
  1. 在产有珍稀鸟类、爬行类以及早期被子植物化石的岩石中,As,Hg,S的含量明显高于相关的对比层。

    The rocks of fossil rich sedimentary beds ( containing precious birds , reptiles and early angiosperms ) abounded with more toxic elements such as As , Hg and S than the other beds .

  2. 近年来鸡西含煤盆地早白垩世海相沟鞭藻及早期被子植物化石的不断发现,为确认城子河组及其下伏滴道组、上覆穆棱组的时代属早白垩世提供了重要的依据。

    On the basis of tectonic evolution in Junggar coal basin and taking coal mineral as " the fossil " and by way of studying the basin formation and tectonic evolution in every stage .