
  • 网络The Mail on Sunday
  1. 英国《星期日邮报》(TheMailonSunday)称,“邓永锵十分讨人厌。”

    According to the mail on Sunday , " David Tang is a creep . "

  2. 历史学家安德鲁·罗伯茨(AndrewRoberts)对《星期日邮报》(MailonSunday)表示:

    Historian Andrew Roberts told the Mail on Sunday :

  3. 2006年,在Axact的压力下,英国的主要报纸《星期日邮报》(TheMailonSunday)从网上撤下了一篇文章。

    Under pressure from Axact , a major British paper , The Mail on Sunday , withdrew an article from the Internet in 2006 .

  4. 他的讲话发表在上周的支持民族同盟-爱国阵线派报纸《星期日邮报》(SundayMail)上。对穆加贝,民族同盟-爱国阵线同事以及他们控制的一些公司的制裁在2002年津巴布韦暴力选举后实施。

    In The sanctions on Mr. Mugabe , his colleagues in ZANU-PF and some companies they control were d in 2002 , following violent Zimbabwe elections .

  5. 这一宣告刊登在政府控制的报纸星期日邮报上。

    The announcement was carried in the State controlled newspaper Sunday Mail .

  6. 《星期日邮报》刊登了一些按照国家课程设置为7岁儿童准备的数学样题。

    The mail on Sunday gave examples of some national curriculum maths questions set for seven-year-olds .

  7. 我为买车才在那儿工作,2006年在采访中她这样告诉伦敦的《星期日邮报》记者。

    I did it because I needed to buy a car , she told London 's Mail on Sunday in 2006 .

  8. 据英国《星期日邮报》报道,威廉王子的女友凯特·米德尔顿日前收到英国王室共度圣诞节的特别邀请。

    Prince William 's girlfriend Kate Middleton has been given an unprecedented invite to spend Christmas Day with the British royal family , The Mail on Sunday newspaper reported .

  9. 这位女演员曾做过猫头鹰餐厅的女招待。“我为买车才在那儿工作,”2006年在采访中她这样告诉伦敦的《星期日邮报》记者。

    The actress earned money as a Hooters girl . " I did it because I needed to buy a car , " she told London 's Mail on Sunday in 2006 .

  10. 根据星期日邮报报道,这名英格兰国脚和南斯的前锋雷米都在我军新主帅老霍的收购名单上,老霍希望在攻击线上能有更多的选择。

    The England international and Nice prospect Loic Remy are on the new Anfield manager 's short list of targets as he seeks to boost his attacking options , according to The Sunday Times .

  11. 今年年初,《星期日邮报》曾报道称,毕业后将成为律师或法官的牛津大学法学系学生被告知,如果他们害怕课程中暴力案件的内容太残忍,他们可以跳过这些课程不上。

    Earlier this year , The Mail on Sunday revealed that Oxford law students destined to be barristers and judges were told they could skip lectures covering violent cases if they feared the content would be too ' distressing . "

  12. 英国的一家小报《星期日邮报》在八月七日刊登了文章,称兴业银行正处于“危险”状态,并有可能处于“灾难的边缘”。

    Britain 's Mail on Sunday , a tabloid , published a story on August7th saying that Soci é t é G é n é rale was in a " perilous " state and possibly on the " brink of disaster " .

  13. 昨日主流气候学家对《星期日邮报》称,太阳在整个二十世纪都发出异乎寻常的高能量,现在正走向太阳辐射输出的最低值,人们将面临冷夏、严冬以及粮食种植季节缩短的威胁。

    Meanwhile , leading climate scientists yesterday told The Mail on Sunday that , after emitting unusually high levels of energy throughout the 20th Century , the sun is now heading towards a " grand minimum " in its output , threatening cold summers , bitter winters and a shortening of the season available for growing food .