
  • 网络Starfleet;armada
  1. 对你的星际舰队是危险,指挥官,对这个战斗站可不然。

    Dangerous to your starfleet , commander * Not to this battle station .

  2. 平展低覆的仪表台下是两块12.3英寸的高分辨率TFT屏幕,它们以影院风格排列在一块宽阔的面板上。面板在晚间则会笼罩在一片漫射的LED背光当中,如同从星际舰队车辆调度场调来的车队。

    Under the flat , brooding instrument binnacle are two high-res , 12.3-inch TFT screens , arrayed cinema style in a single , broad bezel that , at night , floats in a pool of suffused LED backlighting , like something signed out from the Starfleet motor pool .

  3. 教他们明白星际舰队的船是如何运行的。

    Instruct them in how to run a Starfleet vessel .

  4. 只是我们再也不想玩什么星际舰队的把戏了。

    We 're just not going to jump through any Starfleet hoops .

  5. 这算什么,又是星际舰队的规定?

    What is that , some kind of Starfleet rule ?

  6. 星际舰队是不是在这方面也有规定?

    Does Starfleet have rules about them , too ?

  7. 所以他们不会屈服于星际舰队的制度。

    That they will never adjust to Starfleet rules .

  8. 星际舰队船员该怎么回答问题?

    How does a Starfleet crewman answer a question ?

  9. 这些主要是克隆人肉体,由“星际舰队”成员入住,或者说是灵魂附身,这些人很清楚他们的职责。

    These are basically clones , inhabited by " star fleet " personnel , in other words ensouled and these ones all are very aware of their roles .