
  • 网络common wheat;triticum aestivum;Triticum aestivum L;AABBDD
  1. 外源λDNA导入普通小麦雄性不育变异的分子验证

    Molecular verification on male sterile mutant after injected exogenous λ dna into wheat

  2. 普通小麦Ph基因缺失的遗传效应

    The Genetic Effect of Deficiency of PA Gene in Common Wheat

  3. λDNA导入普通小麦诱导的雄性不育系的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on A Male Sterile Line Obtained from Introducing λ DNA into Wheat

  4. 普通小麦体细胞无性系R2代变异发生特点

    Characterization of Occurrence of R2 Somaclonal Variation in Common Wheat

  5. 普通小麦品种中Ph基因突变体自然存在的可能性研究

    The Possibility of Ph Genes Existing Spontaneously in Common Wheat

  6. 外源DNA导入普通小麦变异后代有色小麦的营养品质分析和验证

    Nutrition qualitative analysis and verification of colorful wheat variant offsprings produced by exogenous DNA introduction

  7. 研究结果一方面对现有的普通小麦A、B、D基因组起源和进化理论给予了分子水平上的证明,同时也揭示了同一物种不同的基因组进化速度存在差异。

    The results also suggested that A , B and D genome have the different evolution speed .

  8. 普通小麦F(2)单粒种子蛋白质含量的遗传

    Inheritance of the Single-kernel Protein Content for F_2 Generation in Common Wheat

  9. 普通小麦品种Hope细胞膜热稳定性基因的染色体定位

    Chromosomal Location of Genes for Heat Tolerance as Measured by Membrane Thermostability of Common Wheat cv . Hope

  10. 普通小麦T型和V型雄性不育系同工酶的比较研究

    Comparative Studies on Isozymes of T-type and V-type Male-sterile Lines in Common Wheat

  11. 普通小麦F1代籽粒高分子量谷蛋白亚基的遗传表现

    Genetic Presentation of High Molecular Weight Gluten Subunits in F_1 Seeds of Common Wheat

  12. (普通小麦/长穗偃麦草)F1小孢子发生和雄配子体发育的细胞学特点

    Cytological characteristic on Microsporogenesis and male gametophyte development of ( t.aestivum/e.elongata ) f 1

  13. 外源RNA导入普通小麦的初步研究

    Preliminary Study on Introduction of Exogenous RNA into Wheat

  14. 普通小麦T型与V型不育系花粉发育过程中苹果酸脱氢酶的变异

    Variation in malate dehydrogenase isozyme in T and V type Male-sterile Wheat during pollen development

  15. 我国普通小麦醇溶蛋白PAGE图谱与小麦品种、品质的关系

    The Relationship between PAGE Atlas of Alcoholsoluble Protein in Common Wheat of our Country and Its Species and Qualities

  16. 普通小麦K、V型雄性不育系的恢复度和育性分离差异

    Difference of Restoration Degree And Fertility Separation Between K-type And V-type Male Sterile Lines in wheat

  17. 结果表明,粗厚山羊草细胞质小麦核代换系SOD,CAT活性均低于其核供体普通小麦,二者变化趋势一致;

    The results showed that SOD and CAT activities of nuclear substitutional lines in Ae .

  18. 导入燕麦DNA的普通小麦HMW-GS及品质性状分析

    Analysis on HMW-GS and Quality Properties of Wheat with Oat DNA

  19. 普通小麦与野生二粒小麦A、B基因组的遗传进化关系的SSR分析

    Analysis on genetic evolution relation of A , B genomes between Triticum aestivum and T.dicoccoides by SSR

  20. 普通小麦染色体GiemsaN-带及其B组染色体来源

    Chromosome Giemsa N-banding and the Origin of the B Genome in Common Wheat

  21. 普通小麦T型、V型和K型细胞质雄性不育系花粉败育机理的细胞学研究

    Cytological Studies on Pollen Abortion Mechanisms of Cytoplasmic Male Sterile Line of T , V and K Types in Wheat

  22. 三种山羊草细胞质对普通小麦F1代株高和旗叶面积的效应

    Genetic Effects of Three Types of Aegilops Cytoplasm on the F_1 Plant Height and Flag Leaf Area of T.aestivum

  23. 应用SSR检测导入普通小麦的野生二粒小麦遗传物质

    Detection of Triticum dicoccoides chromation transferred to common wheat by SSR markers

  24. 普通小麦品质性状遗传与QTL分析

    Genetic Analysis and QTL Mapping of Quality Traits in Common Wheat

  25. 普通小麦籽粒黄色素含量的QTL分析

    QTL Mapping for Kernel Yellow Pigment Content in Common Wheat

  26. 人工合成六倍体小麦与普通小麦杂交后代衍生群体的PPO基因分析

    Genetic Detection of PPO Gene in Synthetic Hexaploid Wheat - Derived Populations

  27. 普通小麦rDNA的ITS区分析及其基因组起源

    ITS Region of rDNA in Common Wheat and Its Genome Origins

  28. 低温预处理对中间偃麦草×普通小麦F1幼穗愈伤组织诱导和继代培养的影响

    The effects of cold pretreatment in initiation and maintenance of young spike calli of ( elytrigia intermedia × triticum aestivum ) f_1

  29. 上述结果显示将燕麦DNA导入普通小麦,有助于小麦综合性状的改善,丰富小麦育种材料。

    According to the above results , the agronomic characters of wheat can be improved by introducing DNA of oat , which provided abundant materials for wheat breeding .

  30. 普通小麦DH群体赤霉病抗性遗传研究及QTL检测和效应分析

    Genetics Study and Analysis of QTLs for Fusarium Head Blight Resistance in Wheat DH Populations