
  1. 而且现行《公司法》中规定的公司清算程序只是一种理想状态下的普通清算程序,而实践中恰恰又大量存在普通清算程序无法进行时如何清算的问题。

    And the company liquidation procedures provided in the existing Company Law is only a general liquidation procedure in ideal state . But in practice , definitely there are lots of problems that the general liquidation can not liquidate normally .

  2. 在进行首次公开募股后,所有的优先股都会变成普通股,清算优先权也就消失了。

    In the event of an IPO , all preferred stock becomes common stock , and the preference stack goes away .

  3. 普通股股东在清算优先权名单上位于底部。

    The common stockholders is at the bottom of the liquidation priority list .