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chūn zhuāng
  • spring clothing
春装 [chūn zhuāng]
  • [spring clothing] 春天穿的服装

春装[chūn zhuāng]
  1. 她穿着一身轻盈的春装。

    She was in light spring clothing .

  2. 楠溪江就在身旁静静地流淌,草地上一片葱茏,树林刚刚换上了春装,真是实战的好地方!

    Nanxijiang in the one 's side calmly flow , on the lawn a piece of onion long , the woods just had exchanged the spring clothing , is really actual combat 's good place !

  3. Chloé样品间的安静,人尽皆知;此时距维特·凯勒女士的春装发布会还有3天,她们正在做一些关键性的决定,比如发型和妆容,服装展出的顺序,颜色和比例是否合适。

    It was proverbially quiet in the Chlo é showroom , three days before Ms. Waight Keller 's spring runway show here , as critical decisions were being made about the hair and makeup , the order the clothes would be shown , whether the colors and proportions were just right .

  4. 我穿的是春装,而这儿的天气冷极了。

    I dressed for spring and it 's positively Arctic here .

  5. 就在那里:哈维的春装全系列。

    There it was , Javier 's entire new spring line .

  6. 我买了全套春装,满意未?

    I bought the entire spring line . okay , you happy ?

  7. 我急需一件春装。

    I need a spring suit badly .

  8. 这家高档零售商最近刚刚对投资者表示,在名牌春装进货方面会“非常保守”。

    The high-end retailer , after all , recently told investors it would be'very conservative'when purchasing spring designer looks .

  9. 一定会很棒二店里现在有很多漂亮的春装和夏装。

    It 's going to be great . There are so many pretty spring and summer outfits in the stores right now .

  10. 她总是能让所有人全都喜欢她:她的头发、她轻盈的春装、搭配的鞋子,甚至是袜子!

    Rihanna : We 're loving it all , the new hair , springy frock and even the socks with her shoes * it IS Rihanna .

  11. 当我们在这样清冷的冬日里跋涉,至少能在女装精品店和百货商场里购物避寒,那里的货架上,已经挂满了春装。

    As we trudge through the doldrums of winter , we can at least take refuge while shopping in boutiques and department stores where spring clothes already line the racks .

  12. 看电影时注意观察每个角色独一无二的服装设计,并为你自己的春装增加点灵感和爱丽丝元素吧!

    While watching this movie ( all three times I saw it ), I could not take my eyes off the incredible and inspirational clothes worn by the various characters .

  13. 在10月1日在杜伊勒里宫举办的春装系列发布会上,维特·凯勒做了一次尝试,把很多单品剪切成各种意想不到的长度。

    But with the spring collection , which was shown on Oct. 1 in the Tuileries , Ms. Waight Keller gave herself a challenge by chopping and cropping pieces to unexpected lengths .

  14. 例如,对于服装业,在设计夏装目录时,春装目录正在生产。

    For example , in the apparel industry there could be a catalog for the spring collection in production while the next version of the catalog for the summer collection is authored .

  15. 去年,他躲到长岛上设计2014年春装时,迷上了自己海滨别墅里被风吹动的窗帘。

    Last year , on a getaway on Long Island to design looks for spring 2014 , he became transfixed by the way the curtains in his beach house blew in the wind .

  16. 从我记事开始,每年清明节的这一天,母亲就让我换上军色的春装,带着纸钱,领着我上坟去。

    From the start my notebook , each of the Ching Ming Festival this day , the mother let me put on army colored Spring , with paper money , led me go .

  17. 先是满山遍野披上了绒绒的绿装,然后就是百花争艳,如同赤橙黄绿青蓝紫各色宝石,镶嵌在阿尔泰山的春装上。

    It starts from carpeting the ground all over the mountains and plains , later all flowers vie for beauty in full blossom , like gems of all kinds studded on the Altay Mountains'spring clothing .

  18. 这件迷地长裙属于设计师的“至简”春装系列,由“既修身又有弹性的针织面料”剪裁而成,并加入垂直网格元素,以营造“华美感”。

    The midi dress is described as part of the designer 's " minimalist " spring collection and is cut from " figure-sculpting stretch-jersey " with sheer meshpannelled inserts for a " sporty feel . "

  19. 这三件朝褂包含了丰富的文化内涵,其中有两件是用珍贵的缂丝面料,有一件是初春更换春装时和夏末更换秋装之前所穿的隔季衣。

    These three contains rich cultural connotation , among which there are two precious K ' o-ssu shell fabrics . One is the seasonal clothing for the replacement for the spring clothing and autumn clothing as the time of the early spring and late summer .