
  1. 我想明天和你的经理讨论几个细节问题。

    I 'd like to discuss a few details with your manager tomorrow .

  2. 我想明天和你见面。

    I should like to see you tomorrow .

  3. 我现在在外地出差,恐怕明天和你见不了面。

    I am now out on a business trip , I am afraid I can 't see you tomorrow .

  4. 明天和你的下半辈子会和今天全然相同,在无聊中度日。

    Um hmm. Tomorrow , and all your remaining days will be exactly like today a tedious collection of hours .

  5. 说吧,明天再和你通话。

    Get some sleep , I 'll talk to you tomorrow .

  6. 对不起,我明天不能和你去卡利斯佩尔

    Sorry , I cant come with you to Kalispell tomorrow .

  7. 他告诉我说,“我明天将和你一起去。”

    He told me ," I will go with you tomorrow . "

  8. 伟龙明天将和你讨论那件事。

    Weilong will discuss the matter with you tomorrow .

  9. 明天再和你玩好不好,快睡吧。

    We 'll play tomorrow buddy , okay ? Okay , sleep well .

  10. 我明天将和你玩。

    I 'll play with you tomorrow .

  11. 主人希望明天傍晚可以和你见面。

    The master had wished to meet you tomorrow evening .

  12. 明天我会和你一起去那个码头。

    I 'm going with you to that wharf tomorrow .

  13. 但是我们要到明天才会来和你商讨。

    But we 'll get back to you tomorrow with our final answer .

  14. 卡尔,明天我能和你一起工作吗?

    Carl , you mind if I come to work with you tomorrow ?

  15. 男:莎莉,明天祝你和你的团队好运。

    Man : Well , Sally , best of luck to you and your team tomorrow .

  16. 抱歉了,雷,我只记得自己的爱人却忘记你的了,不管怎样,林明天也可和你来。林,你愿来吗?

    Excuse me lei , I only concern about my love but forget yours . anyway , Lin will be come with you tomorrow . lin , would you like to come ?

  17. 明天,我得和你的堂兄说什么?

    What will I say to your cousin tomorrow ?

  18. 我们分手吧&但我们会在明天午饭时再和你见面的,好吗?

    Let 's split & but we 'll meet you again at lunchtime tomorrow , okay ?

  19. 如果可能,我想要改成明天下午4点和你见面。

    If it 's possible , I 'd like to change my appointment with you to4: 00p.m.tomorrow .