
  • 网络rizhao port;PORT OF RIZHAO
  1. 日照港发展的SWOT分析

    SWOT Analysis Of Rizhao Port Development

  2. 日照港散粮码头工程预应力梁施工工艺

    Construction Technique of Pre-stressed Beam in Rizhao Port Bulk Grain Wharf

  3. 日照港深水航道泥沙运移及航道选址研究

    Study on Sediment Transportation and Sea-route Site Selection in Rizhao Harbor

  4. 日照港散货堆场的设备选型

    Choice of Equipment Types for Bulk Cargo Storage Yard of Rizhao Port

  5. 日照港散粮码头工程电气设计特点

    Characteristics of Electrical Design for Bulk Grain Wharf Engineering of Rizhao Port

  6. 日照港10万吨煤码头混凝土结构维修

    Maintenance for Concrete Structure of 100000 DWT Coal Terminal , Rizhao Port

  7. 日照港海洋信息系统的建设

    Establishment of the Marine Information System in Rizhao Port

  8. 日照港矿石机械化采制样系统中机器人的应用

    Robot Application in the Mechanical Ore Sampling and Preparation System at Rizhao Port

  9. 日照港锚地的调整和扩建

    Readjustment and Extension of Anchorage Areas in Rizhao Port

  10. 日照港二期商检配套工程设计

    Design of CCIB Works Associated with Phase - ⅱ Project of Rizhao Port

  11. 日照港协同信息管理系统的风险管理研究与应用

    The Research of Risk Management and Application on Rizhao Port Collaborative Information Management

  12. 日照港煤码头浚深工程回淤分析

    Sedimentation analysis for Coal Wharf dredging in Rizhao harbor

  13. 工型块在日照港的应用

    Application of I-shape Concrete Block in Rizhao Port

  14. 港口项目投资风险评估及控制:日照港融资项目案例

    Port Investment Risk Assessment and Control : The Case of Rizhao Port Financing Project

  15. 日照港木片码头预造陆工程

    Fore - land - reclamation Project for the Wood Chip Wharf of Rizhao Port

  16. 泵送混凝土施工工艺在日照港的应用

    Application of Pumpconcrete Construction Technology in Rizhao Port

  17. 日照港煤堆场皮带机节电试验研究

    Experimental Study on Power Saving for Belt Conveyors in Coal Stack Yard in Rizhao Port

  18. 日照港煤码头堆场扩建工程规模及方案选定

    Project Scope and Option Selection of Refurbishment Project for Storage Yard of Rizhao Coal Terminal

  19. 日照港二期工程建设监理的实践与体会

    The Practice and Knowledge of Construction and Supervision For Phase One Project of Rizhao Port

  20. 日照港30万吨油码头船舶泊稳物理模型试验研究

    Model Test Study on Berthing Stability for 300 000 Tonnage Oil Tanker Terminal in Rizhao Harbour

  21. 日照港东港区~9泊位浚深改造工程

    Dredging reconstruction Engineering of ~ # 9 Berth of the East Port Area of Rizhao Port

  22. 日照港输煤皮带机电气驱动系统节能探讨

    On the Energy Saving of the Electric Drive System of Coal Conveyer Belts of Rizhao Port

  23. 日照港水域水动力数学模型及港区回淤分析研究

    Numerical Simulation of water Flow with Hydrodynamic Model and Analysis on Sedimentation in Pore Area of Rizhao Harbour

  24. 日照港30万吨原油码头港池与航道回淤预测分析

    Predictive Analysis of Back Silting in the Basin and Channel of 300,000-ton Crude Oil Handling Terminal in Rizhao Harbor

  25. 结合日照港散粮码头和集装箱码头实际情况,简要介绍沉箱安装施工技术。

    Combining Rizhao Port Bulk Grain Wharf and Container Wharf , this paper discusses the caisson placing construction technique .

  26. 日照港30万吨级原油码头航道船舶操纵模拟试验研究分析

    Research Analysis of Ship Operation Simulation Test in Channel of 300 , 000 DWT Crude Oil Wharf of Rizhao Port

  27. 日照港和邻近锚地及其入境船舶压舱水中浮游植物群集结构的特征

    The characteristics of phytoplankton assemblage in Rizhao Harbor , Rizhao anchorage ground and entry ships ' ballast water , China

  28. 整体抽芯模板工艺在日照港中港区油码头工程中的应用

    Application of Integral Taking Out of inner Mold for the Oil Jetty Engineering at the Mid Port Area of Rizhao Port

  29. 介绍日照港煤码头钢栈桥行车道板由钢筋混凝土预制构件代替木材的设计方案和试验情况。

    The design and test for the replacing material for the carriageway plate of steel jetty in Rizhao Port are presented .

  30. 为辅助日照港煤炭码头规划设计和运作管理决策,开发了煤炭码头生产模拟系统。

    The coal terminal operation simulation system for Rizhao Port was developed to support decision-making about terminal ′ s operation and management .