microbiological Examination Technique under None Asepsis Condition

  6. 细菌挑战试验以及贮藏试验证明了鲜榨苹果汁过滤后的无菌状态和生物学稳定性。

    The bacteria challenge tests and the storage tests testified the asepsis state and biological stability of the filtrated fruit juice .

  7. 结论:术前滴抗生素眼液可显著减少结膜囊的细菌(P<0.01),但是不能达到完全无菌状态。

    · CONCLUSION : Antibiotic eyedrop can reduce the bacteria in the conjunctiva markedly ( P < 0.01 ), but cannot delete them completely .

  8. 它也用于疫苗生产过程,包括灭活特定的生物和毒素及协助保持生产线的无菌状态。

    It is also used during vaccine production , both to inactivate certain organisms and toxins and to help maintain a sterile production line .

  9. 微生态学界广泛认为:动物在出生之后其消化道正常菌群才得以建立,因此健康母体的子宫以及胚胎的消化道均处于无菌状态。

    Micro ecology scholars think generally : gastrointestinal normal flora is established after animal birth , so the healthy parent uterine and embryonic digestive tract is sterile .

  10. 小鼠在无菌状态饲养抑制了肠道微生物入侵,发现可以降低关节炎的发病率并且减轻病情。

    These mice were reared under germ-free conditions , thereby inhibiting microbial colonization of the gut , which was found to delay the onset of arthritis and to reduce its severity .

  11. 是一种局部净化设备,即利用空气净化技术使一定操作区内的空间达到相对的无尘、无菌状态。

    Clean Bench is a partial purification equipment , namely the use of air purification technology to a certain region of space operations to achieve a relatively dust-free , sterile condition .

  12. 空气层流无菌室不同状态下洁净度的比较

    The comparison of clearness at air flow bacteria - free room in different condition

  13. 无菌苗生长状态及培养基中非激素成分对愈伤组织诱导和分化都有影响。

    The growing status of the sterilized seeding and theno hormone factors in the medium had effect on calli induction and differentiation .

  14. 结果发现干、湿置无菌持物钳均不能保持无菌状态;

    RESULTS Neither the wet nor the dry holding forceps could keep aseptic in the examination .