
  1. 昌九工业走廊沿线建设生态农业带的探讨

    Study on constructing an eco agricultural belt along Chang-Jiu Industrial Corridor

  2. 并以昌九工业走廊为试验区,完成了投资环境综合评价的实例研究,结果表明,本系统具有相当的实用性和可操作性。

    It can be proved the support system was plausible and utilizable by a case study on investment environment evaluation of Nanchang-Jiujiang industrial corridor using the system .

  3. 通过对该战略决策在江西经济发展的地位及作用分析,透视出昌九工业走廊就是江西在中部地区崛起的引擎。

    And by analyzing the position and function of the strategy during the economic development of Jiangxi , we put forward that " Nanchang-Jiujiang industrial corridor " is the " engine " of the rise of Jiangxi in the Central Area of China .