
  • 网络BenQ;ACER;ben
  1. TCL、明基、上汽等著名企业的失败案例更是引起了我们对跨国并购的反思。

    The well-known business failure case of TCL , BenQ and so on caused more reflection of our cross-border mergers and acquisitions .

  2. 英特尔、可口可乐、美国运通、金霸王电池、HTC、英伟达和明基等大品牌已经进军电子竞技市场。

    Big brands like Intel , Coca-Cola , American Express , Duracell , HTC , Nvidia , and Benq have already tapped into the eSports audience .

  3. 检调人员带走了明基首席财务官游克用(ericyu)和其它负责财会的官员,以进一步询问。

    Prosecutors took Eric Yu , chief financial officer , and other company officials in charge of Finance and accounting , back to their office for questioning .

  4. 这绝非易事。台湾电子公司明基(BenQ)就因扩张太快而不得不收缩业务。

    It 's no easy task - BenQ , an electronics company , expanded too fast and had to backtrack .

  5. 他们认为,两家公司的运营模式相似,同时对宏碁而言,Gateway(占合并后公司销售收入的26%)要比IBM之于联想以及西门子之于明基更容易消化。

    They believe the two companies ' operations are similar , and Gateway , representing 26 per cent of the combined revenues , is much easier to digest for Acer than the IBM and Siemens businesses were for Lenovo and BenQ , respectively .

  6. 境况不佳的台湾电子企业明基(BenQ)将剥离其品牌业务,重新将重点放在代工生产方面,以实现扭亏为盈。

    BenQ , the troubled Taiwanese electronics company , is to shed its brand business and refocus on contract manufacturing in an effort to return to profitability .

  7. 结果表明基片的刻蚀速率随着气压的降低、微波输入功率和射频功率的升高而上升,但对SiO2/Si的刻蚀选择性比较低,在我们的实验条件下,最高只有4。

    The results indicate that etching rate of the substrates increases with decreasing pressure , increasing microwave and RF power , but the etching selectivity of SiO ; over Si is very low , maximum of which is 4 at our experiment condition .

  8. 我们不了解明基的意图,也不了解这一事件的背景。

    We do not understand the intentions , nor the background .

  9. 明基表示,它将完全配合调查人员的工作。

    BenQ said it would co-operate fully with the investigators .

  10. 南京明基医院暖通空调系统设计介绍

    Design of HVAC System for Nanjing BenQ Hospital

  11. 明基称,此次突击搜查与公司“海外雇员奖金安排”有关。

    BenQ said the raid was related to " overseas employees bonus practices " .

  12. 明基收购西门子手机业务

    BenQ Purchase Mobile Business of Siemens

  13. 明基2005全国经销商大会

    BenQ Global Distributors ' Meeting 2005

  14. 这有助于我们全球扩张迈进一大步,明基董事长李焜耀说。

    This helps us take a leap in our global expansion , said Lee Kun-yao , chairman .

  15. 接着,给出基站台的设计方案,说明基站台控制单元的软件和硬件的设计与实现。

    In the later , the design of software and hardware of BS control unit is achieved .

  16. 模拟还表明基区缓变结构可以减少表面复合,提高电流增益。

    The simulational results also show that the degradation of gain induced by surface effects can be gradual base structure .

  17. 疑点在于,此次出售抓住了明基发布季度亏损公告前的机会,因此得以获利。

    The suspicion is that a profit was made by taking the opportunity to sell before BenQ 's announcement of a quarterly loss .

  18. 明基称,一旦指定了破产管理人,它希望德国政府承担处置明基移动通讯的成本。

    BenQ said it expected the German government to shoulder the cost of dealing with BenQ Mobile once an insolvency administrator had been named .

  19. 该公司表示,它将在欧洲以外市场销售手机,并期望继续与明基移动通讯在欧洲市场合作。

    The company said it would run handset sales outside Europe , while it expected to continue cooperating with BenQ Mobile in European markets .

  20. 5年后,所有新手机都将使用联合品牌,随后将只使用明基品牌,李先生说。

    For five years all new mobile devices will be co-branded and after that only the BenQ brand will survive , Mr Lee said .

  21. 明基电通在台北表示,已决定不再对该业务注资,因为这样做可能威胁到自身生存。

    BenQ Corp in Taipei said it had decided not to put any more money into the business because if it had it might have threatened its own survival .

  22. 西门子在一份简短声明中表示:明基决定不再为德国子公司提供资金支持,并将其送入破产程序,这种态度令我们感到非常惊讶。

    Siemens said in a brief statement : We are very surprised about the attitude of BenQ to no longer give financial support in Germany and to steer [ the subsidiary ] into insolvency .

  23. 这种态度让明基和华硕在分离品牌与代工业务时都一再拖延,结果损失了宝贵的代工定单,因为客户认为两者间存在利益冲突。

    This attitude has led both BenQ and Asustek to drag their feet in separating branded and contract operations , resulting in the loss of valuable contract orders as customers saw a conflict of interest emerging .

  24. 明基床墩柱是目前研究较少但应用前景广泛的一种海工建筑物,现已用作海上风力发电的基础。

    A bedding cylinder is a kind of structure which has broad foreground application but few researches have studied on it . Now it has used as the foundation of the wind power generation at the sea .

  25. 这家公司昨日出人意料地宣布,将把明基名下的品牌业务独立出来,成立一家拥有约35亿元新台币(合1.05亿美元)实收资本的非上市公司。

    In a surprise move , the company yesterday said it would spin off brand operations under the BenQ name into an unlisted company that would have paid-in capital of about T $ 3.5bn ( $ 105m ) .

  26. 实验表明基于小波包变换的多尺度图像匹配算法准确度高,计算速度较快且减小了迭代落入局部最优解的概率。

    The test shows that the multiple-dimensional image matching algorithm based on the wavelet packet transformation , which possesses higher accuracy and higher speed , can reduce the probability of that the iteration falls onto the locally optimal points .

  27. 本文采用近似方法分析了明基床上直立式消波建筑物前的波高及消波室内的波高,从而确定建筑物的消波效果。

    In this paper , the wave heights in front of a vertical wave absorbing structure with rubble foundation aswell as in the wave chamber by using an approximative calculation method are described , and the dissipating effect of the structure is verified .

  28. 在前面理论研究的基础上,本文以明基电通股份有限公司在中国大陆笔记本电脑市场中的经营策略为例,讨论了其以品牌管理为核心竞争力的管理实践。

    In light of the theories discussed before , the thesis takes the Benq Corporation as an example , in which the business strategy of taking brand as its core competence is being used since it entered the notebook computer market of mainland .

  29. 针对海床地质良好的工程,完全可以采用明基床形式,使基床顶高程明显高于海床面,减少开孔沉箱的高度,进一步节省造价。

    For foundation with high quality , the form of open bedding could be applied , that is the height of bedding being obviously higher than that of the seabed , in order to reduce the height of perforated caissons and to further save costs .