
  • 网络Five Dynasties History
  1. 诗作于1775年,描写了《旧五代史》的排纂编次过程。

    The poem was written in 1775 and describes the process of the compilation of the set .

  2. 二是将散佚已久的《旧五代史》辑编成书,并为后人提供了宝贵的辑佚方法和经验;

    Second , he compiled Old Five-Dynasties history which have scattered for a long time , and he offered some precious means and experience for the latter .

  3. 赵翼论新、旧《五代史》的文献价值与史学价值本论文即以《玉照新志》为研究对象,进行较系统的研究,以期充分认识该书的文献价值。

    Zhao Yi 's Comment on the Value of the Historical Literature and the Historical Studies in the New and Old Books of the History of the Five Dynasties we lack thorough research with it 's historical data value .