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  • 网络Puri;bridgelux;Purell
  1. 生产LED灯具的普瑞光电股份有限公司的CEO比尔•沃特金斯表示,2010年,LED灯具行业的收入达到8.8亿美元,并有望在今年达到30亿美元。

    Bill Watkins , the CEO of Bridgelux , which makes LED lights , says his industry , which posted $ 880 million in revenue in2010 , is on track to hit $ 3 billion this year .

  2. 这些公司提供的产品或服务都领行业风气之先:如美国无线设备制造商Jawbone已创新性地生产出可供智能手机使用的蓝牙耳机;普瑞光电股份有限公司(BridgeLux)生产LED节能灯具。

    Each offers a cutting-edge product or service : jawbone , for one , has created a Bluetooth headset that interacts with smartphones ; another , Bridgelux , is making high-efficiency LED lighting .

  3. 醋酸曲普瑞林对子宫腺肌病在位内膜细胞VEGF、TNF-α分泌的影响

    Effect of Triptorelin on release of VEGF and TNF - α in endometrial cells from patients with adenomyosis

  4. RP-HPLC测定家兔血浆中的替普瑞酮

    Determination of Teprenone in rabbit plasma by RP-HPLC

  5. H.pylori阴性组病人随机分成2个亚组,分别给予埃索美拉唑镁(C组)和替普瑞酮(D组)治疗。

    H.pylori-negative group was randomly divided into two subgroups , patients of these two subgroups were treated with esomeprazole or teprenone seperately .

  6. 醋酸曲普瑞林对人子宫内膜腺癌HEC-1B的作用及对C-myc表达的调控

    Effect of triptorelin acetate on human endometrial carcinoma cell line HEC-1B and expression of C-myc

  7. 普瑞博思为NUD的治疗有效药物。

    Prepulsid is an effective drug for the treatment of NUD .

  8. 结论:替普瑞酮通过上调HSP70表达发挥对慢性高眼压视网膜的保护作用。

    CONCLUSION : Systemic administration of GGA protects retina from chronic IOP elevation by regulating the expression of HSP70 .

  9. 目的观察奥美拉唑与替普瑞酮联合应用治疗返流性食管炎(Refluxesophagitis,RE)的疗效,并同奥美拉唑治疗相比较。

    Objective To observe the curative effect of treatment for reflux esophagitis ( RE ) with combination therapy of omeprazole and teprenone and compared with other .

  10. 目的研究替普瑞酮对产毒幽门螺杆菌(Hp)的浓缩培养上清液(CCS)所致小鼠胃黏膜损伤的保护作用。

    Objective To determine the preventive effect of teprenone on gastric mucosal injury induced with Helicobacter pylori concentrated culture supernatant ( CCS ) in Balb / c mice .

  11. 目的比较3种早期停用曲普瑞林方案与改良的曲普瑞林长方案在体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)和卵母细胞单精子显微注射(ICSI)中的效果。

    Objective To compare the efficacy of 3 early cessation protocols with the modified long protocol of triptorelin in IVF-ET and ICSI .

  12. 醋酸曲普瑞林对子宫内膜腺癌HEC-1B细胞的作用

    Effect of triptorelin acetate on endometrial adenocarcinoma HEC-1B cell

  13. 方法通过建立大鼠慢性萎缩性胃炎模型,进行胃黏膜保护剂(替普瑞酮)的逆转治疗实验,以免疫组织化学方法和westernblot方法,研究胃黏膜组织HSP70的表达、组织含量和分布特点。

    METHODS CAG rats were treated with a protecting medicament of gastric mucosa . Western blot and immunohistochemistry were employed to determine the expression , contents and of distribution of HSP 70 in gastric mucosa .

  14. pH值和样品纯度之间的关系呈V型曲线,曲普瑞林和奥曲肽的最稳定pH值分别为5.0和4.0。

    The curve based on relationship between the pH ( 2.2-8.0 ) and the sample purity takes on V shape . The maximum stability of triptorelin and octreotide was showed to be at an approximate pH of 5.0 and 4.0 respectively .

