
xīng kōng
  • starry sky
星空 [xīng kōng]
  • [starry sky] 缀满星星的夜空

星空[xīng kōng]
  1. 星空之上映衬出美景。

    It was a beautiful sight outlined above the starry sky .

  2. 《女神》、《星空》审美特征比较谈

    The esthetic characteristic comparison between " goddess " and " starry sky "

  3. 我们在星空下露宿,在野外用餐。

    We sleep out under the stars , and eat our meals in the open air .

  4. 这后一种几何他称为星空几何。

    This latter geometry he called astral geometry .

  5. 将首辆火星车命名为祝融号,寓意点燃我国行星际探测的火种,指引人类对浩瀚星空、宇宙未知的接续探索和自我超越。

    The naming is intended to represent the rover 's symbolic adventure into the immense universe , and urge mankind to keep pursuing self-transcendence

  6. 我们过去常常仰望星空,思考我们在宇宙中的位置,而现在我们只会低着头,担心如何在这片土地上活下去。

    Cooper : We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars , now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt .

  7. 几年前,这家公司将自己在电视广播公司&星空传媒集团中国分公司(StarChina)持有的股份削减到了50%以下。

    A few years ago it cuts its stake in broadcaster Star China to below 50 % .

  8. 五年之后,21世纪福克斯集团便将手头所持有的星空传媒大部分股份出售给了中国华人文化产业投资基金(ChinaMediaCapital)。

    And five years later , 21st century fox ( Fox ) sold its controlling stake in Star China to China media capital .

  9. 根据新提案,星空传媒运营的所有英语电视频道将由福克斯国际频道(foxinternationalchannels)管理。

    Under the new proposals , all the English language channels run by star will be managed by Fox International channels .

  10. 基于OpenGL的动态模拟星空设计

    Design of Simulation Star Field Based on OpenGL

  11. 在此之前一个月,新闻集团公布了一份范围广泛的星空卫视亚洲集团(StarAsian)的改组计划。

    News of Feer 's closure came a month after News Corp unveiled a wide-ranging shake-up of its Star Asian television group .

  12. 基于Vega的星空模拟方法研究

    A Study of the Methods for Star Field Simulation in Vega

  13. 数字天顶摄影仪使用面阵CCD芯片对星空进行成像,对拍摄的恒星进行定位、识别和解算,以获取相关的测绘信息。

    Digital zenith camera use area array CCD to get the stars image , to locate , identify and calculate the stars .

  14. 基于OpenGL的动态模拟星空,用MFC建立OpenGL场景。

    Based on OpenGL dynamic simulation star field , the MFC was used to establish the OpenGL filed .

  15. 默多克为李嘉诚提供了一个有益的榜样。1993年,默多克从李嘉诚和他的次子李泽楷(RichardLi)手中买入了星空传媒(StarTV)。

    He has the salutary example of Mr Murdoch , who bought Star TV from Mr Li and Richard , his younger son , in 1993 .

  16. 这个仿真图显示了NASA希望NuSTAR在测绘超大银河星空时能看到的东西。

    But this simulation shows what NASA expects NuSTAR will see when it surveys the extra galactic sky .

  17. 第一个标题是“群星璀璨的天空”,还配有梵高(vangogh)画的《星空》。

    The first heading is " starry starry heights " and comes with a picture of the stars by Van Gogh .

  18. 星空传媒首席执行官艾保罗(paulaiello)将于12月份离开该公司。

    Paul Aiello , chief executive of star , will leave the company in December .

  19. 事实证明,电讯技术的进步对所有威权政府都是一种明确威胁,当时默多克如是说&同年,他收购了香港星空传媒(StarTV)的多数股权。

    Advances in the technology of telecommunications have proved an unambiguous threat to totalitarian regimes everywhere , Mr Murdoch said then – the same year he purchased a majority stake in Star TV in Hong Kong .

  20. 我17岁离家去德里的印度理工学院(IndianInstituteofTechnology)学习工程学,离家前父亲给了我一条建议:“仰望星空,脚踏实地。”

    When I left home at 17 to study engineering at the Indian Institute of technology in Delhi , my dad gave me this advice , " keep your eyes on the stars and feet on the ground . "

  21. 这些用显微镜才能观察的作品中,来自密苏里州的微生物学家梅勒妮•沙利文(MelanieSullivan)的作品复刻了梵高的《星空》。

    The microscopic masterpieces included a recreation of Vincent van Gogh 's " The Starry Night " by Missouri microbiologist Melanie Sullivan .

  22. 星空音乐电子厂是以生产各种适合出口的AM/FM带MP3收音机为主,我们的产品品质优良,价格优惠。

    Star Electronic Factory is a production of music suitable for export AM / FM radio with MP3-based , our products quality , price concessions .

  23. 在职业生涯的较早时期,他曾担任英国电信公司BSkyB和福克斯的亚洲卫星电视集团星空传媒(Star)的首席执行官。

    Earlier in his career , he was the chief executive of the British telecom BSkyB and the chief executive of Star , Fox 's Asian satellite television group .

  24. 具体步骤包括OpenGL初始化、设置OpenGL场景、恒星坐标转换、建立模拟星空显示列表、设置视图变换及显示模拟星空。

    The concrete steps include OpenGL initialization , setting OpenGL field , star coordinate transformation , establishing the simulation stat field display list , setting screen transformation and displaying simulation star filed .

  25. 通过根癌农杆菌介导的遗传转化方法,建立了凝望星空百合(Lilium‘StarGazer’)愈伤组织和西伯利亚百合(Lilium‘Siberia’)叶片的遗传转化体系。

    We established genetic transformation system of lily callus ( Lilium ' Star Gazer ') and leaves ( Lilium ' Siberia ') mediated by Agrobacterium tumefaciens .

  26. 默多克表示,将出版、教育和澳大利亚控股业务与福克斯(fox)、天空(sky)和星空(star)等电视电影品牌拆分的决定,与英国报纸部门窃听丑闻引发的调查“无关”。

    The decision to spin off publishing , education and Australian holdings from the fox , sky and Star TV and film brands had " nothing to do " with investigations stemming from the hacking scandal in its UK newspaper arm , he said .

  27. 当然它也是一处完美的派对之地,星空下的大型活动,享受舞蹈和DJ们带来的精彩音乐。

    It is also the perfect spot for upscale parties and exclusive events under the stars with features such as a dance floor and a DJ booth incorporated in the layout .

  28. 在的到足够多“民科”支持的情况下就能让SETI将望远镜聚焦到那片可疑星空上。

    If enough citizen scientists agree that something looks fishy , their collective concern will direct SETI 's telescopes to zoom in on the questionable patch of sky .

  29. 晴朗星空照射下Pd-Ag-O-Cs和Sb-Na-K-Cs光阴极的光电发射

    Photoemissions of pd-ag-o-cs and sb-na-k-cs photocathodes under the illumination of clear star radiation

  30. 1998年,三菱(日本汽车制造商)为了打造商务麦田怪圈,付给Carson先生一笔费用以求取他的田地里一个叫星空的新怪圈中的一块。

    In 1998 commercial circle-makers acting for Mitsubishi , a Japanese carmaker , paid Mr Carson for the right to cut an outline of a new model named the Space Star in his fields .