
  • 网络Changyi City
  1. 昌邑市桶装饮用纯净水卫生状况调查

    Investigation on Hygienic Status of Barreled Purified Drinking Water in Changyi City

  2. 2007~2009年昌邑市医疗卫生机构消毒监测结果分析

    Analysis of Monitoring Results of Disinfection in Medical Institutions in Changyi City from 2007 to 2009

  3. 基于STRUTS架构的昌邑市旅游局电子政务系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of E-government System Based on STRUTS Framework for Changyi Tourist Administration

  4. 昌邑市推广玉米秸秆还田机械化技术的应对措施

    Measures of Popularizing Mechanization Technique of Maize Straw Giving Back Farmland in Changyi

  5. 昌邑市地方税务局税收征管系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Tax Collection and Management System for Changyi Local Taxation Bureau

  6. 昌邑市新农村建设中的人力资源开发问题研究

    Study on the Rural Human Resources Development of Building New Socialist Countryside in Changyi Municipal

  7. 参加了并完成了昌邑市柳疃镇育龄妇女管理系统的设计与实现。

    Participated in and completed the town women of childbearing age Management System Design and Implementation .

  8. 昌邑市环境在线监测系统采用软件工程的思想进行分析设计,本文描述了昌邑市环境在线监测系统的需求分析、系统设计以及具体的实现过程。

    This paper describes requirement analysis , system design and realization process of Changyi environment online monitoring system .

  9. 系统的设计开发必将为昌邑市土地储备中心综合管理迎来一个崭新的一页!

    The design of the system certainly will bring a new page to the comprehensive land reserve central management .

  10. 还自然真实面目&山东省昌邑市潍河滨河公园方案设计

    Reveal the Nature in Its True Colors & The Planning and Design of the Weihe Waterfront Park of Changyi City , Shandong Province

  11. 同时运用农村新型工业化综合评价模型对昌邑市进行判定,分析指标体系内相应指标的影响因素。

    At the same time , use the comprehensive evaluation model of new pattern industrialization in rural areas to determine the industrialization level of Changyi .

  12. 但是在昌邑市财政局日常工作中,我们发现财政部门现有的办公流程普遍存在一些问题。

    But in the daily work of Changyi city finance bureau , we find that there are some prevalent problems in the financial sector office processes .

  13. 第三部分,国内部分省市农产品加工企业发展现状及名牌战略实施现状分析。包括河北省、昌邑市及潍坊市农产品加工企业的发展现状和名牌战略实施现状分析。

    The third part is some provinces and cities in the domestic agricultural product processing enterprises in Brand Strategy Development and Analysis , including Hebei , Changyi and Weifang .

  14. 近年来,昌邑市的经济和社会发展取得了巨大成就,但在工业化过程中也出现了一些问题,严重制约了当地经济的健康快速发展。

    In recent years , Changyi has achieved great development on economy and society , at the same time , many questions which seriously restrict developing of local economy appeared .

  15. 本文分析了山东省昌邑市玉米秸秆还田机械化技术推而不广的原因,提出了六个方面的应对措施。

    This paper analyzed the reasons of that why didn 't popularize mechanization technique of maize straw giving back farmland in large area in Shandong Changyi , put forward six sides of measure .

  16. 具体实现了昌邑市环境在线监测的系统管理、配置管理、系统门户管理、地理信息展现、数据分析功能管理功能。

    The system concretely realizes changyi environment on-line monitoring ' functions such as system management , configuration management , system portal management , geographic information display , data analysis function and management function .

  17. 然后采用实地调研的方法,对昌邑市农村信用社小额信贷发展过程和现状进行调研分析,并对目前的小额信贷模式进行了介绍。

    Then , using the method of investigation , to Rural Credit Cooperative Of Changyi microfinance development process and current status of research and analysis , and to the current microfinance model was introduced .

  18. 在应用研究部分,对昌邑市经济发展现状与山东省平均水平和周围县市进行对比分析,对昌邑市工业化水平进行定位。

    In the part of Applied Research , it conducts comparative analysis of the economic development of Changyi with the average level of Shandong Province and the surrounding cities and counties , and determines the level of industrialization .

  19. 能量投入部分在考虑化肥投能、机械投能、人工投能的情况下,昌邑市小麦和玉米的能量产投比分别为4.60和7.58。玉米能量收益较高,小麦能量收益相对较低。

    If the energy input of chemical fertilizer , machine and labor is considering , the energy input-output ratio of wheat and corn are 4.60 and 7.58 respectively and the profit of corn energy is relatively high than that of wheat . 3 .

  20. 汉文帝与代臣&兼论昌邑王刘贺与昌邑臣昌邑市农民专业合作社发展对策研究

    Emperor Wen of the Han Dynasty and the Ministers of the State of Dai : with Reference to Prince Changyi and His Ministers ; The Countermeasure Research of Farmers Cooperative Professional Development in Changyi City