
dàn xī
  • this morning or evening -- in a short while;in a short while;in a day's time
旦夕 [dàn xī]
  • [in a short while;in a day's time] 早晨和晚上,比喻很短的时间

  • 危在旦夕

  • 旦夕奉问起居。--《汉书.李广苏建传》

  • 蒲苇一时纫,便作旦夕间。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

旦夕[dàn xī]
  1. 人有旦夕祸福,月有阴晴圆缺。

    Men are subject to sudden changes of fortune as the moon is subject to the changes of being full and crescent , cloudy and clear .

  2. 蓝图中提出了金融监管的理想结构,而这种结构原本就不是旦夕间可以实现的。

    The blueprint identified an optimal structure that was not designed to be accomplished overnight .

  3. 但这绝非旦夕间可以实现的。

    But that cannot be done overnight .

  4. “天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福”

    " Storms gather without warning in nature , and bad luck befalls men overnight . "

  5. 人有旦夕祸福,每个人总会经历阳光不再、阴雨漫天的时候,到那时他们的好运就会被厚厚的乌云所遮盖。

    One will have days when there will be no sunshine but only rain , and their luck will hide behind those thick grey clouds .

  6. 正所谓天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福,我们人类生活在这个灾难频发的地球上,自然而然地要经受众多突发事件的考验。

    As the saying goes , " Accidents will happen , people have always happens ," we human beings live in the frequent disasters on earth , naturally have to withstand the test of many emergencies .

  7. 当他稍微安静后,他对罗斯托夫详细说,他和母亲住在一起,如果母亲看见他死在旦夕,她是受不了的。

    When he was a little calmer , he explained to Rostov that he was living with his mother , that if his mother were to see him dying , she would not get over the shock .

  8. 但是这种事并非旦夕可成,在这个领域似乎可以着手开始,可以开始行动而不会碰到历史常常给任何合作努力设置的那些不可逾越的障碍。

    But those things don 't happen overnight , and in this field it would seem that one could get started , and get started without meeting those insuperable obstacles which history has so often placed in the way of any effort of cooperation .
