
yì gǎn zhě
  • susceptible person
易感者[yì gǎn zhě]
  1. 限制酶分析确认:临床确诊者及其母亲为该错义突变携带者,为MH易感者。

    Restriction enzyme analysis confirmed : the proband is the missense mutation carrier , MH susceptible person .

  2. 结论血液pH可以用作急进高原人群急性高原病易感者的预测。

    Conclusion : The blood pH may used to predict of susceptible population of acute mountain sickness .

  3. 两类易感者具垂直传染和预防接种的SIRS传染病模型

    The two SIRS epidemical models with vertical infection and vaccination in the easily infected groups

  4. 目的运用定量酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)检测人群麻疹免疫水平,探索其影响因素,并为确定麻疹易感者及其免疫策略提供科学依据。

    Objective To detect the measles immunity and to study the impact of demographic and other factors on the levels of antibodies by quantitative ELISA .

  5. 方法:选择来自不同龋易感者口腔的变链临床分离株(血清c型)共20株,10株来自无龋者,10株来自龋易感者(DMFT≥6)。

    METHODS : Twenty Streptococus mutans clinical strains ( serotype c ) were collected and isolated from 10 caries-free and 10 caries-active individuals ( DMFT ≥ 6 ) .

  6. 目的调查歼击机飞行员累加Coriolis加速度耐力水平和运动病易感者脱敏习服训练效果。

    Objective To investigate the cumulative Coriolis acceleration tolerance in fighter pilots and the effect of desensitization and habituation training in the pilots susceptible to airsickness .

  7. HEVs具有独特的向外环境排毒的方式,病毒感染易感者后,受感染的个体无论有无临床症状都会持续向外环境排出带有病毒的粪便,大约持续数周。

    Once been infected , individuals with clinical symptoms or not will continually excrete feces with virus for several weeks .

  8. 非流行期各年龄儿童易感者的HAV感染率为73%~333%,年度间有波动。

    During the non-epidemic period , there were about 7 3 % ~ 33 3 % of infectious rate being infected every year , although there some fluctuations between different years .

  9. 脑出血和重度颅脑外伤患者是主要易感者;急诊入院、意识障碍、侵入性操作、使用糖皮质激素及H2受体阻断剂和不合理使用抗生素是引起神经外科医院感染的危险因素。

    Emergency hospitalization , unconsciousness , invasive manipulation , use of glucocorticoid or H 2 receptor inhibitors , and inappropriate use of antibiotics are risk factors for hospital infection in the neurosurgical settings , which should arouse special attention in nursing care .

  10. HBsAg和HBsAb均为阴性占1944%,易感者比率较高,有必要及早采取注射乙肝疫苗等有效干预措施,降低受感染的危险性,减少乙型肝炎、肝硬化及肝癌的发病率。

    Region ( the negative rates both in HBsAg and in HBsAb were 19.44 % ) . It is necessary to vaccinate hepatitis B virus earlier to prevent from infection of hepatitis B , liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma .

  11. 不管本病是否存在,在肯定以前必须从社会人群中将已受暴露的易感者予以隔离。

    Exposed susceptibles should be isolated from social groups until it is determined whether disease is present .

  12. 最近的研究提示,红霉素对暴露于百日咳的易感者,在预防上有效。

    Recent studies suggested that erythromycin may be effective in prophylaxis against pertussis in exposed , susceptible persons .

  13. 及时检出易感者即高危人群,限制其从事粉尘作业是重要的预防措施之一。

    It is an important precautionary measure to detect the high-risk group and confine them to engaged in dust work .

  14. 通过隔离染病者和对易感者进行预防接种的方式对所研究的模型施加控制,达到控制传染病的目的。

    We can attain aim to control the diffusion of epidemic by the means of isolating infected individuals and vaccinating susceptible .

  15. 病原体通过感染的人、动物或储存宿主直接或间接地发生传播,感染易感者。

    Pathogens are passed on directly or indirectly to those easily infected people through the infected people , animals or the hosts .

  16. 疫苗时代育龄期妇女体内麻疹抗体多为麻疹疫苗所介导,所生婴儿母传抗体消失提前,未及初免月龄已成为易感者。

    In vaccine era , measles antibody in women of childbearing age is vaccine-induced , and the maternal antibody of their infants disappeared in advance .

  17. 对356例18&45岁的青壮年乙肝易感者进行国产血源乙肝疫苗免疫接种。

    356 cases ( age 18 to 45 ) from " susceptible population to Hepatitis B " were injected with plasma-derived hepatitis B vaccine made in China .

  18. 老年根面龋易感者牙菌斑与唾液中致龋菌分析这个忠告并不仅仅局限于预防龋齿。

    The Pathogenic Bacteria Analysis of Plaque and Saliva from Susceptible Senile Persons with Root Surface Caries ; The advice was not restricted to the prevention of tooth decay .

  19. “了解胰岛素抵抗如何改变能量存储在它导致更严重的问题前,能帮助那些易感者预防代谢综合症的出现,”舒尔曼称。

    " Knowing how insulin resistance alters energy storage before it leads to more serious problems can help those susceptible prevent the onset of the metabolic syndrome ," Shulman said .

  20. 方法从3042名6~13岁儿童中筛选出甲肝病毒易感者1117名,将他们随机分为疫苗组和对照组。

    Methods 1117 susceptible of HAV were screened from 3042 children of 6 ~ 13 years old . Those susceptible children were divided into HAV vaccine group and control group at random .

  21. 店员:最简单的途径就是痢疾杆菌通过污染的手、食品、水源等方式传播,最终均经口入消化道使易感者被传染上了。

    Shop assistant : The most common way is that dysentery bacteria spread by dirty hands , food or water , finally enter in alimentary tract by the mouth , infecting the receptor .

  22. 结论在高原病易感者人群的体液中发现低氧应激肽含量升高,经治疗后又下降至正常水平,为判断高原病病人的康复效果有一定的参考价值。

    Conclusion The HSP was raised in the the patient of the mountain sickness , but was descent after treatment , the HSP would be reference value in judgement the effect of the treatment and rehabilitative treatment for the the patient of the mountain sickness .

  23. 目前多数学者认为其发病是环境因素作用于遗传易感者,同时在肠道微生物菌从的参与下,启动了肠道粘膜免疫系统的损伤应答机制,从而导致免疫反应和炎症过程。

    At present , most scholars believe that the pathogenesis of UC which is the environmental factors affecting the genetic susceptible , with the participation of intestinal microorganisms , which started the damage mechanisms of intestinal mucosal immune response , thus leading to immune response and inflammation .

  24. 儿童及青少年无龋者与易感龋者菌斑液中氨基酸代谢的研究

    The Study of Amino Acid Metabolism in Dental Plaque Fluid Caries-free and Caries-susceptible of Children and Teenagers

  25. 易感龋者儿童和青少年菌斑液中氨基酸的含量无显著性差异(P>0.05)。

    There were no significant difference in the amino acids contents of children and teenager in group CS ( P > 0.05 ) .

  26. 本实验旨在研究儿童和青少年无龋者和易感龋者菌斑液中氨基酸的组成、含量,观察基线菌斑液中各氨基酸含量的差别。

    In our research , we investigated the constituents and contents of amino acids in dental plaque fluid and their association with caries susceptibility in children and teenagers , also observed the different contents in various amino acids with baseline .

  27. 不者们称之为易感的基因型的绿茶饮用者,与易感的绿茶饮用者相比,患肺癌的风险缩减为66%。

    The green tea drinkers who didn 't have a genotype termed by the researchers as susceptible had a66 % reduced risk in lung cancer compared to the green tea drinkers who were susceptible .