
  • 网络Pulitzer Prize of Fiction;the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction
  1. 这部小说赢得了1983年的普利策小说奖和美国国家图书奖。

    It won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and the National Book Award in 1983 .

  2. 《老人与海》恰恰为海明威带来了无数赞誉,其中包括1953年普利策小说奖。

    The Old Man and the Sea led to numerous accolades for Hemingway , including the 1953 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction .

  3. 菲利普·罗斯在上月接受法国杂志《LesInrocks》的采访时宣布他封笔的消息。他的代表作有《波特诺的怨诉》,小说《美国牧歌》曾获普利策小说奖。

    The author of such novels as American Pastoral , for which he won a Pulitzer Prize , and Portnoy 's Complaint slipped his retirement announcement into an interview last month with French magazine Les Inrocks .

  4. 2009年美国普利策小说奖获奖作品《奥丽芙·基特里奇》也不例外。

    Olive Kitteridge , the2009 Pulitzer Prize winner for Fietion , is no exception .

  5. 由于这篇小说,海明威荣获了1953年的普利策小说奖和1954年的诺贝尔文学奖。随后小说被大量重印,并译成几乎世界上所有主要的文字,倍受欢迎,被奉为经典。

    Moreover , it helped Hemingway to win the Pulitzer Prize in 1953 and the Nobel Prize in 1954 . After that , the novelette was reprinted for numerous times and was translated into almost all major languages throughout the world .

  6. 斯坦贝克的名著《愤怒的葡萄》出版于1939年,是美国20世纪30年代大萧条时期的一部史诗。1940年,该小说获普利策小说奖并搬上了银幕。

    His most famous work The Grapes of Wrath , published in 1939 , is an epic chronicle during the Great Depression of the United States in 1930s . In 1940 , the novel was awarded the Pulitzer Prize and adapted to the screen .