
  • 网络fashion industry;Fashion Business
  1. 克劳德说,对美国的时尚产业进行监管并不容易。

    Regulating the fashion industry in the United States won 't be easy , Record says .

  2. 拿到哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)的工商管理硕士(MBA)后,自己就立志要成为创建数码时尚产业的第一人。

    I had an MBA from Columbia University and was determined to be the first to construct a digital fashion industry .

  3. 产业涉及时尚产业、新能源新材料、投资、园区开发、国际贸易五大板块,旗下拥有B和C两家上市公司。

    Industry related fashion industry , new energy and new materials , investment , park development , international trade five major sections , B and C owns two listed companies .

  4. 图书产业与时尚产业一样,观念就意味着全部。

    In books as in fashion , perception is all .

  5. 家居与服装、餐饮是并列的三大时尚产业。

    Home and apparel , food is tied in with three fashion industry .

  6. 时尚产业这么做的原因是这招确实奏效。

    The fashion industry does this because it works .

  7. 我们也跟时尚产业有所接触。”

    We talk to the fashion industry . "

  8. 现在回想起来,埃里森认为云产业是一门时尚产业的看法不无道理。

    In retrospect , Ellison was right that the cloud industry is a fashion industry .

  9. 她与香水师恩尼斯·鲍携手合作,把时分成与香氛融合在一起,从此彻底改变了时尚产业。

    Together with master perfumer Ernest Beaux , she melded fashion with fragrance and revolutionized the industry .

  10. 柴娅和她的尚流传媒要做最了解中国时尚产业的幕后推手!

    Chai and her W-Media will be the best driving force behind the fashion industry in China .

  11. 时尚产业在发展壮大的过程中必须依赖特定的传播模式。

    The fashion industry must depend on the specific mode of transmission in the process of development and growth .

  12. 设计师品牌作为上海时尚产业发展的新生力量,开始受到国内外人士的普遍关注。

    As a new force of Shanghai fashion industry development , Designer brands began to receive widespread attention both at home and abroad .

  13. 近年来,随着南宁时尚产业的快速发展,时尚逐渐成为南宁市的又一张城市名片。

    In recent years , with the rapid development of the fashion industry in Nanning ," Fashion " is becoming another city card .

  14. 时装绘画艺术将有望成为绘画、时尚产业和商业宣传三方面的一个新的平衡点。

    The aesthetic feeling of Fashion illustration will become a new balance point in fine arts , fashion industry , and commercial application .

  15. 但中国的时尚产业何时才能“踏平坎坷成大道,斗罢艰险又出发”,在泱泱大国的理念之下,这是个问题。

    However , when can the Chinese fashion industry refresh and prosper ? Under the philosophy of a grand country , that is a question .

  16. 时尚产业的发展和集聚,已成为国际大都市重要经济和社会活动内容,其影响力也日益提升。

    The development and agglomeration of the fashion industry , have become an important economic and social activities of international metropolis , their influences are rising .

  17. 然而,由于时尚产业在我国处于起步阶段,因此尚未发展成为成熟的极具竞争力的经济实体。

    However , the fashion industry in China is in its infancy stage , it has not yet developed into a mature and highly competitive economic sector .

  18. 一个强有力的品牌符号和品牌承诺建立起完整的品牌印象,代表着南山服饰在时尚产业上的高标准形象。

    A powerful brand symbol and a promise for brand name build up a perfect brand impression representing the high standard image of Natsun Garment in fashion industry .

  19. 近几年来,国内对室内装饰织物的需求不断增长,室内软装饰与服装时尚产业一起推动着国内纺织品行业的发展与壮大。

    In recent years , domestic demand for the growing of upholstery fabrics , interior soft furnishings and fashion industry together to promote the domestic textile industry development and growth .

  20. 对老字号成为时尚产业的生力军,对于拉动整个产业链和国家及城市综合竞争力也有一定的参考价值。

    The fashion industry to the main force of the time-honored become , for stimulating the whole industry chain urban comprehensive competitiveness and national and they also have some reference value .

  21. 我国服装产业逐渐从过去大批量生产的传统制造业模式进入多品种、小批量、高品质的快速反应系统的时尚产业。

    Chinese apparel industry gradually changing from the past mass production of traditional manufacturing mode into the fashion industry of many varieties , small volume , high quality and rapid response system .

  22. 中国时尚产业正处于发展期,时尚的特性决定了时尚传播对于时尚产业的重要性,时尚传播作为一个研究课题的价值日渐凸显。

    Chinese fashion industry is developing , the character of fashion has determined its importance to fashion industry , and the value of the fashion dissemination as a research issue gradually becomes outstanding .

  23. 斯温生挑出某些行业如时尚产业和媒体,这些地方的问题比较严重。她还呼吁民众拨打薪酬和工作权利热线0800-917-2368。

    Swinson singled out certain sectors such as the fashion industry and the media , where problems were more acute and encouraged people to contact the Pay and Work Rights Helpline on 0800 917 2368 .

  24. 虽然南宁时尚产业起步较晚,但其独特的区位优势、富有潜力的消费市场、高度的文化融合等,为南宁市发展时尚产业提供了坚实的土壤。

    Although the fashion industry in Nanning has started late , but its unique geographical advantages , the potential consumer market , the high degree of cultural integration provide a solid soil to the development of Nanning fashion industry .

  25. 进而以创意产业、时尚产业、新型服务业三大产业为支撑,带动聚集相关产业发展,形成若干产业链条,打造知名品牌,推出时尚原创。

    Based on three industries such as invention industry , fashionable industry and new-style service industry , the related industries should be initiated to form a lot of industrial chains , to create famous brands and to create fashionable products .

  26. 威尔逊与沃尔什都年仅29岁,威尔逊表示,他们两人都对整个时尚产业特别是靴子很感兴趣,并且发现在标价过高的高价靴子与廉价劣质的时尚品牌间存在市场空白。

    Wilson says he and Walsh , both 29 years old and interested in fashion broadly and boots specifically , identified a market gap between precious , costly boots sold at a high markup and cheap , low-quality fashion brands .

  27. 南山职业装,近年来相继引进世界顶级的意大利精品服装生产工艺和享誉全球的日本质量管理体系;并重金聘请世界著名时尚产业顾问公司为其提供全程产品研发及潮流预测。

    Natsun professional wear has introduced the Italian cutting-edge refined garment production techniques and the world-famous Japanese quality management system ; it has also recruited world-renowned fashion counseling companies to provide total-process product r & d and development trend forecast services .

  28. 这些城市的时尚产业组织不仅巧妙的将历史、文化、心理与经济相结合,还以时尚节事作为契机,将本土的时尚文化和诉求传播到世界各地,从而成为时尚产业发展的风向标。

    The fashion organizations of such cities not only integrates history , culture and psychology with economy , but also advertises the fashion culture and ideas to all around the world so that they all become the wind vane of fashion industry .

  29. 研究结果显示,上海时尚产业所选样本的集聚度在过去十年间呈现稳定增加的状态,也与全国时尚产业整体的集聚情况趋势一致。

    The results show that concentration degree of Shanghai fashion industry showed a steady increase over the past decade the state in the selected sample , and also in line with the national trend in the fashion industry as a whole agglomeration situation .

  30. 时尚产业的兴起是引领世界产业发展的最重要趋势之一,时尚导致的社会经济效益飞速增长,逐渐被社会经济学家关注。

    Fashion industry which developed rapidly and contributed dramatically to social and economic benefits has become one of the most important trends in the world . Fashion leads to a dramatic soar in social and economic benefit has , thus gradually being studied by social economists .