
jiù yuē
  • the Old Testament
旧约 [jiù yuē]
  • [Old Testament] 《圣经》中记载上帝和希伯来之间立的契约

旧约[jiù yuē]
  1. 《旧约.士师记》中的以色列战士英雄。

    Israelite warrior hero of the Old Testament Book of Judges .

  2. 利亚在《旧约》中,是雅各的第一位妻子。

    In the old testament , the first wife of jacob .

  3. 作为一部文学作品,《圣经》,特别是《旧约》的丰富多彩,是前所未有的。

    The diversity and richness of the Bible as literature , especially the old testament , are unparalleled .

  4. 埃斯德拉斯是第一个关于旧约伪经的两本书。

    Esdras is the first two books of the old testament apocrypha .

  5. 基督徒在旧约圣经时代为什么战斗呢?

    Why did god 's people fight in Old Testament days ?

  6. 比乌拉:《旧约》中的以色列的国土。

    Beulah : The land of Israel in the Old Testament .

  7. 不管你怎么看,旧约是不完整的。

    The Old Testament , on any showing , is incomplete .

  8. 《旧约》历史书悲剧人物论

    The Discussion of Tragic Characters in the Old Testament Historical Books

  9. 而且不只是圣经旧约。

    And it 's not just the Old Testament , either .

  10. 在旧约里,神已经启示了他的圣洁。

    God 's holiness has been revealed in the old testament .

  11. 旧约怎样行与新约怎样行!

    What done in O.T.and what do in New Testament ?

  12. 今早的朗读材料选自《旧约全书》。

    This morning 's reading is from the old testament .

  13. 旧约圣经讲述了神的子民的故事;

    The Old Testament tells the story of the people of God ;

  14. 但旧约圣经中大量的预言还没有实现。

    But a very large amount of Old Testament prophecy remains unfulfilled .

  15. 玛拉基是书写圣经旧约最后一篇的上帝的先知。

    Malachi a prophet of God wrote the last Old Testament book .

  16. 圣经为何被分为旧约和新约?

    Why is the Bible divided into the old and new testaments ?

  17. 旧约人物但以理和约伯,有许多共同之处。

    The Old Testament characters Job and Daniel had much in common .

  18. 海中怪兽《旧约》中提到的海中怪物。

    A monstrous sea creature mentioned in the old testament .

  19. 但契约是《旧约》里的东西吧,不是吗

    But that 's Old Testament , isn 't it ?

  20. 在旧约时期对这个规则有一些什么例外?

    What are some exceptions to this rule in the old testament ?

  21. 死海古卷证实了旧约的年代日期。

    The Dead Sea Scrolls support the dating of the Old Testament .

  22. 他们必须相信旧约圣经是受神感动而写成的道。

    They must believe that the Old Testament was inspired by God .

  23. 旧约和新约的许多经文都一再重申这点。

    Many passages in both Old and New Testaments affirm this repeatedly .

  24. 旧约对新约来说是暂时的,和预表性的。

    The Old Covenant was temporary and typological of the New Covenant .

  25. 而且还喜欢看旧约圣书”

    I really like turning the pages of the Old Testament . "

  26. 格,并不是旧约启示的一部分。

    The Spirit 's distinct personhood was no part of Old Testament revelation .

  27. 我们知道基督怎样满全了旧约,甚至修改了旧约。

    We know how Jesus himself completed and even changed the Old Testament .

  28. 我总是被《旧约》给吸引住

    I was always drawn to the Old Testament --

  29. 让我想想,我可以用希伯来语念旧约。

    Let 's see . I could read the Old Testament in hebrew .

  30. 摩西是《圣经·旧约》里记述的以色列先知。

    Mose is the prophet of Israel in Old Testament of the Bible .