
  • 网络Old system;the old regime;ancien regime;old order;ancient regime
  1. 大众参加革命,带着不是准备好的社会重建计划,而是无法忍受旧制度的强烈感受。

    Masses go into a revolution not with a prepared plan of social reconstruction , but with a sharp feeling that they cannot endure the old regime .

  2. 正如达恩顿描述在文学地下的旧制度,这是极其困难的,来确定人们在实际阅读的启示。

    As Darnton describes in The Literary Underground of the Old Regime , it is extremely difficult to determine what people actually read during the Enlightenment .

  3. 旧制度留下的遗产有好有坏。

    The old system has left a mixed legacy .

  4. 旧制度行将灭亡,新制度就要出世。

    The old system is dying out ; a new system is coming into being .

  5. 维系旧制度的支柱已经消失了。

    The pivot on which the old system turned had disappeared .

  6. 不可能有人对旧制度更为痛恨了。

    No man could have hated the old order more bitterly .

  7. 国际制度研究:从旧制度主义到新制度主义

    The Study of International Institutions : From Old Institutionalism to New Institutionalism

  8. 谁也不希望回复到旧制度。

    Nobody wants to switch back to the old system .

  9. 旧制度经济学派的兼顾公平规则维护财产所有权的排他性,二者的产权特征不完全一样。

    Their characteristics of property right are not the same .

  10. 旧制度的整个体系已经分崩离析。

    The whole apparatus of the old system was already falling apart .

  11. 旧制度如果受到压力本来是会瓦解的。

    The old system would have collapsed under the strain .

  12. 我们谁也不愿意恢复到旧制度。

    None of us wish to switch back to the old system .

  13. 旧制度的卫道士寥寥无几。

    There are few apologists for the old system .

  14. 你这样做简直就是在做旧制度的殉葬品。

    What you are doing is burying yourself alive with the old system .

  15. 这与旧制度一样。

    It 's not unlike the old system .

  16. 父亲是旧制度的守护者,但同时也是受害者。

    Fathers are not only torturers but also victims of the old family systems .

  17. 旧制度已被取代了。

    The old system has been superseded .

  18. 从旧制度学派向新制度学派的过渡时期;

    The transition period from the early institutional economic school to new institutional economic school ;

  19. 他们都希望同那统治我们国家的旧制度一刀两断。

    They all wanted a real break with the old ways of running our country .

  20. 而那些敢于抛弃腐朽没落的旧制度的强者则有可能得以生存和发展。

    The strong may survive for they bravely abandon the virtues of the old ways .

  21. 有些人希望恢复死刑这个旧制度。

    Some people are hoping that the old system of punishment by death will come back .

  22. 奥巴马表示:“引发这场危机的旧制度不能继续下去”。

    " The old ways that led to this crisis cannot stand , " he said .

  23. 一些团队负责人在旧制度下长大,他们可能抵制这种变化。

    Some team leaders , brought up on the old system , may resist the change .

  24. 对于农村养老保险,农民对养老保险的潜在需求是很大的,但是由于在旧制度中,个人承担了主要费用,缴费金额相对较高,农民的养老保险参保率极低。

    But because individual bear the major cost in the old system , the participation rate is very low .

  25. 而新制度经济学的边界在旧制度经济学家和经济思想史家那里被进一步放宽。

    In fact , old institutional economists and historians of economics further broaden the border of new institutional economics .

  26. 美国旧制度主义者则将社会的各种规则纳入制度分析,强调制度的动态演化过程。

    American old institutionalists took social rules into institutional analysis , and emphasized the dynamic process of its evolution .

  27. 教育行政机构改革是制度化的进一步延伸,因为新学制确立,旧制度废除后,教育改革的中心就转移到了教育制度的实施和监督上来,这些使命是由教育行政机构来承担的。

    The center task of reformation shifted to establish an administrative department of education after the new school system .

  28. 游戏后期,他们的部队将会由于保守主义和旧制度而趋于过时。

    Later in the game their units will be a little out of date reflecting their conservatism and ancient lineage .

  29. 新准则改进了旧制度的不妥之处,符合我国的实际,接近国际惯例。

    New criterion improved the improper place of the old systems , is fit for china close to the international practices .

  30. 一个崭新的社会制度要从旧制度的基地上建立起来,它就必须清除这个基地。

    Before a new social system can be built on the site of the old , the site must be swept clean .