
  1. 但这其实并不奇怪,密苏里大学的研究表明爱tweet的人也爱cheat,一个人越喜欢玩推特之类的社交网站,那他在恋爱时越容易出现问题,比如出轨。

    While this isn 't too surprising , research from the University of Missouri shows those who tweet cheat . The more often a person uses Twitter , the more often they have relationship conflicts , like affairs .

  2. 匹克威克闹误会时越抹越黑的道歉解释。

    Kerwick misunderstands noisily when more wipes the blacker apology explanation .

  3. 你做实验时越仔细越好。

    You cannot be too careful in making experiments .

  4. 考试时越仔细越好。

    You cannot be too careful in examinations .

  5. 周末对阵凯泽斯劳滕时越晚诺维奇上场踢了45分钟,位置是左中卫。

    Jovanovic featured on the left side of midfield during a45 minute run out against Kaiserslautern at the weekend .

  6. 幼苗种植时越粗壮,种植得越精细,则种植后生长越好。

    The stronger the initiative seedlings and the more carefully the seedlings were planted , the better the growth .

  7. 车道辅助系统可以避免车子在行驶时越线,它也被视为第一级技术。

    A lane-assistance system , which helps keep a car from straying beyond lane markings , is also considered level one .

  8. 评价者在纳入研究时越是提高方法学分界点,则纳入研究间的真实性变异程度就越小。

    If reviewers raise the methodological cut-point for including studies , there will be less variation in validity among the included reports .

  9. 像沙滩车之类的越野车;像雪上汽车之类的越野运动。汽车下山时越开越快。

    Off-road vehicles such as dune buggies ; off-road sports such as snowmobiling . The car gained speed as it went down the hill .

  10. 在一份泄露的备忘录中,康威先生警告说:“持续时间越长,结束时越糟糕。”

    In a leaked memo , Mr Conway warned that : " the longer it lasts , the worse it will be when it ends . "

  11. 在一段时间内,有数据需要发送的节点越多,节点通信时越容易产生冲突。

    The more nodes who want to send data in a period of time , the more conflicts which will occur when the nodes communicate to each other .

  12. 显然,开始创业时越年轻,在一个竞争日益激烈的行业中取得成功的可能性就越高,这些领域中目前高估值已成为常态。

    Apparently , the younger you are , the higher your odds are at succeeding in an increasingly competitive area of the industry where skyrocketing valuations are the norm .

  13. 任务的虚拟运行时越小,意味着任务被允许访问服务器的时间越短&其对处理器的需求越高。

    The smaller a task 's virtual runtime meaning the smaller amount of time a task has been permitted access to the processor the higher its need for the processor .

  14. 因为《市场学期刊》的一项最新研究表明,购物时越是想要约束自己的花销,事实上会花的越多。

    Because a new study in the Journal of Marketing [ see ] shows that the harder shoppers try to keep track of what they 're spending , the worse they actually do .

  15. 如果做一件事难度越大耗时越长,那么你去做它的几率也就越小。这就是为什么许多人办了健身房会员又中途退出只是因为不是很便利。

    Make it Convenient The more difficult and time consuming it is to take an action , the less likely you will do it . This is why so many people who buy gym memberships drop out .

  16. 斜坡坡角在不影响其它性能时越小越好,若能使斜坡始点与船底接触处曲率梯度为零最好。

    On the condition of no influence on other performances , smaller angle of ramp is better . It is best that the gradient between the start point of ramp and the bottom of ship is zero .

  17. 潜堤与海堤距离接近1/2波长时越浪量偏大。

    When the waves pass the submerged-dike with breaking , the distance between the main seawall and the submerged-dike has a remarkable effect on overtopping over main seawall , and the maximum value of overtopping appears when the distance is about 1 / 2 of the wave length .

  18. 随着美国国家安全局(theNationalSecurityAgency)和其它政府监测项目丑闻的不断披露,人们在分享私人信息时越来越慎重。

    Following the scandal and stories surrounding the National Security Agency and other government surveillance programs , customers are more reluctant than before to share private information .

  19. 纬度越高,年日照时数越长,土壤pH值越高,越不利于果实内杜仲胶的形成,果实含胶率越低;

    Higher latitude , more sunlight hours and higher pH value made against the formation of gutta-percha in seed that resulted in lower gum content .

  20. 当下美国人在选择就餐地点时越来越关注食物的品质,而并非低廉的价格,《消费者报告》高级项目编辑托德o迈克思(TodMarks)在声明中说。

    More and more , food quality ― not just low price ― is emerging as a deciding-factor for many Americans when choosing where to spend their dining dollars , Tod Marks , senior projects editor for Consumer Reports , said in a statement .

  21. 结果Allo-SCT组有2例患者月经恢复,Auto-SCT组有4例恢复;移植时年龄越小,卵巢功能越易恢复。

    Results Menstrual cycles recovered in two and four women in the Allo-SCT and Auto-SCT groups respectively , being associated with younger age .

  22. 而在网络生存时间上,相较于其它链式路由算法至少可提升约2%-47%;尤其在监测面积范围较大时,越能显现出HCRP协议的节能效率。

    Survival time in the network , routing algorithm compared to other chain can improve at least about 2 % to 47 % ; in particular , the scope of the monitoring area is large , the more is revealed HCRP energy efficiency agreement .

  23. 他说,投资者开始投资时年龄越轻越好。

    The younger they start investing , he told his audience , the better .

  24. 当管理人员说到网络与主机安全时越来越觉悟到安全的重要性。

    Administrators are becoming more security-savvy when it comes to network and host security .

  25. 里面装的东西越少,倒出时噪音越大。

    The less they have in them the more noise they make in pouring out .

  26. 开始时血压越高,谈话中上升得越厉害。

    The higher the blood pressure is to start , the more it soars during conversation .

  27. 基本上,你越喜欢这工作,干活时就越开心。

    Of course , being happy at work depends mostly on how much you like your job .

  28. 更糟的是,仓位越重,你决定时会越少理性。

    Worse yet , the larger the position is , the less rational your decision-making will be .

  29. 随着训练次数增多,智能体与特定对手博弈时越来越强。

    With a lot of training , agent can get better and better when game with the same opponent .

  30. 近几个月以来,随着中国需求的放缓,必和必拓在预测大宗商品价格走势时越来越谨慎。

    In recent months , BHP has grown more cautious about the outlook for commodity prices as Chinese demand slows .