
wú wèn tí
  • No problem;without question
  1. 略论无问题的学生

    A Brief Discussion on " Students without Question "

  2. 我只是来弄清楚是否一切都无问题。

    I only came to make sure that everything was all right .

  3. 右手边的你地有无问题?

    And you guys around to the right hand side , all right ?

  4. 其正确性是无问题的。

    This is no question of their being exactitudes .

  5. 他教数学决无问题。

    He should have no problem teaching math .

  6. 质量无问题,只是式样有点过时。

    The quality is all right , but the style is a bit outdated .

  7. 他先走进各个房间查看一切均无问题,才把那扇厚重的门关上。

    Before he shut his heavy door , he walked through his rooms to see that everything was all right .

  8. 自动测试系统工作稳定、可靠,长时间工作无问题,达到了设计要求。

    Automatic test system is steady and credible , can work a long time without error , it achieves project demand .

  9. 追求无问题生活是对奔跑在一个难懂的幻想之后,它是一废物心智和身体能源。

    To pursue a problem-free life is to run after an elusive fantasy , it is a waste of mental and physical energies .

  10. 分析结果:确定采用的主、副坝坝剖面及各种筑坝料在渗透稳定性方面均无问题;

    The result shows that the profile of the main dam and the second dam and all the impervious rock fill material have no problem .

  11. 语文学科学生无问题意识的成因分析及策略研究

    The Analysis of the Cause of the Students ' Unconsciousness of Questions and the Survey of the Measures in the Chinese Subject On the Consciousness of Problems

  12. 我在地铁工作.在地铁线上.我的工作包括.清除检查过无问题的监控录像

    I work on the Tube , on the District Line , and part of my job is to wipe the security footage after it 's been cleared .

  13. 目前我国中学生问题意识普遍非常淡薄,具体表现为:无问题可问、不敢问问题、不善于问问题。

    Unfortunately middle school students in our country don 't enjoy adequate question consciousness in that most of them , don 't dare to question or don 't know what to question or how to question .

  14. 必须认真调查和分析学生无问题意识的原因,正确认识培养学生问题意识的意义,确定重建学生问题意识的策略。

    It is necessary that se-rious investigation and analysis should be made on the cause of students ' non-problem consciousness , to realize correctly the meaning of developing students ' problem consciousness and to decide the strategy of reconstructing students ' consciousness .

  15. 无代理问题下的Z成本与代理均衡分析

    On Z Costs and Agency Equilibrium when No Agency Problems Exist

  16. 举一反三检查其他测量系统的MSA,检查结果无类似问题。

    Check other measuring system 's MSA and find no like problem existing .

  17. 结论人类免疫缺陷病毒感染者(HIV+)结核菌素PPD阳性反应率较常人低得多(P0.01),其PPD无反应问题尚待解决。

    Conclusion The tuberculin positive rate of HIV infections was significantly lower than the control group ( P 0.01 ) .

  18. Newton-PCG算法是解决无约束问题的有效方法,在该算法中需要求解一个一维整数最优化问题,并且算法的效率也依赖于它的最优值。

    Newton-PCG algorithm is very efficient for solving the unconstrained optimization problems .

  19. 无等待问题是流水车间调度中的一种,是一类典型的NP完全问题,已被证明在多项式时间内得不到最优值。

    No-wait flow shop problem is one of flow shop problems , and is a typically NP-complete problem , which means that it is impossible to find the global optimum in polynomial complexity .

  20. 另外,吸附式制冷不采用氯氟烃类制冷剂,无CFCS问题,也无温室效应作用,是一种环境友好型制冷方式。

    In addition , adsorption refrigeration adopts the CFCs refrigerant , and there is no CFCs issue and greenhouse effects . Consequently , it is a kind of environmental friendly way of refrigeration .

  21. 首先,将对数罚函数法和拟Newton算法有效结合,将约束问题转化为无约束问题,采用Wolf-Powell线搜索确定步长,避免了搜索步长过小的问题。

    First , combine the logarithm penalty function method and quasi-Newton algorithm , to convert the problem into the unconstrained form , then use Wolf-Powell line search to determine the step size to avoid small search step .

  22. 结果:92.11%的硕士研究生新生无心理问题;

    Results : 92.11 % postgraduate freshmen had no psychological problem ;

  23. 其中62人领悟社会支持无明显问题。

    Among them , 62 people do not have obvious problem .

  24. 提升多速率系统无波纹问题研究

    On ripple - free problem of lifted multirate control systems

  25. 台下有无任何问题或动议?

    Are there any points or motions on the floor ?

  26. 电力系统中电压与无功问题的新特点及对策

    Voltage and reactive power problems in power system : new features and countermeasures

  27. 从《纯粹理性批判》看无条件问题

    Look at Infinite Condition From Critique of Pure Reason

  28. 分层关联表中伞形序对无约束问题的检验

    A Test for an Umbrella Order Against Unrestricted Alternative in Stratified Contingency Tables

  29. 新形式下的电压与无功问题

    Voltage and Reactive Power under New Situation

  30. 美国国会出现僵局,欧元区行动迟缓,都无利于问题的解决。

    Paralysis in the US Congress and slow progress in the eurozone have not helped .