
  • 网络no movement;akinesis
  1. 无运动单细胞绿色海藻潜在地作为高等级蛋白质和维他命B的原料。

    Nonmotile unicellular green algae potentially important as source of high-grade protein and B-complex vitamins .

  2. 结论本研究结果表明MRI屏气电影法成像时间短,无运动伪影,是一种临床评价左心功能有价值的方法。

    Conclusion Breath hold cine MR imaging is useful method for evaluation the left ventricular function because of non ghosting artifacts and short imaging time .

  3. 针对无运动测量数据情况下的UWBSAR运动补偿问题,提出了基于回波数据的运动补偿方法。

    For the MoCo problem of low frequency UWB SAR without available measured motion data , a MoCo method based on raw data is proposed .

  4. 胞质内精子注射(ICSI)技术能够利用精子作为载体生产转基因动物,以及使用无运动能力的冻干精子。

    ICSI technique can be used to extend the sperm vector for transgenic goat production and to use freeze-dried sperm for which spermatozoa motility is not required .

  5. 开发并展示了我们研究小组的一种全新的无运动部件、不需高制造、装配精度的微TPV系统,介绍了我们实验和分析的最新研究结果。

    We have recently developed a novel micro-TPV systems with no moving parts , and less demands for precision fabrication and assembly , the latest experimental and analytical results have been presented .

  6. 而每日给予AICAR的小鼠(无运动训练)比未接受药物小鼠其奔跑时间提高23%,奔跑距离提高44%。

    When given daily doses of AICAR , but no exercise training , another set of mice could run23 % longer and44 % farther than untreated mice .

  7. 基于Sagnac效应的干涉型光纤陀螺由于其质量轻、尺寸小、精度高、寿命长、无运动部件而成为国际上研究开发的最重要的光纤传感器之一。

    The interferometric fiber optic gyroscope ( FOG ) based on Sagnac effect has became to one of the most important fiber sensor in developing due to light in quality , compact in dimension , high accuracy and long life .

  8. 提出了菲涅耳波带板(FZP)无运动卷积全息术。

    The holography of Fresnel-zone-plate ( FZP ) convolution without motion was proposed . The key of the technique is that the uniformly distributed source is used to make the FZP projects superposed on the object .

  9. 热声热机&无运动部件的低污染热机

    Thermo-acoustic heat enging ── low pollute enging with no moving part

  10. 菲涅耳波带板无运动卷积偏振选通成像研究

    Study on Polarization-Based Holography of Fresnel Zone Plate Convolution without Motion

  11. 菲涅耳波带板无运动扫描全息术原理研究

    Study on the theory about Fresnel Zone Plate non-movable scanning holography

  12. 该菌为革兰氏阴性,兼性厌氧,无运动性,不形成芽孢,能利用多种糖类基质。

    It was of non-motil , non-sporeforming and could utilize many sugars .

  13. 躯干、颈部:无运动功能障碍。

    Body and neck : without movement function handicap .

  14. 实验表明,这种流量计具有无运动部件、耐磨、不结垢、不堵砂等优点。

    The experiments showed that this flowmeter had no moving parts , not-invasive measurement .

  15. 结果表明:有63.74%的居民体验到了运动愉快感,这部分居民大多是2人或2人以上结伴或集体进行体育锻炼,而且他们的运动量显著大于无运动愉快感的居民。

    The results showed that : 63.74 % residents get the enjoyment of exercise .

  16. 该算法无运动估计和补偿环节,降低了算法的复杂度。

    Furthermore , the approach will not be concerned with motion estimation and motion compensation .

  17. 具有热电转换效率高、无运动部件、低维护等优点。

    It is characterized by high conversion efficiency , no moving parts and low maintenance requirements .

  18. 这种新型的微热光电系统具有无运动部件、热量利用效率高、制造成本低等优点。

    The latter system has high efficiency burner , no moving parts and low cost of fabrication .

  19. 涡流二极管泵输送设备是一种新型的用于高危物料输送的无运动部件的免维修输送系统。

    Vortex diodes pump is a new-type maintenance-free equipment with no moving parts for pumping hazardous liquids .

  20. 无运动革兰氏阳性需氧细菌。

    Nonmotile gram-positive aerobic bacteria .

  21. 49块肌肉重收缩时无运动单位电位,9块肌肉募集电位明显减小。

    The motor unit active potentials disappeared during maximal voluntary contraction in 49 muscles and the recruitments decreased in 9 muscles .

  22. 从日本冲绳县土壤采样经垃圾处理场堆肥化处理,分离到一株有固氮能力的菌株HS-G8,该菌为革兰氏阳性菌,不产芽孢,无运动性。

    A bacterial strain HS-G_8 was isolated from the garbage heap in Japan , gram-positive , non-endospore , non-motile , azotobacter .

  23. 旋涡哨加工方便、且结构很稳定无运动部件,是非常具有前途的流体哨。

    Convenient processed and the structure is stable with no moving parts , vortex whistle is a very promising fluid whistle .

  24. 该阀的主要特点是采用双室隔膜传动机构替代活塞式,无运动磨损,寿命长。

    The main characteristics of the valve chamber diaphragm drive mechanism with dual piston replacement , no sports wear , long life .

  25. 涡流管是一种结构简单、造价低廉、无运动部件、操作方便的能量分离装置。

    The vortex tube is an effective energy separation device which is simple in structure , low in cost , convenient in operation and has no moving parts .

  26. 结论:二尖瓣叶明显钙化、运动僵硬或无运动及瓣下腱索融合、缩短应视为风湿性二尖瓣成形术的禁忌证

    Conclusion : Apparent mitral valve calcification , hard motion of valve , fusion and shortness of tendon cord should be contraindication of mitral valvuloplasty on rheumatic mitral diseas

  27. 测试结果表明,这些正在进行大强度训练的运动员的机能状态良好,无运动性贫血发生或其它对运动负荷不适应的现象。

    The result shows that the athletes with big-intensity training have a good physiological function without happenings of sports anaemia or any signs ( unfit ) for the sports load .

  28. 图像无运动伪影,胃肠道内液体信号与周围组织信号对比良好,结构清晰。

    2D images had not motion artifacts and had a good contrast between fluid signals in gastrointestinal tract and signals of adjacent tissue . Structures of gastrointestinal tract demonstrated clearly .

  29. 作为一种新型的热功转换装置,热声发动机无运动部件且采用惰性气体作为工质,具有结构简单、环境友好等优点。

    As a novel heat-work conversion device , the thermoacoustic engine has advantages of simple structure and environmental friendliness because it has no moving parts and uses inert working gas .

  30. 光纤陀螺捷联惯导系统由于具有结构简单、无运动部件、动态范围宽等特点,在导航领域里深受关注,并且发展迅速。

    SINS based on FOG is simple in structure , with no rotating parts and wide dynamic range . It is deeply concerned in navigation field , and it is developing rapidly .