
zǎo qī jiào yù
  • early education
  1. 然而,那些为孩子买它的人是将ipad作为早期教育工具,因为上面有许多学习应用软件和益智游戏,应该能帮助孩子丰富知识,培养创新能力和开发智力,也为他们的生活增添乐趣,调查显示。

    Those who bought it for their children , however , see iPads as an early education tool with many learning applications and puzzle games that supposedly help children to enrich their knowledge , develop innovation and intelligence while adding fun to their lives as well , the survey showed .

  2. 儿童阅读障碍神经科学研究对早期教育的启示

    Enlightenment of Neuroscience Research on Children 's Dyslexia to Early Education

  3. Portage早期教育计划在中国精神发育迟滞儿童早期干预中的效果及适用性研究

    The Adaptation and Effect of Portage Program in Chinese Children with Mental Retardation

  4. WWF相信曲折式可持续发展教育(ESD)作为一条线一样从早期教育到高校教育能够最大限度地影响未来的可持续发展。

    WWF believes that weaving education for sustainable development ( ESD ) as a thread from early learning stage to higher education institution will maximize its impact to achieve a sustainable future .

  5. 佛蒙特州早期教育协调员M·曼纽拉·丰塞卡(M.ManuelaFonseca)说,她所任职的州正努力在其新制定的指导方针中,强调玩耍的学习价值。

    M. Manuela Fonseca , the early-education coordinator for Vermont , said her state was trying to emphasize the learning value of play in its new guidelines .

  6. 吉尔Englebright福克斯博士,是弗吉尼亚州助理教授儿童早期教育的弗吉尼亚联邦大学的里士满。

    Jill Englebright Fox , Ph.D. , is an assistant professor of early childhood education at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond , Virginia .

  7. 早期教育需要父母共同投入极大的努力。

    Parents need to devote into this with their utmost endeavor .

  8. 美国儿童早期教育的理念与实践探析

    The Idea and Practice of Education for Early Childhood in America

  9. 早期教育对学前儿童智力发展的影响

    Effect of early education on the intellectual development of the preschoolers

  10. 在提供早期教育的规划问题上,国与国之间大不相同。

    Countries vary enormously in their supply of early education programs .

  11. 早期教育及训练中心〔为残疾儿童而设〕

    Early education and training centre [ for disabled children ]

  12. 特殊儿童家长对早期教育的重要性认识不够;

    Parents ' awareness of the importance of early education is inadequate ;

  13. song/music:描述一个童年时候你喜欢的音乐或者一首歌。在早期教育里教孩子音乐对孩子有什么好处?

    Music : What 's your favorite kind of music ?

  14. 因此,儿童的早期教育需要游戏的参与。

    Therefore , early childhood education needs the participation of various games .

  15. 从元晦到不远复&朱熹早期教育环境的道家影响

    The Taoist Influences on the Early Educational Settings of Zhuxi

  16. 早期教育组从新生儿期开始接受早期智能教育,足月儿2组围生期情况相似。

    The education group were accepted early education on intelligence after birth .

  17. 试论中国近代早期教育思想的转轨与创新

    Transformation and Origination of Early Education Thoughts in Modern China

  18. 特殊教育、早期教育得到重视。

    Great importance was attached to special and pre-school education .

  19. 陈独秀早期教育思想三题

    The Three Topics about CHEN DU-Xiu 's Early Educational Thoughts

  20. 聋儿社区家庭康复中的早期教育策略

    Educational strategies of early rehabilitation and intervention for deaf children in community

  21. 教育现代化与中国早期教育现代化的特点

    The Characteristic of Education Modernization and early-period-education modernization in China

  22. 健康婴幼儿早期教育的效果及其影响因素的实验研究

    Effects and Influent Agents of Early Education on Well-Being Infants

  23. 在中国儿童接受早期教育的水平迅速提高。

    Early education for children has improved rapidly in China .

  24. 脑科学视野中的儿童早期教育

    Early Childhood Education : From the Perspective of Brain Science

  25. 家长对0~3岁婴幼儿早期教育的观念非常薄弱。

    Parents ' view to 0-3 infant 's early education is weak .

  26. 分散式早期教育干预效果的初步研究

    On the Effectiveness of the Decentralized Early Education Intervention

  27. 早期教育对极低出生体重儿智能发育的影响

    The effect of early-education on intelligent development of very low birth weight infants

  28. 良好的早期教育经验是儿童健康发展的基础条件。

    Appropriate early experience is a fundamental condition for children 's heath development .

  29. 整体化的儿童精神与早期教育

    On the Whole Spirit of Children and Early Education

  30. 西方两种早期教育机构的比较&社会建构主义的视角

    Compare Two Kinds of Western Early Childhood Institutions from a Social Constructivism Perspective