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  • 网络pune
  1. TCS还以类似的方式与普纳和班加罗尔等两座印度城市的大约90家公司展开合作。

    It is also working in a similar way with about 90 companies in two other Indian cities , Pune and Bangalore .

  2. 不过,少数中国企业正移师印度,包括中国最大的工程机械制造商之一三一重工(SanyHeavyMachinery),该公司去年在印度西部城市普纳投入运营。

    But a trickle of players are moving in , including Sany Heavy Machinery , one of China 's largest construction equipment makers , which began operations in the western city of Pune last year .

  3. 研究了硝普纳(sodiumnitroprusside,SNP)对黄瓜子叶不定根发生的影响。

    The effect of Sodium Nitroprusside ( SNP ) on the growth and development of adventitious roots of the cucumis cotyledons cultured in vitro is studied in the paper .

  4. 鲍伯Titcomb,奥巴马在普纳侯学院的朋友,在这个时候来拜访他了。

    Bobby Titcomb , his friend from the Punahou Academy , visited Obama around this time .

  5. 他们一家住在一个小公寓里面,离普纳侯学校只有几个街区。

    The family lived in a small apartment just a few blocks from Punahou .

  6. 硝普纳治疗顽固性心力衰竭患者的疗效观察

    Observation on the Curative Effect of Sodium Nitroprusside on Refractory Heart Failure in Patients

  7. 位列第二的是西部城市普纳,全球排名144。

    Pune has been selected as the second best Indian city witha rank of 144 .

  8. 在普纳侯学校,巴里在同学和老师中间非常受欢迎,但是他不出众。

    At Punahou , Barry was popular among his classmates and teachers , but he didn 't stand out .

  9. 照片中高高耸立的是安娜普纳峰和休楚里峰,这需要花费数小时进行拍摄于曝光。

    Landmark peaks including the Annapurna South and the Hiunchuli can be seen in the spectacular images which took hours to capture and expose .

  10. 普纳侯队在他们年级是不错的球队,比赛中努力拼搏最终赢得了州冠军。

    Punahou 's team was doing well in his senior year , thrashing its competition , and finally the squad won the state championship .

  11. 在印度西部城市普纳经营一家小型工程公司的普拉卡什•贾格塔普已到过中国五次。

    Prakash Jagtap , who owns a small engineering firm in the western Indian city of Pune , has been to China five times .

  12. 2007年,印度商人维诺德•帕米亚因为骑自行车与火车竞赛而名噪一时。这趟火车连接普纳和孟买两地,运行路程超过140千米,以“德干女王”著称。

    In2007 Vinod Punmiya , an Indian businessman , made his name by racing against a train known as the " Deccan Queen " over the140km between Pune and Mumbai .

  13. 由于沙哈伯普尔离最近的阿拉哈巴德市(印度北部城市)只有30公里,离印度的西部城市普纳和孟买有非常便捷的公里和铁路相连。

    Yet the village is only30km from the city of Allahabad and has decent road and rail connections to the fast-growing cities of west India , like Pune and Mumbai .

  14. 方法:采用反复夹闭颈总动脉合并腹腔注射硝普纳的方法建立拟血管性痴呆模型。

    Method : the imitative Vascular Dementia rat model was established by repeatedly occluding the common carotid artery of the rat in combination with an abdominal injection of Sodium Nitroprusside .

  15. 2014年,总部在北京的商用车厂商北汽福田汽车公司,宣布计划在普纳附近的Chakan建立工厂,生产全系列的商业车,然而迄今为止尚未动工。

    In 2014 , Beijing-based commercial-vehicle maker Beiqi Foton Motor Company announced plans for a factory at Chakan near Pune to produce a full range of commercial vehicles , but there has been no launch so far .