
  • 网络legacy;old;Old Version
  1. 此节列出了exchange组织中存在的每个旧版网关连接器的详细信息。

    This section lists details about every legacy gateway connector that exists in the exchange organization .

  2. 此节列出了在exchange组织中的每个发送连接器、外部连接器或旧版网关连接器上配置的所有地址空间。

    This section lists all the address spaces that are configured on every send connector , foreign connector , or legacy gateway connector in the exchange organization .

  3. 你可将新版与旧版相对照。

    You may collate the latter with the earlier edition .

  4. 它具有比旧版DB2命令行处理器更多的报表功能。

    It has many more reporting features than the old DB2 command line processor .

  5. 目前,我们正在帮助InternetArchive里的书籍以及旧版纽约时报进行数字化。

    Currently , we are helping to digitize books from the Internet Archive and old editions of the New York Times .

  6. 此节列出了exchange组织中的所有发送连接器、外部连接器和旧版网关连接器,并将路由关联到该连接器。

    This section lists all the send connectors , foreign connectors , and legacy gateway connectors in the exchange organization , and associates a route to the connector .

  7. 下面的示例演示如何为某个应用程序启用旧版cas策略。

    The following example shows how to enable legacy CAS policy for an application .

  8. ER域中可能有旧版服务器,但它们不能加入网格。

    There can be old version servers within the ER domain , but they cannot be part of the grid .

  9. ApachePOI是一组用于处理旧版和新版Microsoft标准文档的JavaAPI。

    Apache POI is a set of Java APIs for working with both older and newer Microsoft standard documents .

  10. 购买一台LCD显示器,因为旧版的CRT显示器会产生闪光,这是造成视觉疲劳的主要来源。

    Buy an LCD monitor , since older CRT monitors produce flicker , a major source of eyestrain .

  11. 此处有一个对该新解码器,旧版解码器,以及JPEG解码器的并行比较。

    There is a side-by-side comparison between the new encoder , the old encoder and JPEG here .

  12. Firefox和旧版的InternetExplorer都存在过内存泄漏,而且内存泄露一直持续到浏览器关闭。

    Both Firefox and older versions of Internet Explorer have a history of memory leaks that would persist until the browser was closed .

  13. 处理旧版VB6应用程序有以下5个选择

    There are5 basic options dealing with a legacy VB6 application

  14. 手机的屏幕——6为4.7寸、6Plus为5.5寸——较旧版的4寸屏要大出许多。

    The phones " larger screens - 4.7 diagonal inches for the 6 and 5.5 for the 6 Plus - are a considerable jump from the 4-inch screens of earlier iPhones .

  15. 该公司说,一些旧版iPhone和iPad的用户将可以从9月18日开始免费升级至新操作系统。

    The company said it would be releasing the software as a free upgrade to customers with some older-model iPhones and iPads on Sept. 18 .

  16. 新版RoHS的要求及对国内企业的影响与对策分析电梯大作战-新版&旧版

    The New Version of RoHS Requirements and the Impact of Domestic Enterprises and Countermeasures Analysis

  17. 提示:如果您想双重启动需要柱面对齐的Linux和一个旧版操作系统,尝试在成倍的8个柱面上调整所有分区的开头。

    Tip : If you want to dual-boot between Linux and an older operating system that requires cylinder alignment , try aligning the starts of all your partitions on multiples of eight cylinders .

  18. 另外,威盛四核处理器也采用虚拟化技术,可在虚拟环境中运行旧版软体与应用,并不会增加CPU使用率。

    In addition , the VIA quad-core processors with virtualization technology also can be run in a virtual environment software and legacy applications , and will not increase the CPU utilization .

  19. 2001年,(旧版)Napster网站关闭,开启了文件共享之源。

    Napster shut down in2001 , opening the file-sharing floodgates .

  20. 公司也仍会维护某些企业服务器操作系统装载的旧版IE。微软于2014年首度透露暂停支持旧版浏览器的计划。

    Microsoft will also keep supporting older versions of IE on several enterprise server operating systems . The company first announced plans to end support for its older web browsers in 2014 .

  21. 如果您想完全删除通过源代码安装的旧版Samba,应当改成该版本的的源代码目录并输入makeuninstall。

    If you want to completely remove an old version of Samba that was installed from source code , you should change into that version 's source code directory and type make uninstall .

  22. 在这里我不准备对它进行讨论,因为即使您的程序可以与旧版的NFS一起使用,您所使用的很多其他程序也不会使用该解决方法。

    I 'm not discussing it here because even if your program will work with old NFS versions , many other programs you use will not include this workaround .

  23. 如果您自己使用了OEXCL,而且共享目录是使用这些旧版NFS实现的,那么您的程序将是不安全的。

    If you use O_EXCL yourself , your program will be insecure if the shared directory is implemented using these old NFS versions .

  24. 在使用RPM升级软件时,RPM实用程序卸载旧版软件并安装新版软件,确保任何过时的文件被自动删除。

    When you use RPM to upgrade software , the RPM utilities uninstall the old software and install the new version , ensuring that any outdated files are automatically removed .

  25. 如果更新过程失败,那么就需要进行一个回滚操作,并将启动列表设置回之前的启动LV,然后重启&这将使系统返回旧版AIX。

    If the update procedure failed and a fallback is needed , set and verify the boot list back to the previous boot LV and reboot & this will bring back the older AIX version .

  26. 以下是苹果公司旧版和新版的规定(来自科技博客MacRumors)。

    Below : the old terms and the new ( via macrumors ) .

  27. 虽然Bochs是用于执行旧版操作系统的强大的平台仿真器,它也是一个用于开发操作系统的理想平台。

    Bochs is a great platform emulator for executing older operating systems , but it 's also an ideal platform for developing operating systems .

  28. 在这种情况下,优化器使用另一个来自XPS的众所周知的push-downhash联接来执行查询,和使用旧版复杂查询处理技术相比,审查的行数少很多。

    In this case , the optimizer uses another technology from XPS known as push-down hash joins to perform the query while examining fewer rows than would be possible using older complex query processing techniques .

  29. TEMA新版标准(1999)和旧版标准(1988)的比较分析

    Compare and Analysis of the New ( 1999 ) and the Obsolete ( 1988 ) Edition Standard TEMA

  30. 2007年版本的ISBP保留了许多旧版的规定,但也作了一些调整。

    Though much of the ISBP remains unchanged , certain adjustments have been made in the2007 version .