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  1. 试论美国在布拉格之春中的政策

    The US Policy during the Prague Spring

  2. 在阿拉伯之春中,妇女站到了最前沿,重新塑造了她们的形象。

    Women have been at the forefront of various Arab uprisings , forging their own identity in the process .

  3. 接下来通过与美国大选中虚拟社交网络所起的作用相对比,分析虚拟社交网络在阿拉伯之春中的独特助推作用。

    The fourth chapter analysis the unique role in " Arab spring ", virtual social network services has played , contrasting with the US election .

  4. 不同茶树春梢中SOD活性的比较研究

    SOD Activity of New Shoot in Five Tea Plant Cultivars

  5. ~(137)Cs叶面污染在春小麦中的转移、积累与分布

    Translocation , accumulation and distribution of ~ ( 137 ) cs in spring wheat after foliage contamination

  6. 今年的报告强调了网络和社交网站在阿拉伯之春抗议中的重要作用,称诸如Facebook和Twitter这样的社交媒体已成为抗议工具和自由媒介。

    This year 's report also notes the importance of the Internet and social networks in the Arab Spring protest . It says social media like Facebook and Twitter have been firmly established as tools for protests and vehicles for freedom .

  7. 张爱玲《十八春》中女性意识的新指向

    New Direction of Feminie Consciousness in the Eighteen Years Written by Zhang Ailing

  8. 北方春大豆中晚熟区域品种适应性的研究

    Studies on Adaptability of Spring Soybean Varieties in Middle-Late-Maturity Soybean Area of Northern China

  9. 利用盆栽试验,研究不同氮肥用量对春小麦中前期生长情况的影响。

    Effect of Different Nitrogen application on early and middle Growth of Spring Wheat by pot cultivation .

  10. 在各种骚乱(包括阿拉伯之春)中,人们的行为属于集团间行为。

    " The riots and the Arab spring are about inter-group behaviour , " says Prof Reicher .

  11. 冀北高原草甸栗钙土春小麦中化肥氮去向的研究

    Fate of fertilizer nitrogen applied to spring wheat growing on a meadow chestnut soil in Plateau of North Hebei Province

  12. 利用常规探空资料,选取1993-1995年冬、春季节中10个昆明准静止锋典型个例作了合成计算,分析了昆明准静止锋的结构。

    By using the observed data , ten canonical cases of Kunming quasi - stationary front ( KQSF ) during 1993 - 1995 in winter and spring seasons are studied .

  13. 4表型和分子数据表明,北方春大豆中山西省的遗传多样性指数最高,可认为山西省是大豆起源地的一个证据。

    Based on the data of morphological and molecular analysis , the samples of Shanxi province had the highest genetic diversity . It was also proved that Shanxi province may be one of the origins of Glycine max.

  14. 轻灵在春的光艳中交舞着变。

    The spring flashes with ever-changing light .

  15. 另外,CIMMYT小麦种质在新疆春小麦育种中发挥了重要作用。

    In addition , utilization of CIMMYT germplasm has played a key role for the variety development .

  16. 在她的2016年春夏季时装中,布哈与法国时尚品牌Lemaire合作,用艳丽保守的风格设计护腕、吊坠与耳环。

    For SS16 , Buhai applies her bold , sparing style to cuffs , pendants and earrings in collaboration with the French design house Lemaire .

  17. 影响春小麦面粉中多酚氧化酶活性因素的研究

    Study on influential factors of polyphenol oxidase activity in spring wheat flour

  18. 化学药剂诱导孤雌生殖在春小麦育种中的应用研究

    The Application Study on Spring Wheat Breeding of Parthenogenesis Induced by Chemicals

  19. 不同水分条件下春小麦种群中个体大小不整齐性及遗传学分析

    Size hierarchy and its genetic analysis in spring wheat population under different water conditions

  20. 新疆冬、春小麦麦麸中植酸含量的研究

    The content studies of phytic acid between winter wheat bran and spring wheat bran

  21. 春小麦一生中,氮素积累量与生育进程间符合S型曲线变化。

    The change of N accumulation in the course of growing accorded with S-curve .

  22. 灰色关联分析在春大豆育种中的应用

    Studies on the Application of Grey Relation Analysis in the Breeding of Spring Sowing Soybean

  23. .在春的光艳中交舞着变。

    tiptoeing the gorgeous spring rays .

  24. 你的笑点亮了四面风,轻灵在春的光艳中交舞着变。

    Your laughter has lit up all the wind , So gently mingling with the spring .

  25. 轻灵在春的光艳中交舞着变

    So gently mingling with the spring

  26. “阿拉伯之春”革命中最令人鼓舞的埃及如今依然一盘散沙。

    Egypt , the most inspiring story of the Arab spring , cannot get its act together .

  27. 我渴望亲吻你花的嘴唇,如同春亲吻援中新绿。

    I am yearning to kiss your rose petal lips as the spring kisses the garden leaves .

  28. 从用语的变化看买卖春问题研究中的性别视角

    The Gender Angle in the Research on the " Baibaishun " Issue As Seen from the Terminological Changes

  29. 维多利亚和大卫·贝克汉姆的11岁儿子罗密欧·贝克汉姆将现身1月份博柏利2013年春夏季广告中。

    The 11-year-old son of Victoria and David Beckham will appear in Burberry 's spring / summer 2013 campaign in January .

  30. 两个柑橘品种花期前后子房(幼果)和春梢叶中不同形态钙和果胶含量变化

    Dynamics of Different Forms of Calcium and Pectin in Ovary ( Fruitlet ) and Spring-flush Leaves of Two Citrus Cultivars around Flowering