
  1. 电影发生在日本战国时代的1587年。

    The film takes place in 1587 during a time when many states in Japan were at war .

  2. 同时汪直将铁炮技术带入日本,对日本战国格局的早日结束也有着重大的意义。

    Meanwhile Wang Zhi brought " Teppo " technology into Japan , and put an early end to the Warring States in japan .

  3. 在日本,历史小说拥有很大的读者群,而日本战国时期是一个英雄辈出、群雄纷争的时代,它为日本历史小说家的创作提供了悠久而宏阔的素材。

    In Japan , the historical novel has a large readership , and the Warring States period of Japan is a heroes , warlords era of strife , it is the creation of the Japanese historical novelist provides long and Broad material .