
xīnɡ hǎi ɡōnɡ yuán
  • Xinhai Park
  1. 星海公园有800米长的海岸线,弓形的海水浴场。

    Star-Sea Park is a 800-meter long , bow-shaped bathing beach .

  2. 星海公园在哪里?就在那边。

    Where 's Xinghai Park ? It 's over there .

  3. 大连星海公园旅游资源经济价值评价

    The Value Assessment of Dalian Xinghai Park Tourism Resources

  4. 利用计数统计模型方法评价大连星海公园旅游的经济价值

    Application of Count Data Models in Valuing Tourism Benefits of Dalian Xinghai Park

  5. 研究得到如下结论:(1)本文分别利用国内和国际非市场价值评价研究数据库,通过效益转移方法核算大连星海公园的游憩价值,得到每人每天的消费者剩余分别为530.47元和338.49元。

    Get the following conclusions : ( 1 ) This dissertation used Domestic and International Benefit Transfer to evaluate the recreational values of Dalian Xinghai Park , get the consumer surplus per person per day respectively , 530.47 yuan and 338.49 yuan .

  6. 基地正对着黄海并且毗邻星海广场大型公共公园,620英尺(约200米)高混合用大楼很好地反映了它的外观及环境肌理。

    Sited fronting the Yellow Sea and adjacent to the large public park of Xinghai Square , the620-foot-tall mixed-use building responds to both its physical and environmental context .