  15. 目的探讨应用曲普瑞林(triptorelin)在试管内受精(IVF)中的降调节作用及其与使用促性腺激素用量的关系。

    Objective To study the down-regulation and the effect of triptorelin on the total dosage of gonadotrophins in in vitro fertilization ( IVF ) .

  16. 奥美拉唑治疗十二指肠溃疡12例替普瑞酮50mg、3次/d;

    Omeprazole for 12 Cases of Duodenal Ulcer The therapy group was treated with omeprazole 20 mg / tid and teprenone 50 mg / tid .

  17. 以新中心(NoveCento)、普瑞头(Prato)两种亚洲百合为母本,调查了4种授粉方法对克服百合自交不亲和性与种间不亲和性的影响。

    The effect on overcoming self-incompatibility and species-incompatibility of different pollination methods for Nove Cento lily and Prato lily has been studied .

  18. 生产低功率发光二极管(led)灯泡的普瑞光电,是近些年硅谷创建的一批专注于可替代能源、新型蓄能和节能以及电动车等“绿色”科技的企业之一。

    A manufacturer of light bulbs that use low-power light-emitting diodes , it is part of a wave of companies formed in Silicon Valley in recent years specialising in " green " technologies such as alternative energy , new forms of energy storage and conservation , and electric vehicles .

  19. 替普瑞酮对香烟提取物引起的气道平滑肌细胞凋亡中p-JNK表达的影响

    Effect of Geranylgeranylacetone on the p-JNK Expression During the Apoptotic Process of Airway Smooth Muscle Cells Induced by Cigarette Smoke Extract

  20. 遭遇洪水后,组委会立即开展了工作,了解洪水对奥普瑞兰大饭店(GaylordOpryland)的影响,并找了一处新地点。

    The Organizing Committee began working immediately to understand the impact to the Gaylord Opryland and to find a new location .

  21. 本研究参照我们既往成功运用氨水、酒精、胆酸等综合处理制备的SD大鼠CAG模型,以此为校检平台,验证替普瑞酮干预CAG的效果,以指导临床用药。

    In our study , we prepared CAG model in SD rats induced by ammonia , alcohol and deoxycholic acid , via this animal model we expected to acquire much more information about the suppressive effect of teprenone on CAG .

  22. SCVNGR自称其9月份营收超过了去年前6个月的总和如果该公司能继续保持LevelUp用户每周消费两次的习惯,普瑞巴什或许是正确的。

    If the company , which says SCVNGR revenue was greater for September than the first six months of last year combined , can keep LevelUp users at their twice a week clip , Priebatsch might be right .

  23. 普瑞美与乌斯特纤维测试仪的对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of the Fiber Testers by Both Ulster and Bremen

  24. 替普瑞酮佐治幽门螺杆菌相关性胃溃疡疗效观察

    Observation on Curative Effect of Treating HP-related Digestive Ulcer With Teprenone

  25. 醋酸曲普瑞林和醋酸奥曲肽液体制剂稳定性的研究

    Study on Stability of Triptorelin Acetate and Octreotide Acetate Liquid Formulation

  26. 替普瑞酮对幽门螺杆菌和氨基己糖作用的临床研究

    Effects of teprenone on H.pylori and hexosamine : a clinical study

  27. 普瑞博思在胃肠钡餐造影检查中的应用

    Application of cisapride tablet in the barium meal exam digestive tract

  28. 看来霍格付了那个普瑞克特小子好多钱。

    Hogg has been paying that kid Prickett a lot of money .

  29. 普瑞博思对功能性消化不良的胃动力作用研究

    The reserch on prepulsid 's effect of gastric motility of functional dyspepsia

  30. 曲普瑞林治疗真性性早熟的中枢机制

    Central mechanism of triptorelin therapeutic effects on female precocious puberty in rats