
  • 网络sensorless
  1. 基于PLC分级递阶分布式控制的无速度传感器矢量控制调速系统

    A speed-adjustable system of sensorless vector control for induction motors based on PLC hierarchical distributed control

  2. 基于磁链和转速观测的无速度传感器DTC系统

    Sensorless Direct Torque Control System Based on Flux Observer and Speed Estimator

  3. 双DSP异步电机无速度传感器控制的一种新方案

    Dual-DSP Controller Used in Novel Scheme of Speed Sensorless Induction Motor Control

  4. 基于DSP的模型参考自适应无速度传感器矢量控制

    DSP - based MRAS Speed Sensorless Vector Control

  5. 基于PI自适应法的无速度传感器异步电动机矢量控制系统

    Speed Sensor-less Vector Control System of Induction Motor Based on PI Adaptive Mechanism

  6. 最后,利用数字信号处理器(DSP)从硬件和软件两方面完成了全数字化感应电机无速度传感器直接转矩控制系统的设计。

    Finally , the direct torque system without speed senor is designed using digital signal processor ( DSP ) .

  7. 在研究课题利用被混沌蚁群算法优化过的BP神经网络群(BPNeuralNetworkGroup以下简称BP-NNG)作为无速度传感器,对异步电机进行转速辨识。

    In this paper , to identify asynchronous motor speed , it uses BP neural network group optimized by chaos ant colony algorithm as speed sensorless .

  8. 基于该平台,完成了无速度传感器间接定子量控制系统的DSP软件编制与调试工作。

    DSP software of speed sensorless indirect stator quantities control system is established and debugged completely based on this platform .

  9. DSC变频调速系统中的无速度传感器技术

    The DSC technique without velocity sensor

  10. 遗传神经网络无速度传感器DTC系统的研究

    Research on Speed Sensor-less DTC System of Genetic Neural Network

  11. 无速度传感器DTC系统的研究和设计

    The Research and Design of Sensor-less DTC System

  12. 本文分析了矢量控制的基本原理和PWM技术,采用了无速度传感器矢量控制方式。

    This paper analyzes the basic principles of vector control and PWM technology , then adopts the speed sensorless vector control mode .

  13. 基于EKF的感应电机无速度传感器矢量控制系统

    Sensorless Vector Control System of the Induction Motor Based on EKF

  14. 基于EKF的感应电动机无速度传感器调速系统改进研究

    Research on Advanced Speed Sensorless Control System of Induction Motor Based on EKF

  15. 直驱风电系统PMSG有无速度传感器控制的比较

    Comparison between Encoder and Sensorless Control of PMSG for Direct-driven WECS

  16. 采用同步瞬时速度辨识的方法,以数字信号处理单元(DSP)为核心控制器件来实现无速度传感器矢量控制的交流调速系统。

    In this paper , synchronizing instant speed identification method is adopted , and taking DSP as core component to realize speed sensorless vector control AC speed regulation system .

  17. 同时设计了基于DSP的蚁群小波模糊神经网络无速度传感器直接转矩控制系统的硬件电路与软件流图。

    At the same time , hardware circuit and software chart , which is based on wavelet fuzzy neural network adjusted by ant colony optimization , have been designed .

  18. 本文采用DSP设计了直接转矩控制系统,详细推导了速度估计方法,进行了无速度传感器的速度闭环控制。

    In this paper , the DTC system is designed based on DSP . A speed estimation method is derived detailedly and the sensorless speed close-loop control is conducted .

  19. 与此同时,论文中还给出了采用变参数PI控制和定PI控制的动态仿真结果对比,说明本文提出的改进的无速度传感器矢量控制系统速度估算方法的有效性。

    Meantime , we also offer the variable argument PI control simulation results contrast to the ordinary PI control 's results to verify its effectiveness .

  20. 基于dSPACE无速度传感器永磁同步电机伺服控制器设计

    Nonvelocity sensor servo controller design for permanent magnet synchronous motor based on dSPACE

  21. 基于MRAS和FNN的异步电动机无速度传感器直接转矩控制

    Speed Sensorless Direct Torque Control System of Induction Motor Based on MRAS and FNN

  22. 基于改进MRAS观测器无速度传感器感应电机转速估计方法

    Improved Speed Estimation Method Based on MRAS Observer for Sensorless Induction Motor

  23. 基于MRAS的无速度传感器异步电机控制

    Induction motor 's speed sensor less control based on MRAS

  24. 自适应速度观测器是无速度传感器控制系统中最常用的方法,而速度观测器的性能取决于增益矩阵G和速度自适应律的选择。

    Adaptive speed observer is the most commonly used method of speed sensorless control system , and the performance of speed observer depends on the choice of gain matrix and the adaptive law of speed .

  25. 采用双馈风力发电机,根据PI自适应算法,构造了一种基于PI自适应估计转速的无速度传感器风力发电矢量控制系统。

    Double-fed wind generator was employed in this paper . According to PI adaptive method , a speed sensorless wind generator vector control system based on PI adaptive speed estimate was builted .

  26. 提出了一种基于DSP(TMS320LF2407A)无速度传感器直接转矩控制系统,给出了硬件设计和软件设计方案。

    This paper gives a design of sensor-less direct torque control system based on DSP ( TMS320LF2407A ) . The hardware and software schemes are introduced .

  27. 实验结果表明,该方法还能够有效指导实验过程中控制调节器参数的整定。最后本文建立了基于DSP全数字化控制的异步电机无速度传感器矢量控制系统。

    The experiment results show that this analysis method can instruct the tuning of controller parameters during experiment . A prototype of the asynchronous motor drive system that based on the speed sensorless vector control is designed .

  28. 对一类实用的基于模型参考自适应(ModelReferenceAdaptiveSystem,简称MRAS)方法的无速度传感器直接转矩控制(DirectTorgueControl,简称DTC)系统进行了研究,以提高系统的耐用性并降低成本。

    To improve the robustness of the system and reduce the cost , a kind of practical speed-sensorless Direct Torque Control ( DTC ) system based on Model Reference Adaptive System ( MRAS ) method is proposed in this paper .

  29. 由于时间有限,本文所进行的研究工作主要集中在两个方面:(1)SVPWM过调控制的研究(2)无速度传感器控制算法的研究。

    Limited by time , this paper focused on two research areas : ( 1 ) overmodulation scheme based on SVPWM ( 2 ) Speed sensorless control method .

  30. 以TMS320F2812为核心构成控制器,实现异步电机无速度传感器直接转矩控制系统。

    Based on controller 's core TMS320F2812 , the speed sensor-less direct torque control emulation system has been designed .