
  • 网络precocial bird
  1. 雏鸟为早成鸟,出壳后12h内即随亲鸟离巢。

    The young are precocial , and after being hatched they leave the nest with their parents within 12 hours .

  2. 雏鸟在20日龄后体温维持在38.9±0.52℃,恒温能力晚于早成鸟。

    The body temperature of nestling maintained at 38.9 ± 0.52 ° C after 20 days old .

  3. 胚胎发育在第12孵化日龄到第15孵化日龄期间生长最快,生产单位重量的耗能最少,此期间虽是早成鸟胚胎低耗氧率时期,但又是快速生长的时期。

    Embryonic growth was the fastest and growing same mass consumed tha lest energy during from the 12th to the 15th day .