
xiǎn yǐnɡ yè
  • developer
  1. 黑白显影剂于彩色显影液中

    Black-and-white developing agent in color developer

  2. 显影液的超加和性

    The Superadditivity of Developer

  3. 办理办法:打消起泡来因:答弄不净显影液喷孔。

    Treatment methods : Bubble : the orifice should be fluxing developering .

  4. 浅谈X胶片显影液的氧化与防氧化

    The Process of Oxidation and Antioxidation of Developing Solution Used in X-ray Films

  5. 方法在显影液的一个使用周期中,用标准感光的样片,每3d测试一次自动洗片机不同显影温度时输出胶片的密度。

    Methods During the using cycle of developer replenisher , the density of output film of the automatic processor was measured at different temperature using standard sensitive sample film per 3 days .

  6. 彩色显影液冲洗水中CD-3、CD-4含量的测定

    Determination of CD-3 or CD-4 Content in Watered Color Developers

  7. 通过改变PQ型系列显影液的组分和浓度,使该系列显影液的显影特性从Lith型逐渐演变到超加合型。

    With changing the composition and concentration of developers , the behavior of PQ developers is transferred from Lith type to superadditive type .

  8. 方法219例胸部正位片均使用95kv投照,记录项目:性别年龄胸厚显影液(早期、中期、后期)有无肺气肿mas照片等级,应用多元回归方程进行资料分析。

    Method all chest photographs of219 cases were taken with95kv.the data , including sex , age , thoracic thickness , developer period , emphysema , MAS and picture grade , were recorded and analyzed by using multiple regression .

  9. 以ShipleyAZ-1350光刻胶和相应的显影液以及DVD母盘的生产为例,验证了仿真的正确性。

    In our experiments , we take the Shipley AZ-1350 photoresist and developer as examples in the production of dvd read-only disk mastering , which matches the simulation .

  10. 普通显影液在全息照相技术实验中的应用

    Application of Ordinary Developer in the Experiment of Holographic Photographic Technique

  11. 高浓缩比高温快速显影液中稳定性的探讨

    A study on the stability of highly concentrated hi-temperature rapid processing developer

  12. 用聚丙烯腈中空纤维超滤膜回收废显影液

    Recovery of waste developing solution with polyacrylonitrile hollow fiber membrane

  13. 物理显影液显现渗透客体表面血潜手印方法研究

    Sliver physical developer for the development of latent blood fingerprints on porous surfaces

  14. 显影液成分对漂白全息图衍射效率影响的实验研究

    Investigation of the influence of developer composition on diffraction efficiency of bleached holograms

  15. 显影液中溴离子浓度的电位滴定分析

    Electrictitration Analysis for Concentration of Bromonium Ion in Developer

  16. 引入牺牲层技术,解决了不同胶层间的界面互融问题,讨论了不同胶层间显影液对图形质量的影响。

    The dissolve between different photoresists was well avoided by introducing sacrifice layer technology .

  17. 显影液循环系统,有效清除残渣,确保版面清洁。

    Developing liquid cycle system skillfully screen out dirt and impuritise , ensure the plate clean .

  18. 文中还介绍了设定浓缩显影液补充液流量的实际工作经验。

    This paper presents also some practical experience on the setting of concentrated developer replenisher flow rate .

  19. 目的建立了一种物理显影液显现潮湿或者浸泡渗透客体表面血潜手印的新方法。

    Objective To set up a method for developing latent blood fingerprints on porous surfaces with sliver physical developer .

  20. 在显影液中采用碘离子可增加本方法的标定性。

    There is an additional advantage in using iodide ion in the developer ; namely , increased stability of the process .

  21. 以ул-2显影液为基础,确定了显影液中对溴离子浓度的电位滴定分析产生影响的主要成份;

    The primary compositions which impact electrictitration analysis for concentration of bromonium ion were made certain in ул - 2 developer .

  22. 实验表明,激光能量、预烘烤温度、显影液浓度以及预曝光对掩模微结构的制作均有影响。

    The results show that the laser energy , prebake temperature , developer concentration and pre-exposure will affect the microstructure of the mask .

  23. 初步确定了用电位滴定法测定显影液中溴离子浓度的操作规程与数据处理方法。

    The operating regulations and data processing methods of the electrictitration analysis were made certain elementarily for analyzing concentration of bromonium ion in developer .

  24. 结果:简易洗片加温装置,在冬、春季节使显影液温度基本恒定,基本达到显影液最佳显影效果;

    Results The simple film-developing heating device could basically keep the photographic developer in constant temperature for best development effect in winter and spring .

  25. 随着显影液中显影剂量的减小,卤化银颗粒上银的成核速度明显减慢,单个颗粒上显影中心的数目明显增加。

    The results show that the nucleation rate decreases and the number of nucleus on single emulsion grain increases with decreeing amount of developing agent .

  26. 用本法测定显影液中Ag+,相对标准偏差为2.65%,加标回收率为103.6%。

    This method is employed to the determination of Ag + in developing waste liquor with the relative standard deviation of 2.65 % and the recovery of 103.6 % .

  27. 在显影液中某种试剂的作用下,已感光的卤化银可转变成金属银。用于停止显影剂反应的酸性溶液。

    The exposed silver halide is then converted to metallic silver by an agent in the developer . an acid bath used to stop the action of a developer .

  28. 本文根据显影液的各组成成份在显影过程中的作用特点,介绍了低反差电镜图像底片及照片的冲洗方法。

    This paper introduces the develpment of low contrast electron microscope image negative and photograph , according to the basic composition of the developing liquid and the action of each composition .

  29. 通过原位组装和硼氢化钠溶液还原的方法,在端基为羧基的自组装膜上,制备了银纳米粒子;经银增强显影液处理后,得到了以自组装膜为基底的银纳米粒子功能薄膜。

    Silver nanoparticles were assembled through the in-situ method on the carboxyl-terminated self-assembled monolayers surface . After treated with silver enhancer solutions , silver nanoparticles film was prepared on self-assembled monolayers .

  30. 浓缩显影液的浓度应尽量高,以节省包装和运输费用,但必须保证在低温下,所含成份不得结晶析出;

    Aimed at saving freight and packaging costs , concentrated developers should be prepared with a highest possible concentration , but none of their components will be allowed to crystallize out at low temperature .