
  • 网络Puji Temple
  1. 普济寺的楼阁多,对吧?

    A lot of towers and pavilions in Puji temple , right ?

  2. 一九九三年于普陀山普济寺皈依上悟下道大和尚。

    In1993 , he took Refuges again under the venerable Master Wudao in Puji Temple in Mount Putuo .

  3. 论佛寺园林空间构成&以普陀山普济寺、法雨寺、慧济寺三大寺为例

    Analysis on Space Construction at Gardens of Temples

  4. 普济寺是普陀山的佛教活动中心,一切重大的佛事活动在此举行。

    Puji Temple is the Buddhist activity center of Mt Putuo and all the major Buddhist activities are held here .

  5. 普陀山三大古刹中,普济寺开创最早,规模最大。浙江省江山有一个农夫,他很喜欢杀生。

    Of the three big monasteries in Pu'Tuo'Shan , Puji is the oldest as well as the largest . A farmer who lived south of Jiangshan , Zhejiang thought it was fun to kill things .