
  • 网络Changli County
  1. 昌黎县实施循环经济的可行性研究

    Feasible Study on Implementing Recycle Economy in Changli County

  2. 昌黎县鲜食葡萄的发展前景、障碍因素与对策

    The developing prospects , impediments and Countermeasures of Fresh-eating grape industry in Changli County

  3. 临沂市经济发展的条件评价与对策昌黎县经济发展的条件与战略对策

    The developing conditions and strategic countermeasures of the economy of Changli County

  4. 昌黎县葡萄酒产业化经营问题研究

    Study on Wine Industrialization of Changli County

  5. 最后,提出昌黎县民间文化产业的发展建议。

    Lastly , this paper put forward some suggestions about developing Changli county folk culture industries .

  6. 昌黎县黄金海岸自然保护区的资源利用现状及产业化前景

    Present Situation and Industrialization Prospect of Resources in the Nature Protective Section of Goldcoast in Changli

  7. 河北省昌黎县赤霞珠葡萄产区土壤养分及施肥状况分析

    The Soil Nutrients Status and Fertilizer Applications of Cabernet Sauvignon Grape Cultivar in Changli County of Heibei Province

  8. 车队离开了秦皇岛市的昌黎县,前往震后崛起的新城,河北的唐山市。

    Our caravan left Changli County of Qinhuangdao for Tangshan , Hebei Province , a city rebuilt after an earthquake .

  9. 实地考察了秦皇岛市下辖的三区四县(北戴河区、山海关区、海港区、昌黎县、抚宁县、卢龙县、青龙县)农田杂草的种类、分布、危害及主要杂草的生育期。

    The kinds , distribution , harm and growing periods of farmland weeds in Qinhuangdao area were given on the spot investigation .

  10. 昌黎县是久负盛名的花果之乡、鱼米之乡、文化之乡、旅游之乡。

    Changli County is a prestigious flower and fruit of the township , land of plenty , culture town , tourist town .

  11. 在分析昌黎县社会经济和环境现状的基础上,指出了昌黎发展循环经济的必要性。

    The author thinks that it is feasible for Changli county to development recycle economy after analyzing the social economy and environmental situation .

  12. 据了解,扇贝养殖是昌黎县海洋经济的主导产业,已有十几年的养殖厉史。

    It is understood that the scallop farming Changli County 's marine economy is the dominant industry , has been farming for more than ten years History .

  13. 昌黎县位于河北省东北部,隶属于秦皇岛市,是全省首批扩权县之一。

    Changli County is located in northeast Hebei Province , belonging to Qinhuangdao City , is one of the province of the first counties to expand their powers .

  14. 2003年5月至2006年10月,对河北省昌黎县城区的野生鸟类进行了调查,共记录野生鸟类12目29科91种。

    Wild birds in urban area of Changli of Hebei were investigated during the period from May 2003 to October 2006.There are 91 species which belong to 12 orders , 29 families .

  15. 总规划面积为687平方公里。分布在秦皇岛市的海港区、北戴河区、山海关区、昌黎县、抚宁县和卢龙县。

    With a total planning area is687 square kilometers , they are dotted in Qinhuangdao 's Haigang District , Beidaihe District , Shanhaiguan District , Changli County , Funing County and Lulong County .

  16. 本文根据昌黎县黄金海岸资源的特点、区域优势及社会和经济发展状况,提出了今后沿海经济产业化发展的方向。

    Present situation of the coastal resources utilization in the nature protective section of gold coast in Changli were summarized , According to characteristic of the coastal resources , regional superiority , social and economic present condition and the possibilities of industrialization in future were pointed out .

  17. 昌黎是文化大县,是昌黎民歌的主要栖息地,1998年被文化部命名为全国民歌之乡,2008年昌黎民歌又被认定为第二批国家级非物质文化遗产。

    Changli , a great cultural county and the main habitat of folk songs , was named national folk village by Ministry of Culture in 1998 . Changli folk songs was identified as the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage in 2008 .

  18. 昌黎地秧歌是昌黎县境内普遍开展的一种自娱性较强的民间舞蹈艺术,源于百姓的日常生活,流传至今已有千余年的历史。

    Changlidi Yangko , a self-amused folk dance art that is launched in Changli County , originated from the people 's daily life and has a history of thousand years .

  19. 昌黎葡萄誉华夏干红美酒名九州&昌黎县被命名为中国干红葡萄酒之乡

    The County of China s Dry Red Wines