
  1. 铃木汽车(Suzuki)在美国市场上日渐式微,同时沃尔沃(Volvo)看起来也还是无力回天。

    Suzuki wound down its presence in the U.S. market , and Volvo looked none too healthy .

  2. 2009年,《财富》杂志(Fortune)撰文称,由于电动汽车、混合动力汽车及柴油车等技术性的进展,“传统的汽油内燃机似乎可以肯定地说正在日渐式微。”

    In 2009 fortune wrote that , thanks to advances such as electric cars , hybrids and diesel vehicles , " it seems certain that the traditional gasoline internal-combustion engine is on the wane . "

  3. 事实上,该集团在1997-98年亚洲金融危机之后就已创建,但此后便日渐式微,随着时间的推移,出席G20会议的部长与官员的级别不断下降。

    The grouping had in fact been created after the Asian financial crisis in 1997-98 , but had largely languished since , its meetings attended by ministers and officials of decreasing seniority as time went on .

  4. 随着新技术突飞猛进的发展,网络、数字电视等新媒介不断地涌现,尤其是Tivo电视录像技术的发展使得消费者可以过滤掉所有的广告,传统直白式广告的传播效果日渐式微。

    With the rapid development of new technologies , networks , digital TV and other new media continue to emerge , especially Tivo video recording technology allows consumers to filter out all advertising , straightforward style of traditional advertising effect of gradual decline .

  5. 但随著农业及采矿业日渐式微,人口开始减退。

    The population started to fall with the decline in agricultural and quarrying activities .

  6. 风在污浊的空气中日渐式微

    The winds were withered in the stagnant air

  7. 佛教在朝鲜日渐式微。

    North Korean Buddhism is waning .

  8. 许多民间传统艺术在城市化大行其道的情势下日渐式微。

    As a result of urbanization , many traditional folk arts in the city are disappearing .

  9. 国家主权至上原则取代了教会日渐式微的超国家权威。

      The   doctrine   of state sovereignty replaced the waning supranational authority of the church .

  10. 这些日渐式微的工业或许需要进行改革,又或转移阵地到成本竞争力较强的地区。

    These sunset industries may need to reconfigure their businesses or alternatively relocate to more cost competitive areas .

  11. 在许多本地人看来,上述变化是香港本土文化日渐式微的又一迹象。

    For many locals , these changes are yet another sign that Hong Kong 's local culture is eroding .

  12. 从那以后雅虎中国日渐式微,雅虎集团终止了任何进一步投资。

    Yahoo China has since withered further , and the group has put the brakes on any future investments .

  13. 与此同时,工会的影响力日渐式微,极左翼的小派别开始形成。非法罢工司空见惯。

    Meanwhile , unions were losing their influence and leftist splinter groups were beginning to form . Unauthorized strikes were commonplace .

  14. 两年后美国总统可能会换人,并准备逆转他在国际上处于被动且日渐式微的议程。

    There could be a different president two years hence , ready to reverse his agenda of international passivity and decline .

  15. 主流文化影响力的日渐式微推动着多元文化教育在反思与批判中崛起。

    The influence of dominant culture has gradually tended to be weak forced the multicultural education rising with counter-thinking and criticism .

  16. 虽然中国酒信具有强烈的民族色彩和迷信色彩,但它终将随着社会文明程度的不断提高而日渐式微,直至消亡。

    In spite of its strong national and superstitious color , it will gradually wane with the development of social civilization .

  17. 随着乡土社会的瓦解、传统文化的日渐式微,环境习惯法得赖以生存与功能发挥的社会基础逐渐消解。

    With the disintegration of rural society and traditional culture , the social basis of environmental customary law is being dispelled gradually .

  18. 资金的流入创造了新的旅馆和餐饮就业机会,而传统的农业及林业日渐式微。

    The influx of money is creating new jobs in hotels and restaurants as traditional industries like farming and timber fade out .

  19. 然而随着乾嘉汉学地位的日渐式微,汉学书院也不得不教授科举之学。

    Along with the weakening influence of Han school , ancient academies for Han-learning had to teach knowledge of the imperial examinations .

  20. 发轫于古希腊城邦时期的主动公民身份思想,随着近现代亲密性社会的兴起而日渐式微。

    Along with the rise of modern intimate society , the concept of active citizenship derived from the Ancient Greece is fading away .

  21. 当马路上自行车的身影日渐式微的今天,张鹏野笔下的自行车却依然川流不息。

    As it is rare to see the bicycles in the street today , while the bicycles still flow in Zhang Pengye 's painting .

  22. 如今,在巴黎的某些郊区,法治日渐式微,很可能会爆发新的骚乱。

    Today , in some suburbs of Paris , the rule of law no longer prevails , and more explosions are likely to occur .

  23. 在我国乡村治理历程中,传统的单中心治理模式由于其内在的制度性缺陷严重影响了乡村治理的绩效而日渐式微。

    Down the course of the country-governance in China , the traditional single centre governing mode has been weaker and weaker as its institutional limitation .

  24. 在社交媒体发达、追求新鲜内容的当今世界,很多人为阅读艺术的日渐式微而感到惋惜,但很少有人真正尝试为此做出什么。

    Many have lamented the lost art of reading in our social-media-driven , content-hungry world , but few have actually tried to do anything about it .

  25. 近两年来,与电视民生新闻的红透半边天相对照,一度倍受青睐的电视新闻评论节目却日渐式微。

    In the last two years , contrast to the popularity of Television Civil News , the once-favored Chinese TV news commentary program lost audience gradually .

  26. 无奈清末中央与地方财政关系复杂,民间反对甚烈,印花税不得不日渐式微,成效不大。

    Unfortunately , with little effect the stamp tax declined generally due to the tense financial relationship between the central and local authorities and the intense opposition .

  27. 在好莱坞电影工业化的进程中,在诸多美国电影人技术主义为先的形势下,经典好莱坞叙事的欣赏趣味正在日渐式微。

    Nowadays the appreciation and entertainment of the traditional narrative method is gradually declining at the situation that technology come first priority in the industrialization of the Hollywood film .

  28. 新世纪副刊作为报纸改革的先锋和报纸竞争的砝码面临严峻挑战,副刊日渐式微,用于指导实践的副刊研究迫在眉睫。

    In the new century , the supplement as the pioneer of the news industry reform faces the severe challenge which demands comprehensive and thorough analysis of the supplement .

  29. 尽管最近推出了紧缩计划并在危急时刻推出了为其最不堪一击的经济体提供救助的巨额基金,但是欧洲在世界上的影响力似乎日渐式微。

    Despite a recent bout of austerity and the11th-hour launch of a vast bail-out fund for its most fragile economies , Europe seems a diminished force in the world .

  30. 另一方面,家庭的养老功能日渐式微,传统照顾方式遭遇现代社会变迁的冲击,引发了对失能老人的照顾问题的关注。

    On the other hand , the way of traditional care suffered the impact form modern social change , which leads to pay more attention to the disabled elderly care .