
  • 网络time bank;time is a bank
  1. 在时间银行里,会员可以通过为其他会员提供服务来获得积分,服务范围可包括做饭、整理家务、开车接送,以及家庭维修等。

    In a time bank , mrs get credit for services they provide to other mrs , from cooking to housekeeping to car rides to home repair .

  2. 在某一具体时间银行帐户的状况

    State of an account at a bank at a particular time

  3. 时间银行的概念起源自艾德加。

    The idea of time banking came from Edgar Cahn .

  4. 什么是时间银行帐户开立的离岸?

    What is the timeframe for opening of the offshore bank account ?

  5. 很多人认为这次全球金融风暴的根源是银行业低估了次级贷款的潜在风险,一时间银行贷款问题成为大家茶余饭后的话题。

    A lot of people agreed that the banking underestimating potential risks of the subprime loans was the source of the worldwide financial storm and talked about banking lending at their leisure during that period .

  6. 众多青年义工队伍或志愿队伍的形成为公益养老时间银行系统的实施奠定了人员基础,也使得时间存储和支取有了可能。

    Large number of youth volunteers to form teams or volunteer teams for the implementation of the banking system , public pension officials laid the foundation , but also makes time to store and draw made possible .

  7. 劳拉·路易斯(LauraLewis)来自西印度群岛的RiverFalls,最近花了几个小时的午餐时间在银行门口排队。

    Laura Lewis , 27 , from River Falls , WI , recently spent much of her lunch hour in a long line at a bank .

  8. 邮政储蓄的好处是营业时间比银行的要长。

    The postal savings has more business hours than the banks .

  9. 充足的时间使银行可以通过积累留存收益或逐步缩小资产负债表的方式来填补资本缺口。

    Banks could make up capital shortfalls by accumulating retained earnings or shrinking their balance sheets steadily .

  10. 银行柜台交易:费率高,需要到银行网点,需要等候,时间受到银行工作时间限制。

    Bank bar trades : cost rate is high , need bank site , need waits , time is restricted by bank working hours .

  11. 三周时间以银行汇款凭证传真件发出日起至全部技术资料甲方受到之日止。

    Three weeks time starting from the date showed on the bank transfermation form and fax out to the day all technical documents have been received by party A.

  12. 马克:我本来想腾出半天的空闲时间去银行,但没有实现。

    Mark : Well , I was waiting to have a half day free - one that I wanted to spend at the bank . That didn 't happen .

  13. 集思广益让更多人提供创造一个更美好新加坡愿景的意见,会不会比花时间投诉银行的人龙越来越长,户头的储蓄却越来越少来得有意义?

    If we enlarge our thinking and invite a wider circle to contribute to the vision of a better Singapore , is it not better than complaining about long queues and less savings ?

  14. 银行、邮局等服务场所对外公布的服务时间是银行和邮局等对公众的承诺还是一种无形的合同?

    Is the bank , post office serve time that outside serving a place to be opposite , announces the bank and post office acceptance to the public or a kind of aeriform contract ?

  15. 他们不在乎我Geoff是否因为不能在这个时间段去银行而感到爽与不爽。

    And they don 't care whether or not Geoff is upset he can 't go to the bank .

  16. 提前短时间预约,银行经理不会接见任何人。

    The bank manager will not see anyone at short notice .

  17. 代理收付节约购物时间和跑银行之时间。

    Agency receipt and payment saves the time of shopping and banking for staffs .

  18. 长时间以来,银行一直被视为本土市场增长的代表。

    Banks have long been considered a proxy for growth in their home markets .

  19. 按照新条例进行的审批程序,可能会耗去很多时间。外资银行对此已表示担心。

    Foreign banks have expressed concern that approvals procedures under the new rules will be time - consuming .

  20. 但是会花上几天甚至几周的时间,通过银行移动城市内的金钱,

    but it can take days or weeks for money to move through the banking system across a city .

  21. 该利率是银行间相互借款的利率,每天上午伦敦时间11:10使用银行委员会递交的估计利率进行计算。

    It is calculated every morning at around 11:10 a.m.londontime , using estimated rates submitted from a panel of banks .

  22. 喔,是的,她还得挤出时间去趟银行,因为她急需钱用。

    Oh yes , and somehow she had to sandwich in time to get to the bank because she needed money .

  23. 过去十年的多数时间里,银行将世界经济论坛当作大肆招待客户的机会。

    For most of the past decade , banks have used the WEF in Davos as a lavish opportunity to entertain clients .

  24. 买方需在规定的时间内提供银行信息,否则卖方对延迟交货不付任何责任。

    The buyer must provide bank information in the stipulated time , otherwise the seller won 't be responsible for the delay shipment .

  25. 一时间,以银行业金融机构为代表的金融机构市场退出成为金融业界和理论学界共同关注的话题。

    With time , it had been a focus for financial and academic circle that the banking institutions and other financial institutions market exit .

  26. 最近这场银行业危机的一个教训就是,监管机构花了太多时间监管单个银行,却未能注意到它们会如何相互影响。

    One moral of the recent banking crisis is that regulators spent too much time monitoring individual banks but failed to see how they might interact .

  27. 在过去十年左右的时间里,银行的高级经理为了降低银行网点的成本已经将一些业务收回总行。

    In the last ten years or so , banks ' senior managers have taken operations out of branches in order to reduce the cost of their networks .

  28. 自2005年瑞士友邦银行在我国发展私人银行业务开始,不到六年的时间,私人银行业务在我国迅猛发展。

    Since AIG Bank developed private banking business in China in 2005 , no more than six years , private banking business has been developed rapidly in China .

  29. 由于在今后一段时间内,银行贷款仍将成为中小企业资金的主要来源,鉴于此,本文主要研究中小企业的贷款融资问题。

    Since SME will still obtain most of its financial aids from bank for a long time , the paper mainly studies the problem of credit financing in SME .

  30. 实验和分析表明,该仿真模型可以真实地模拟银行业务窗口排队现象,对减少顾客等待时间、提高银行服务效率有借鉴作用。

    The experiment and analysis show the system can simulate the situation of bank queuing actually , and it can supply references to reduce the waiting time of customer and improve the work effectively in bank .